i watched the first couple eps of that and loved it but got caught up in other things. tell me its wonderful and that i should go back to it
i didnt know they had games and thats no fun rip blockbuster[DOUBLEPOST=1466694876][/DOUBLEPOST] does anyone even do that
is it even possible to rent games anymore? i mean there are demos but
i did! i looked all over and cant find anything about it. also pics: Spoiler heres the thing i dont know what to connect to if anything View attachment 44772 is this the right cable for the gpu? View attachment 44773 it fit so im assuming it is. i cant get the gpu to go back any more than this so i cant put the screws on??? View attachment 44774 is this as far as the usb 3 goes? i couldnt tell and is that the right place to plug the hdd in? View attachment 44775 or here? i guess it doesnt matter since theyre all the same, right? View attachment 44776 and here's everything overall if anyone sees any glaring problems. still kind of a mess View attachment 44777 i can take better pics this afternoon if theyre not clear enough
@Hayabusa @Misty yeah i mean i think i got everything installed correctly. gonna finish (hopefully) tomorrow. the last thing i did today was plug everything in which was actually much more frustrating than anything else. specifically finding the right cables for the hard drive. my plan is to kinda just turn it on tomorrow and see whats not making noise. i dont at all expect it to work out right the first time but i mean w/e i guess. there was one front panel cable that i could not at all find to go to anything and it didnt have a label. i may post pics tomorrow bc i just cleaned everything up and omg did i make a mess. rule #1 should have been stay organized not install io shield or whatever the heck btw ps4 looks soo nice on the monitor. i didnt think 1080p would make much of a difference but man does it. it may also have a lot to do with like contrast and color balance and stuff tho bc i just realized my tv looks like excrement.
my friend just invited me to a con this saturday because hes seeing the "original red ranger" ummmmmmmmm no thanks.
putting the cpu in wtf am i doing edit: i feel like my life can be accurately conveyed through a series of nichijou gifs [DOUBLEPOST=1466639753][/DOUBLEPOST] um yes how to build a pc? the instructions amount to: step 1. ? step 2. do the thing i think i got it but oh jeez is it frightening.
Spoiler View attachment 44771 new monitor is nice as heck. 13 inch laptop to 21 inch monitor is quite the change. my eyes. now to try and put the pc together. hope i dont **** up spectacularly.
arent sonic games really bad tho
nah for real this was a big deal to me as a kid
everybody loves raymond ed 16 which covered the dark mothers day arc. ed 28 is good too but this ones just the best.
everybody loves raymond op 37 from the legendary holy cannoli tournament arc. truly a classic. tho no internet video exists bc of those dang copyright laws.
g reco is anime punk rock in the most unusual ways. instead of angry and aggressive and progressive to prove a point about whats wrong with the present, its relaxed and colorful and nostalgic to prove a point about whats wrong with the present. and tomino is lydon in the most unfortunate ways. an ******* who seems to hate eveyone and everything about current everything and takes pleasure in ****ing with people and doesnt care if people hate him in return. and i love everything about that.
im never deleting x bc i think i saw that backing up savedata is tied to a facebook account and fuuuuuck that. id look into making sure youd have access to your progress before you delete it if you got that much time out of it.
ikr its 73 here how am i supposed to deal with that. jeez summer is brutal
View attachment 44762
came home to an empty house and an excited/hungry cat and ate some leftover chinese and some oreos and wine. this is the moment when i realize what my life is going to be for the next 40 years. gotta say i kinda love it.
thank god that bs in bbs about command style's will be optional in kh3. id rather they not be there at all but still thats great to hear. what he said about magic is exactly what i said should happen glad to know nomura listens to me "kh3 is overwhelmingly big" i smiled. cant wait.
i cant handle this snark rn brb killing myself