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  1. 61
    yeah theyre kinda awful
    Post by: 61, Jun 26, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. 61
  3. 61
    i still havent really listened to that one yet
    Profile Post Comment by 61, Jun 26, 2016
  4. 61
    Profile Post Comment

    You like?

    You like?
    Profile Post Comment by 61, Jun 26, 2016
  5. 61
    Profile Post

    you heard new thrice?

    you heard new thrice?
    Profile Post by 61 for Hayabusa, Jun 26, 2016
  6. 61
    random access memories is so good but its an acquired taste that im still trying to acquire. right now i dont feel like i have anything more than an appreciation for it. listening to it is an interesting experience.
    Post by: 61, Jun 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. 61
    i read the first 10 chapters or so a long time ago and really didnt like it
    Post by: 61, Jun 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. 61
    right i thought the same thing about kira. i very distinctly remember (hope its there when i go back and rewatch) a scene where he's screaming at people saying how people keep depending on him because he's a coordinator and he's just trying to keep them alive but hes not all-powerful. i love the idea of the coordinator. making the show about fictional racism except its not race its genetics and that is directly tied to the separation between the people in space and the people on earth is just genius. but yeah, making him the super coordinator was pretty stupid. its that typical thing of the main character is the most important person to ever exist except you didnt know that until the end. i hope when i go back and watch it it makes more sense than i remember. destiny took that coordination thing a step further from altering genetics to completely pre-determining what a person will be in life and for that i appreciate it. i dont remember destiny as well but i do remember liking it.
    also a+ to seed for having scenes where its just kira sitting in the cockpit tuning the strike and rewriting/editing the os (gundams have a ****ing os that needs adjusting based on the type of pilot. thats the best thing ever i love it) and its all dirty and stuff bc people bring him food and he doesnt clean. like this kid is way overworked and he doesnt even really care about the war he's just trying to keep the ship from sinking so he spends all his time in there and he's all stressed out. thats some top tier attention to detail you dont normally see in this kind of show. not that seed's hard science fiction or anything but it tries its best.

    but yeah from my understanding the west doesnt like seed all that much yet those japanse people love their kira yamato.

    i need to go back and rewatch these. i always talk them up and say how the criticism thrown at them is not entirely deserved but for all i know they could be awful. there are ideas and images and basic plot points i like but im very fuzzy on how it all comes together
    Post by: 61, Jun 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. 61
    ok well yeah i only watched two or three episodes har. it does. makes me cry bc i think people judge it for the drama and dont look at the interesting sci fi things it has going on. plus i dont think the drama is bad at all i think its kinda good and realistic for a group of kids. ALTHOUGH im making these statements based on memories of a show i watched like 10 years ago now. wow. 10 years.
    Post by: 61, Jun 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. 61
    if you like it you should watch gundam seed. idk if youll like that and i know im the guy who wont stop talking about gundam but the reason i rec that is bc not only does it have some of the same staff (i believe, not sure how much tho) but infinite struck me as that minus the gundams. like teen drama in space on a cramped spaceship.
    Post by: 61, Jun 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. 61
    kingdom hearts is actually darkness you would know that if you played the games

    dont worry you played the good ones
    Post by: 61, Jun 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. 61
    so it turns out one punch man is actually kinda good

    i went to the book store during lunch to waste time and saw a opm book and picked it up like pffft lemme laugh at this and the people who read it but as i was flipping through it i was like


    well hold on now

    and then i went back to work and started reading it on mangareader and yeah its kinda good.
    Post by: 61, Jun 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. 61
    do you understand what tongue in cheek means
    Post by: 61, Jun 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. 61
    spam zone used to be about glorious nothing now its about bar experiences because we're all old and sad
    Post by: 61, Jun 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. 61
    yeah. im not in any hurry to get this done bc i cant really use it until i get a desk for it and i cant do that until i get paid. prob just gonna ask all around online tomorrow while im at work. to me it looks like theres nothing i can do and its just a size issue with the mb/case.
    Post by: 61, Jun 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. 61
    i did take it out so i can see easier. the real issue seems to be that the mb is sitting just slightly too far off which is throwing the gpu off as well
    Post by: 61, Jun 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. 61
    havent turned it on yet actuall. been looking at the mb closely to make sure its in right. thiking about just taking it out and trying to putting it in again. not too keen on taking it alll apart but if its to see if this can be fixed that easily i might do it. and putting it all together again shouldnt bee hard at all
    Post by: 61, Jun 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. 61
    but how? everything lines up correctly as far as i can tell. the raisers to screw in the motherboard all lined up correctly when i put it in so im not sure where i could have gone wrong
    Post by: 61, Jun 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. 61
    @Misty @Hayabusa

    ok so i found online where someone said that extra cable was for a fan but they didnt say which fan and wher to connect it. is it for an extra fan, not the pre-installed case fan?

    and for the gpu, i cannot hold it up or push it in such a way that allows enuogh clearnace for screws. and i noticed that the motherboardis not directly up against the back. theres a small gap between the ports and the shield which would also affect how much space is available for the gpu screws since the whole board is screwed into place. not sure what can be done about that. not sure if i did something wrong bc idk how you mess up aligning the holes with the screws. also im pretty sure even if i could screw it in, it wouldnt matter bc its mounted upside down and the little brackets that would fall on the screws are upside down so they wouldnt hold. it would just fall.

    gonna go ahead and try and turn it on now. been putting it off bc it had been storming outside and i dont want any electrical worries[/spoiler]
    Post by: 61, Jun 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. 61
    remember post-op depression is a real thing. i see it affect people and its no joke. take care of yourself
    Post by: 61, Jun 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone