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someone suggested that i use msi windows 7 smart tool to create a bootable usb but when i try to do that it says it should take 15 minutes but it gets stuck on "creating" whatever forever. im just gonna let it run tonight. prob wont work but i really dont know what else to do. i asked around on pcpp and the help i get there ranges from kinda helpful to not at all bc its like they dont even read the details of my question they just see the title and copy paste standard responses. christ this is so ****ing fustrating. it seems like it should be easy. everywhere ive read makes it sound like a two step process but i cant even get past step 1 bc ???
and could swear its 2012 thats great
oh yeah lots of people have been saying this for a while. i just think th numbers themselves are interesting by comparison. drunk you is still more intelligable than anything ive ever said ever
isnt that the thing that makes hamburgers taste good
one piece film z came out at the end of 2012 and the next film, gold, is set to come out in july. man of steel came out mid 2013 and its sequel is already in stores, and by the time the killing joke movie is in stores this month there will have been 11 dc animated movies since 5/13. since 12/12 we've had 7 marvel movies and 8 seasons of television, and by the end of next year those numbers will be, as of right now, 11 and 10. i think its time to chill the heck out before we burn the heck out.
not quite sure what you mean/where in the bios that is. but when i turn the bc on after the mobo screen it goes straight into the windows install screen so idk maybe youre thinking the wrong thing or im not getting it Spoiler View attachment 44805
pc stuff: ill prob come back give more details tomorrow if need be but i wanted to put this out tonight but im ao gd tired. i put w7 on a usb and when i try to install it says insert dvd w/ drivers so i go to website and dl drivers and put them on another usb and put that in and nothing happens. what to do?
too good for khv huh?
i remember the first time i head about youtube 10 year ago. i was at a friends house on the phone with another friend who was telling me about this website called "youtwo" that i had to go to because it had episodes of naruto on it. ah, what a time. now everything sucks.
im at 2 and have no plans to add any to that. ive always been more interested in going back and buying older stuff than staying up to date.
i will when i move whenever. no space in my room at my parents house
i really want to buy a perfect grade (strike freedom or zeta but prob strike freedom) bc i can afford it right now but as i was finishing up my second zeta 2.0 today my cat (who likes to destroy my things and who i had my hawk like eyes on as i was gunplaing) grabbed the v fin off of the head. i went planet of the apes on her got it back before any damage could be done but ho boy what a close call. for a pg space would require it be on one of my lower shelves. and since her preferred method for waking me up is knocking over things i aint about to spend 200 just for her to break it. maybe if i could find somewhere else to put it.
even when i do push it in all the way it pops out on the ends a little bit bc of the curve and when its not in at all you can feel a curve in the panel. but anyway i went ahead and turned it on and everything seems to be working correctly. the only problem is that theres a little gap between the sheild and the ports and i cant screw in the gpu without it going in at an angle and probably ruining the screw. havent done anything other than turn it on to see if the fans running tho. kinda waiting to get a final word on this before i try and install things. but unless a gap behind the shield and not being able to screw in the gpu correctly are major major problems im gonna kinda ignore them i guess. since im not sure what i can do.
so i took everything out of the pc and still could not get the mb closer to the shield. i did notice this. theres a slight curve to the back of the case as if its warped. could that be the problem? and heres a better pic of the gap Spoiler View attachment 44800
mafia day one is like first day of school everyone talks a lot even though they have nothing to say and you try to find out asap who to avoid
ive been watching the godfather movies recently so uh yeah im in