i get that pokemon getting closer to real life is a cool thing to people but to me this game just has the illusion of that rather than being that. its kinda like the uncanny valley in a way. pmon video games are more immersive than this even though this is closer to "irl" pokemon. at least to me. that might stem from my bias towards mobile games, or my lack of interest in pokemon spin-offs, or my lack of interest in innovation, or my lack of interest in virtual reality and vr type things. idk whatever its not for me play it if you want idgaf
i want no part of pokemon go
i wouldnt mind one but it better suit me exactly or else ill give you hell about pointless change
boy i havent read fma idk what that means
i thought this said fuhrer lol
digimon feel more real to me than pokemon. theyre digital monsters so when im playing a video game its easier to make that connection. and at first i didnt like how there was so much diversity compared to pokemon which has somewhat of a universal aesthetic... kinda... but now i kinda like it bc again it makes them feel more real. that pokemon aesthetic kinda locks them into something like animals but digimon dont have that. not saying i like digimon more than pokemon, though just in terms of design id say there are a ton digimon i like the look of more than any pokemon. bottom line it, theres nothing of value for me there and i was only ever on it because of peer pressure
i deleted my facebook because i got tired of seeing bullshit like pictures of snow and videos about how marbles are made and because it turns out cheeky internet gremlin persona doesnt go over well when your friends are complaining about things like their "job" and "education" but all i have to say is that im too pop punk for this stupid town
youre canadian?
i ask bc ive never watched but always have been interested since fox kids was a thing and now i hear ppl talking them up like theyre actually really good. not like serious intellectual and challenging good but quality for what they are. y
like great for a kids show or great regardless of the age its forc
are the digimon cartoons good? i hear them talked about with better regard than i would expect for a kids cartoon like that. kinda wanna watch tamers since it so happened that my main 3 in cyber sleuth happened to be the main 3 from that show. o ya i still have pokemon to give you if you want them. and i still havent added u i dont think lmk when you want free pokemon/what you want
wrote a peom for creative writing called fight me m8 so ya ill wreck the heck outta any of yall
captain america: french revolution
prob the new one
ive p much been living off of steam bag vegetables. the ones with carrots and broccoli and cauliflower is tasty af cheap too
how to raise specific stats in cyber sleuth? so far ive just been leveling up more when its just short of the requirement, but for like lilithmon where im gonna be a lot short when im at the level requirement id like to not spend stupid amounts of time grinding if theres a way @Iskandar i know you play this
the godfather part i and ii and i guess iii gundam reconguista, zeta leon the professional every planet of the apes movie whiplash
aint no trend here