Thats kinda cool. It will probably be gamestop preorder when it comes here.
Really? Its usually 50/50 for me. Its really annoying cause I dont know what page to go to that doesnt have that banner ad
Lets see what it is, shall we? Spoiler ...Sigh View attachment 34080
Spoiler View attachment 34075
Yukiko.... hi there... -blush- Have we met before?
I use a microfiber cloth, it works most of the time. And if it ever fails, wash with water, and whipe the water off with a completely non texture non bumpy smooth paper towel.
I remember when I was like this Spoiler Then I learned what a waifu is
who ?
I knew one of them was Riku. It looked like the coolest thing ever. To think we would relive that battle in KH Days. Too bad it wasn't nearly as cool with DS graphics and no rain.
What actually is the Zelda Hyrule Historia Book? It tells the connection between all the games or something?
I've gotten my blood taken twice before and I still don't know my blood type and I really want to know. My Mom has the RARE TYPE O NEGATIVE ZERO blood type, it would be cool if I had that kind.
A Sofa, oh wait, huehuehue
I just looked at the picture a 100 times and really have no idea how you found that out
.........How do you know I ordered that
Why does the quality check always take the longest
View attachment 33747 Spoiler View attachment 33746
Looks fun, Im going to go pick it up soon
This overrides every game mentioned in this thread, day 1 buy