I used to be invisible all the time but then I realized theres no point. Its not like I don't want somebody to see Im online.
Dat Larxene. Its wonderful I can see her in HD, I never actually played RE:COM, so this will be great.
Yeah looked awesome. I love how they said booting up the system will be a thing of past, like how the PSP is. I would seriously love that.
I dont have a foot fetish so no
I hope they end up changing the dpad back to the original one. Thats the same dpad for the Vita right? I don't like that one as much. Its too easy to click all directions at once, and you can't light tap it like the other dpad. Also for analog sticks, the circles would add a pointless texture that would lead to fingers slipping off when using it, and make light movements irritating. The touch panel seems pointless to me, what can they do that hasn't been done already on the DS? Controller aside, I am excited for the real system. Just hope the improvements will be made.
About time! Its a bit more affordable now, but still those PS Vita Memory Cards are ridiculous.
Seriously? Perfect time to stock up. My PSP and PS2 collections have the smallest amount of games for me.
At this point I'd be fine if it was the HD version having just widescreen and add trophies. Any improvements will be a bonus. I just want to replay the game on my monitor instead of my huge SD TV. I hope they have FFX-2 added aswell since I never played it, but I know thats pretty unlikely.
good .
"Don't join Gaiaonline.com" Im actually not kidding I wish I never went to that site.
Just pretend to be a girl. Wig+Dress+Voice Therapy. By the time you 2 have sex and she finds out your a guy, she will already be too inlove
That is some quality animation
I literally notice no difference from now and when I was on how many years ago
I bet. I only have Plats for: Tekken 6, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Playstation All Stars Battle Royale. Earning them definitely live up to their name...
Its working now though
Sorry I didnt get on last night. My Wii has a problem reading my SSBB disk even though the disk looks perfectly fine to me. Name: Smoke...
...For FF13? Wow. I must congratulate you.
I do, I need to get my codes though. And I havent played in a long time, I usually play All Stars. But Ill try
Well I wore my red jacket and a red shirt
Me too. Ironically my parents were also in a huge fight at the same time... Me and Hero could of comforted each other with some Brawling T_T