There are definitely people that have no love in them
You just havent found the right girl yet View attachment 35094
life is all about perciation so if you think abut it we all percive thing diferently and normal is just a man made term so she could exist in your mind
This will work tummer: yo lady lady: Oh hi! tummr: your father must of been a baker lady: huh? tummer: cuz u got nice buns lady: oh my -blush- tummer: prom? lady: Spoiler no
I watched a documentary on her and her vlogs so I think I got a good idea of what kind of person she is. Shes perfect seriously I cannot resist her. Spoiler View attachment 35090
This was a total rip of my thread
Thaaaaanks haha
I have literally never seen a more perfect girl in all my days... I messaged her on Facebook but she hasnt replied yet ;_; Oh Beckii Spoiler View attachment 35084 View attachment 35085 View attachment 35086 View attachment 35087
Awesome. I love this show. Though the game will probably cost too much to import. Spoiler View attachment 35073
what are coders
I always thought the show was meh but it was ruined for me by the fanbase
I heard a good way of spicing up FF7, naming everything Sephiroth. Everything.
The first one that comes to mind is Of Mice and Men. I know its a classic blah blah but it really was not my cup of tea. And I hated the way they talked in the book.
Im definitely interested in this. I never played the PC version, and I could use an online game for my PS3. I hope it turns out well! Can't wait to see how they will make it all work.
I always thought they were cute ;-;
I dont talk a lot in school, which Im always at during the week. So not a lot. I'm very passive and want everything to be super simple when Im in school.
Mainstream Pop Music doesn't annoy me anymore because I don't ever hear it anymore. I don't know why. I'm never by a radio, never watch TV, I never hear it anymore. Its a better world I'm living in.
This is what happened to my DSi, one day I opened it and more then half of the top screen, all dead pixels. Same thing happened to my PSP 1000 model too... I take perfect care... :|