Versus 13's release date has outlived the PS3 generation. Let that sink in for a second.
Okay maybe not a downgrade. I mean the detail would be improved. I guess it would just not be worth it for me personally. If it did come out I wonder how they would go about it. Probably a Final Mix version that came in Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Final Mix Japan Only
I loved every second of being sat on
Laptop monitor destroys the point of it. Lowered quality on here lol
She actually is famous in Japan. And a bit E-Famous outside of it. Your... just JEALOUS OF HER TALENT AND FAME T_T
I hope these are indeed the games included, I have never played Re:Coded. The 3DS is already worth getting so I will be getting DDD aswell. The only way I can care for DDD coming into HD is if it can be played in 3D aswell. Otherwise its kind of a downgrade even its HD
You can't stalk famous people heuheuheu
Now your just picking hairs
I KNOW isnt she perfect!? Im dying
That sounds pretty fun to me
Play with your friends then that are waking you up
Draw a picture of something
Is this real ? Sofa&l=en I am no low tier sofa, quality comes at a price.
Katawa Shoujo, Bioshock 2, and Bayonetta. Liking them all but Katawa Shoujo sucks the must time from me
There is way too much stuff to do, watch, play, and experience to be bored for a second in life
Wow I'm surprised how many people just kind of stood there. I'd shout and shove the murderer off and pull the guy behind me. Surprised not more of them did that.
Have a drink lad View attachment 35171
View attachment 35169