occ-ok Yeah,axel said.Just talking,you know...
Axel ported outside of the bar and saw Marly.Hey,flower-boy,he said.Looking for smt?
Ok,axel said smiling
So,how are we gonna name the kid?axel asked
Hm...I dunno...axel said.Anything as long as it'll be as beautiful as you*smiles*
Ok,axel said and hugged her.I won't leave you alone,I promise...
I can't remember...axel said.Heh,sorry if I was teasing ya
Really?axel asked raising his eyebrow.You did?
Thanks,axel said smiling.Sooo...larxene...Can you tell me what you were talking about last time?Smt about beating me I think...
Thanks,axel whispered smiling
See ya later...axel said and ported to the beach
I understand,axel said.But please roxas,come for me.We used to be best friends,you know...
It's ok,axel said.I just need to stay alone for a while...
Ok,axel said.So...why you aint coming with us?
We were...axel sighed
You're not gonna give you old pal a hug?axel asked smiling and hugged roxas
Right...axel said and ran after roxas.Hey,wait!
What then?axel asked
If you say so...axel said.But he just won't listen!I gotta try harder...
Larxene I dunno if this is right,axel said.Should we make him follow us?He doesn't seem like he really wants to...