Dunno,axel said.Go to your old room or smt
I've no freakin' idea...axel said looking around
No,it's not that...axel said and took his drink
Fine,I guess...axel said
Well,what did you expect?axel asked
Yeah,smt like that...axel said
occ-It's ok,I don't mind I don't care,axel said.Hey,there
Axel followed roxas
occ-nothing much - they're just at the bar bic-Um...I dunno,axel said.You choose
Axel opened a portal.Go,he said
Oh,ok...axel said.Um...I think we should leave...
Axel sat next to Roxas.I must not get totally drunk...he thought.At least not in front of larxene
Oh...axel said.At least he had a normal life...Even if it didn't last long...
Axel followed them
Heh,thanks,axel said and smiled slightly
Um...not for me...axel said.I get drunk quite easily,you know...
Axel sighed.I don't wanna make him to come but...It's not on me Roxas...he said
Relax,axel said.He'll understand.I hope or else...
I guess we'll never find out,axel said smiling.At least you won't
What do you want?axel asked.And I bet Sora'd be happy to see me.Can't say the same for larxene though...