Axel stopped kissing her and looked her right into the eyes.Do you still love me?he asked
Axel looked down for a moment then kissed larxene on lips
Huh?!axel said and wiped his tears
Axel continued hugging larxene.I was such a fool...he thought and a tear fell from his eye.I don't deserve to be with her after what I did
No problem,axel said and hugged her back.Anytime
I won't let him hurt any of you,axel said holding her hand.I promise.I'm the only one that can hit water-boy after all*laughs*
Oh...axel said looking down.Um...well...don't worry about him...I bet he's gonna be fine...At least last time I saw him he only had some scars from our last fight...
Axel looked closer at larxene.You're crying?he asked.Why?
Axel spotted larxene and ported next to her.Hey there,he said
Whatever,axel said and looked at the sea
Sure,what is it?axel asked
occ-ok,bye So what now?axel asked
Ok,axel said and headed to the beach
Wanna go for a walk or smt?axel asked.We can't just sit here doing nothing,you know...
This is as boring as ever!axel said.I can't take it anymore!It wasn't that boring when I wanted to die!But I think I'm gonna die from boredom...Hiya
Where are the others?axel asked
Axel saw roxas and went to him.I'm so bored...he said
I'm going to my room,axel said and ported to his room occ-g2g,bb
See ya later,axel said and ported to his room
Axell drank his drink