<_< >_> *poof*
http://fav.me/d2ajmt0 This picture... Awesome... <3 I thought it was too rare to just walk straight past.
404'd on the URL D= Switch to PM :P
I know this thread is incredibly old, but I'd like to join :3 Here's a few of my favourites. 1 2 3 4
This is the result of my most recent photo spree. Some taken from college, a few others taken from the garden :3 ... I wish I had the grades to get into the photography course at college D= Random Pond Plant The Light Yummy Yellow Rose Purple 'n' Green Flowery Crap Treeness Mossy Floor With Some Wall Rainbow Flowers Sluggy (Photo was taken after my nephew poked the crap out of him with a pointy stick D=) Spidey
Sorry, but I'm gonna have to refuse this one. I honestly can't do a single thing with this render...
Avvy: 10/10 Sig: ---
At least you have some sense :3
Thank god, my internet is back online :D I've put you three in the queue, I'll PM you when I'm done :) Shadow_Rocks HTML: [IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/2hrpoue.jpg[/IMG]
:/8D: :B|: and :/gasp: have been upgraded :3
This color rocks :3
Sorry for the delay Tikem. Been kinda busy lately with college :3 Tried for both styles, and made 2 versions for you, one with the white behind the Judge and the other without. :3 HTML: [IMG]http://i35.tinypic.com/2e0nrkj.jpg[/IMG] With white stuff. [IMG]http://i35.tinypic.com/20uvknr.jpg[/IMG] Without white stuff.
[IMG]http://i35.tinypic.com/2e0nrkj.jpg[/IMG] With white stuff. [IMG]http://i35.tinypic.com/20uvknr.jpg[/IMG] Without white stuff.
I believe ::L: is whitey too... here's a neater version with transparent background so it can work on both skins :3 Here's a lolface with transparent bg ... Thankfully I made these months in advance in case something like this happened XD
Avvy: 9.9/10 Sig: 5/10
Woo! New avvy :D