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  1. Shade Tail
    Avvy: 7/10
    Sig: 8/10
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  2. Shade Tail
    Goodnight~ :3
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Shade Tail
    What's goin on in here? [​IMG]
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Shade Tail
    Because piggy had to go to hell to visit it's grandparents.

    Why isn't the sky purple?
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Shade Tail
    It's not rain, it's toxic waste :3

    Why is my chocolate melting?
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Shade Tail
    No, I want to catapult it into the heart of the sun.

    Why was I asleep?
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Shade Tail
    I'm too old to know a band from the 90's... :/
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Shade Tail
    Because there was a sign saying 'Free Candy ->' next to it

    Why is my tea cold?
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Shade Tail
    Avvy: 8/10 Nazi Zombies kicks ass
    Sig: 5/10
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 21, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  10. Shade Tail
    Welcome to the family XD
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 21, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Shade Tail
    Profile Post

    ... *facepalm*

    ... *facepalm*
    Profile Post by Shade Tail for Korra, Oct 21, 2009
  12. Shade Tail
    Cos Spongebob Squarepants is better than that.

    Why is there mustard in my custard?
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 21, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shade Tail
  14. Shade Tail
    Profile Post

    Bleh D=

    Bleh D=
    Profile Post by Shade Tail for BlazBlue Calamity, Oct 20, 2009
  15. Shade Tail
    Shade Tail's Poetry Corner

    Welcome to my Poetry Corner... The place where... Things happen... I guess... XD

    I actually surprised myself, cos normally I suck at poetry... Haikus are far easier than trying to find words that rhyme :3

    I've added small bits of commentary in the spoilers below each haiku
    * indicates a new haiku
    I will post this now
    Creativity Corner
    Do you accept me?
    Was made just before I posted this thread :3

    I crushed a raisin
    It was squished beneath my feet
    Rainbow socks with goo
    This was what started it all off :P I wanted a way to kill time.
    That poor raisin... My poor socks... XD

    I liked that pink plant
    I photographed it up close
    Such a nice picture
    This is related to my recent photo sprees.

    My beautiful shoes
    They were once a vibrant blue
    Now they are yucky
    My blue shoes have been trashed XD

    Three haikus today
    This will be my fourth haiku
    What will my fifth be?
    Kinda obvious, so I did this as a filler while I thought of my next one

    I collected caps
    Not baseball caps however
    Only bottlecaps
    This was an old hobby of mine... I think I collected about 250 bottlecaps.

    Dan Shive's shoulder hurts
    He should have stretched it before
    Now it's off to jail
    I was tempted to do this after reading Dan Shive's last tweet

    Twitter's being bad
    I didn't want to do that
    The reply counts now
    I posted the 6th haiku on Twitter, but it didn't count as a reply to Dan Shive, so I made this as a small rage-dump :P

    I'm talking to Xaale
    There's nobody else online
    They left me alone
    Xaale was the only interesting person to talk to at the time of writing this one :3

    Whoops, I just cheated. My bad.
    Long words suck so much
    I was attempting to make a haiku for the top of the thread, but failed when I realised that 'creativity' is 5 syllables :P

    Fishing trip Friday
    My father will be scattered
    I miss him so much
    This is very special to me, as my dad's ashes are being scattered at his favorite lake this Friday (23rd October). I'm going on an overnight fishing trip with my brothers :3

    Drawing stags in art
    Trying to give it detail
    I'm almost finished
    This was written when I was supposed to be drawing :P

    You stupid printer!
    "Out of paper" it tells me.
    The drawer is full! See?
    Inspired by my tutor getting pissed at the printer at college

    Please lesson... Please end...
    End now so I can go home...
    Half an hour left...
    I was dying of boredom at the end of the day

    God damn it Photoshop!
    I nearly finished that sig!
    Forced to start again...
    Photoshop crashed when I was about to save...

    Want to make comics
    I can't think of a story
    Or a name for it...
    My desire to make comics is postponed until I can think of something

    Coca-Cola sucks
    Dr. Pepper always wins
    Pepsi sucks aswell
    My friend wanted me to come up with one on the spot, and here it is :D

    Eww, my spoon's crusty
    Eating with that is not nice
    Bring me a clean one!
    ... Seriously, who wants to eat anything with a spoon that wasn't washed properly?

    Haikus are best read
    When you have nothing to do
    But stay in your bed
    In an attempt to make a rhyming haiku, I succeeded :'D


    Hugging on the phone,
    I just want this love to work!
    Please, just hold me closer,
    Don't leave me sitting in the dark!

    I want you here beside me,
    So we can kiss and chat.
    But how's this gonna work,
    If you just treat me like that?!

    These tears just wont stop falling,
    And the pills wont dull the pain.
    I'm gonna end my life now,
    Do you think this is a game?!

    The warmth you brought my heart is gone,
    'Cos now its turned to stone.
    With this icy cold complexion,
    I was born to be alone!

    Hugging on the phone,
    I just want this love to work!
    You refused to hold me closer,
    You left me sitting in the dark!

    You weren't there beside me,
    So we could kiss and chat.
    This just isn't gonna work,
    Because you treat me like that!

    Your angelic gazes,
    Now met with bloodshot eyes.
    When you hear of my departure,
    Don't dare to act surprised.

    You used to hug me closer,
    Now you nudge me out the way.
    You'd much prefer the covers,
    I just question why I stay.

    I can see it happen now...
    My heart shall turn to dust...
    What happened to the passion?
    What happened to the lust?

    I don't give a damn now,
    My end is drawing near.
    This might just make you happy,
    You might just shed a tear.

    The knife now closer to my wrist,
    and you don't give a s**t!
    So f**k you! I can't keep this up!
    It's over now! I QUIT!
    Thread by: Shade Tail, Oct 19, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Shade Tail
    YES THERE IS!!!! Waaaah~
    Profile Post by Shade Tail for BlazBlue Calamity, Oct 19, 2009
  17. Shade Tail
    Profile Post

    .... Penis

    .... Penis
    Profile Post by Shade Tail for BlazBlue Calamity, Oct 19, 2009
  18. Shade Tail
  19. Shade Tail
  20. Shade Tail
    Because I remember playing it from my childhood :3

    Why do you have a knife?
    Post by: Shade Tail, Oct 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone