:lolface: Yes, I have returned. Half Life 2 My car glitched and catapulted me out of the map.
Hai der :3
Post how your latest video-gaming death happened. Make sure it at least seems slightly interesting. Half Life 2 Had my car pushed off the side of a cliff by a Roller-Mine.
*kicks a tumbleweed*
Has a Twilight sig....
Kids With Guns - Gorillaz
Spoiler I'm using the Royale Noir theme :3
3 You read through the scruffy handwriting as you go back inside the house. "Mee wurst troll evur nobuddy pay brijj tole me nott sceary enuf mee gett drunc an kil sellf" You throw the letter in the bin, not caring about the troll and you sit down to your PC. 1: Check your email 2: Listen to music 3: Browse the interwebs
3 As you stand there wielding a blood stained baseball bat, you ask the little girl at your door if she would like to come in. She notices the blood stains on your bat, and flees in terror. "Heh... Stupid kids." You turn to go back inside, and you notice a letter for you on the floor. 1: Open it and read it 2: Ignore it, it's probably junk mail. 3: Stomp on it
Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? Well now you can write your own :D The user below is simply given 3 choices of what to do, and they then have to continue the story based on that choice. The adventure will end when the thread reaches 5000. Please try to write something when continuing . This is supposed to be a story after all :3 If 2 people respond to the same thing, the next poster has to continue from the last poster. Example: As you sit at the table drinking your coffee, someone knocks on your door. 1: Answer it 2: Hide in your bathtub 3: "I wasn't expecting visitors." Look for a weapon 3 You look through your cupboards and pull out a hidden drawer full of weapons 1: Grab a pistol 2: Grab a baseball bat 3: Grab a wrench The user below can carry on from the purple example. Have fun :D
You have a nice ass.
Avvy: 3/10 Sig: 6/10
Avvy: 9/10 :lolface: Sig: 4/10
Avvy: 5/10 Siggy: 5/10
Welcome to the cobweb filled hall of randomness... <_< >_> I think the badgers have all retired....
Dammit! I lost :(
Should I, or should I not resurrect this thread when it dies? 5
Two! :lolface:
:lolface: :lolface:
Fart-Darkwind :D