well nomura has hinted loads and loads in his interview about a 'next game' and he has already stated that birth by sleep will have a secret ending then the interviewer asked him about this and he goes this will be linked to the next game. so yeah pretty much what thingie said up there before and i never trust wikipedia on anything :D (except homework :P)
:O :) i cant wait. :) are you actully going to make the whole game from riku's point or are you just doing the first few bits?
Im hoping its released sometime soon but not too soon probs around feb for jap and hopefully for eu we can get it in april or march :)
Awsome :3 love it But just wondering is there any way to change back to the old skin? and i hope we get a bbs skin on the bbs release :D
my sis had kh1 so i got it then a few years back i decided to see if they had a 2cd game i found Com loved that then found kh2 got it and i loved that more than the other 2 i was instant addicted to all 3 though
Dont worry it will all be explained and think of it this way kh1 and Com were recorded in the same jounral but namine had to erase all of it for some reason so coded is probably restoring the journal back to its former kh1 self and the "bugs" just seem like the broken chain in the Com so by 'defeating' the bugs they're probably just restoring the chain of memories in turn restoring the journal but what if... Com gets restored aswell e.g. sora starts to remember everything that happend in Com, because That Actually happend. unlike namine planted fake memories. sora wouldnt remeber seeing namine on the beach but would remeber the time spent with her in Com Could also be used for evidence that sora doesnt think all of org 13 are dead. as he only faced a few of them in kh2 and with a bit of logic he would have rememberd that he only faced 6 or 7 of them in kh2 so where were the rest?
i belive we have the term wifey messed up with slavery on this thread. :\ i shall set you free slave wife.
I have one. made by me :)
hi clasher :3 if i had to give a tip it'd be dont post stupid thing's *wish i had listend to that when i joned :(*
yeah... went to pick it up and some part fell off and landed on my mothers foot.
i dont know why but i have read thsi and the first thing that springs to mind is the green giant advert. 'spending too much time in the spam zone makes you a spammer'
hmm either way :3 and by you made it to look like septhiroth do you mean his face/chest area?
well of course we care its a combination of two awsome things :3 and the way you say septhiroth gummiship you mean it looks like something related to septhiroth or has septhiroth destruction abilities?
I'd say go back to a previous mission or somewhere else in the map your on and just grind there?
Shall we test it? *with someone else :D*
I'd be happy to colour it in my photoshop if you wish *goes off to practice colouring*
Nobody name: smixlo -Weapon: a two sided red stained glass cleaver (can split in half for dual wield :) ) -Appearance: has no use of the hood of his cloak as his hair is too long :P also the back of his cloak splits into two for the space of his tail (fox tail (yellow/red tint) -Accent/Catchphrase: a slight british accent -Element: the element of Transformations :) -Nickname: The turning Wind -Personality: very casual will guard his friend's to the end
that seem's probable but then how did MX get ahold of DS
i thinks its xemnas as he floats the same way
KH- the guy who lost his heart in TT showed in game.- probably leon or tifa (tifa just owned :)