they started there own tv show about...
loved the campaign and love firefight aswell. i need classic vidmaster then i have recon :P
which gave them swine flu so sora and ...
i have dibs on some random character :3
i can imagine the death star either being a really big heartless or a massize key comes out of it and shoot's a beam that saves us all :)(or blows up earth.
Oo a real life kh! :3 who'd be the final boss though?
Whta about the UK people? we still havnt got it yet :P so that could be a reason its still in upcoming but tl probs be moved to its own section soon :D
When? may i ask? he hasnt had one in kh1 or even 2 for that matter (donald is fat ) and would sora even remember it that well anyway? *lol got me thinking if sea salt ice cream was sora's strongest memory = bad new for xion*
Worst pun ever.
Thanks im guessing my media is paying off :D And something else i just spotted Axel said to saix on day 71ish about the traitors at castle oblivion he told him he took out zexion like saix said. i thaught riku got zexion and axel took vexen out?
Ah thanks makes sense now. But... watching another cutscene of when they're on the beach in the end of kh2 where xemnas is saying roxas has been with them for 6 days. he goes on to say "so ,sleep has taken you again" is he refrencing to birth by sleep ? maybe ven fell to sleep at one point. and it could alsl be used as a refrence to the name as birth by sleep
Seems like you like to defy the laws of nature in your dreams.
on Day 15 roxas puts an entry into his diary saying "every day after work i've been meeting axel at the clock tower to have sea-salt ice cream. It really is salty! but still sweet, too how come it tastes so familiar?" what does he mean it tastes so familiar? and sora never had any sea-salt ice cream at this point had he? and im sorry if this has already been asked or im just being a noob asking a question with a simple answer.
Erhm you last edited the post at ?:15 i think i got that one :D
nah id expect kingdom hearts logo in the ring on the back and possibly somone like terra or aqua in a COM logo stance on the front to fit round the screen. id also expect the lbackground to be a darkish blue with a cloudy effect to it :3 then again thats just my idea of it.
where may i ask is the final clue i seem to be unable to find it. and thats a prety good achievment but i think the hardest is probably vidmaster deja vu achievment took me a good hour to get it lol Il add you aswell my name on xbox is also shmilo :D
everyone pronounces it diffrently and the american/europe person probably was told to say that in a script :D but the japan one is the correct version
That cat's gonna be pretty angry.
That can only mean several things the many epic games for the ps2 are now going to be epic upgraded
hmm id have to through the baby , i love my family too much to let them die. and id make sure to give the baby something to make sure it experiences the little amount of pain ever. and thats only if the baby has no living relative's and was just lying in the side of the road somehow