im on day 72 on my emulator but hope to manage to get past it when i get in the ds on friday :3
OMUG you ruined the whole game ! :P anyway i dont think itd be counted as a spoiler but if you go any further as to mention boss's then yeah thatd be a spoiler.
il guide you through it. go to fable 2 home i think... and you get the story to play through at the end you can get many things igot the funny chicken suit :3 well once you do that you enter your xbox live gamercard or live email then you go into game and open chest. ! i also have the game guide here aswell if your missing anything important il scan the page for you :D gonna get you the hal's outfit pic's Spoiler
Hmm i love the idea of it being on iphone's but i really think its unprobable the market for it is small compared to gaming consoles which coded could easily be made on if anything id belive itd have to go for nintendo or sony again. the ds could easily handle the game it has great controls . and the psp could do it easily aswell and could also make better movement with the analog stick :3
but by saying that youve already given away so much... "without going into a spoiler" = theres a really big spoiler ingame :P and loving the gameplay of aqua heres too hoping theres a battle with all 3 main people
:O rofl heres a good bbs preview
waffles with crushes chilies with cubes of cheese in the middle :3 might go have one now..
:O luvvly :3 thankies :)
Spoiler Omg :3 im guessing mine doesnt count
banned because wolf scared me making me think id get banned :(
Id think so because the ones ripped from the game are mostly of poor quality but there are a few songs in there that have really good quality i have xion's theme in a good quality on my comp id be happy to send it to you through skype just search for shmilo12340 on end or 1
this has been deemed of derailment.
banned for no reason
banned for the random rep i just gave you.
Render: Size for the signature: 300x150 Text: my screen name or something fun :D Style or Color: whatever comes too mind Signature Style: Erhm... yes? and i really love your siggy's :3
please c&c this is the first few things ive really made in photo shop elements apart from my current sig.
i didnt know where else to put this so...bear in mind im a beginer at PS ive been downloading theese c4d brushes things. so i get the file and put it in my desktop andit comes up as an ABR file (picture of a brush saying brushes underneath) and i double click the file and it opens photoshop elements 6.0 (the one i have downloaded) so then i got to my brushes and start flicking through them. i cant find them anywhere in my brushes? do they get put somewhere diffrent,do i have to do something first? and also could someone please explain the diffrent types of photoshop i see people saying Cs4 and other stuff or are they all the same?
:D im guessing my theory of a time loop didnt get put forward then :D
:D seems bbs is gonna be fun i feel ashamed i got a top from hot topic just cause it had kh on it unfortunatly it was a girls top :(