:\ i want to wonder to myself how long it is until people realise its fake. heres a fun one http://www.theonion.com/content/video/warcraft_sequel_lets_gamers_play
you pretty much just summarised it there think a themed world like the computer one in kh2 except i think this one changes to diffrent worlds for diffrent levels .
lucky, my sis decided to have a wedding party today so il be getting mine tmrw. ohwell.
Didnt utada stop making/selling rights for her songs to kingdom hearts series i think i read that somewhere but not entirely sure its ture. well anyway itd be nice if they had a new song for bbs something diffrent that could fit the new style and characters of the game :3
Actually i would purpossly do what roxas did to axel in the start of kh2. in the start of days axel is obviously the most abusive member towards roxas for example the constant refrences of "You Zombie" and other stuff towards him. other than that i love the game except for certain missions like day 72 agrabah I mean what was wrong with that mission
Nice ,hopefully soon we will have most of the other cutscenes too :)
:D evil reply came to mind there :3 and its nice they paid tribute. Evil reply: did they add it in last minuite... or was it all planned by nomura as a out of game-worlf plot line!
hey mr.mike just found the europe 358/2 days has had a really big update. http://www.kingdomheartsdays.com/ plus in europe it comes out tmrw :3
Have you ever actully recieved anything from them? anyway heres mine. Kieran1107@btinternet.com
What the heck is could doing.
dont know why but wish i had a recorded the smoke thingy i set off before :)
wait... what? which I before E rule :( oh noez... means more redrafting my coursework then :P
Unless mr nomura decides to tell us the story plot :P. Also we hve jk way of telling what that symbol means ,I think it may be the chaser symbol , but mr nomura has said in one of his interviews that we are able to make the connection bwetween rosas and ven already so that symbol may have something to do with that. Or we could be over analysing everything Again as it could just be something they randomly decided to wear but terra decided to spray paint his gold for some reason
i dont think id like to see theese wolrds in game dont think they could do much with them they wouldnt relate much to the story line and would probably end up being the hated worlds. but thats just my opinion
banned for drawing my attention to everything pink in your profile
never. too many threads about remaks lol and if any remake would be made itd be for ps3 as downloadable content on PSN
correction its everytime you see him. either that or in the first 100 days you usually get the refrence zombie every 20 secs.
:D was a good day a few hours before i was a pig and the following day i decided to be a smurf. sadly i only got pics of sheep dog :P
and what about the people like me who's mood never changes?
i belive they will only do it when the sales for a final game starts to fall. but itd be nice if they continued the series i love it lotss but i think they will probably do it like a complete set with all the other games in series.