Nomura's probably scared . we found out his face.
have you seen theese new materials were making? we have d30 a material thats like playdough but whn force is applied it turns solid and is epicness. and my favourite the super elastic plastic. also Wow i like that laptop
Ive checked there and its not :( its quite a fairly new anime so it wont be there yet :(
lolwut? that seems kinda wrong .
Im really bad at rendering so i was wondering if anyone could have a go at it I dont mind if its all characters but the one im, aiming to get out is natsuru (blue haired girl) Edit:sorry if this is in the worng section of graphic art didnt see where else to put this.
just wondering aswell have you been watching kampfer ? only 4 episodes out now and the 5th on is out on thursday really good for action and...
:D kallen was a bit of a ****** wasnt she? i always expected nanally to start walking when she regained her eyesight :D
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
NOOO! :( lelouch would so kill you :D dunno if you watched it all so not gonna spoil anything :)
Axel: turns around to start eating his popcorn again, realises someones taken it. atfer a few minuites of searching he spottes an audience member in the seat with his popcorn. " that thieving son of a $%$*£" and saying that he launches his chakrams into the audience. as his chakrams swing back the popcorn was trapped inbwetween them. looking back into the audience he sees one very very vurnt bystander.
edit: nvm i shouldve looked at your gendar first. ;(
OOC: not ganne be here today so just giving you all a warnin
OMG episode 4 had soo many boobies ! and found out the release date for ep5 29th of oct so the sub version is probs gonna be around 1 or 2cd...
:D just hoping that sakura finds out about natsuru soon she'll feel like a complete **** at that moment :D
and also after seeing your anime youve watched i was reallyu suprised :D loved clannad and it was my first anime ever to fully watch :D code...
after seeing your sig i instantly realised where i knew them characters from. the first time i watched that i was either aroused in a state of...
OOC: i suppose we should give our security person a name/squad name or something like that ? ---------------------------- BIC: Axel starts to laugh at mickey as he watches the bored king stood by a red striped line... *mmm makes me a little bit hungry, as they did say that red is the colour to make you eat more.* Axel pulls out a metal dish and some corn from a bag underneath his seat. as he pours the corn into the metal dish he starts to think...*im glad security isnt here otherwise id probably get scolded for this..* Putting a lid on the metal dish he summons his chakrams to his side, but not attracting much attention. after placing the metal dish on the floor he stand up and aims his chakrams at the dish, just in time for a bystander to turn to see a pillar of fire engulf the metal dish. as the pillar of fire dissapears axel takes the lid off to find a big bowl of popcorn sitting in the dish. as he sits down with his popcorn he leans back on his chair and is able to see to see around a wall which leads to the backstage door. he then finally sits upright and begins eating his popcorn waiting for the contest to start.
OOC: stupid, sora being late :( BIC: axel leans against a wall as he mutters under his breath "how did i get in this mess" then turns to go take a seat in the waiting area.
thanks god the keyblade can lock doors :)
:D thats pretty good. most people in new york will be waking up about now, then people in vegas got another 3 hours until 7 Am :D also my...