Favourite Saix V anti-Saix Least Favourite : Ruler Of the Sky & Dustflier. Ruler of the sky made my finger start bleeding. dustflier doesnt need a reason he instant kills pretty much everyone
You just Made This Thread Fail And have become a Win. I choose Pokemon world. Id be an evil guy. not the stupid kind that uses pokemon the one that uses guns :D
What an unexpected message :3 of course i will mr.maik
I love to cook but dont get to do it much except for my GCSE catering course. I hope to open a bakery or some form of cookery shop :) also i love making lemon mousse (right spelling?)
OR maybe.... thats sora's dad with just a really girly voice? For all we know it could be that guy in traverse town that had his heart stolen :D
I accept your challenge.
I deem that Video Fail
Im unable to eat anything. My stomach for the past few days hasnt been able to handle near enough anything
I misunderstand.
erhm mine is completely random and only actually started watching anime recently anyway here my list - -clannad -code geass -death note -kampfer (still ongiong yay :) -Tokyo mew mew (i started watching this drunk :D) -naruto (season 1 30 eps so far ) -katekyoushi hitman reborn -da capo (finished season 1) thats it so far :D
Also the reason Axel was Able to see xion's face was probably because of his time spent in castle oblivion and his encounters with sora and namine.
well every day at noon im losing another app on my ipod touch. it started 3 days ago while i was out shopping listening to my ipod i decided to watch some youtube. it started displaying a white screen when i clicked youtube then went back to the main screen then the next day i went to my itunes and all my music has that ! sign next to it (meaning that it cannot find the music file) even from them that were download by itunes. then later that day my music completely stops on my ipod and does the same thing as the youtube. then next day i decide i will try to figure out if it had something i recently did to it. so i went to the setting app on my ipod and it went dark on the screen and a white line started to fill the screen kinda like a gradient or kinda like when someone slowly moves a transparent sheet over something ) ands from them on my ipod on the setting just displays a white screen. erhm help?
Axel turns around to be confronted by reno and getting a mouthfull of something he turns around to spit it out and then swivels back again to face reno. "hey dude i didnt do anything... wait are you supposed to be me or am i supposed to be you?" "well anyway i want revenge for mouth full of ...whatever..." Axel quick grabs something from the nearby table which just so happend to be reno's last bottle of Ale. with a click of his finger's the bottle set on fire isntantly.
then we shall find something that rhymes with khv
i don get it? apparently ps2 game dunt work on a ds emulator :( help?
Wait Wut? KH2 on the computar? i shall now go and spam my computer with random files to try and get this working !
Has anyone been watching this anime ? and what are your opinions on it? found out airing dates for it and it appears its ever week theres a new episode.
Ah okay. well anyway :D
I have posted in this thread because the title has said so i have given into peerpressure :(
Really you did that story thing with it didnt you? or was that yesterday....