I Started Playing 3 days ago after having a visit to ntreev so i started playing :D my name on it is Shmilo I have my elesis at about lvl15 Im trying to ryan and lass and then train them to a high level . Add me Im usually around from midnight to 4am Server Time on weekdays and on weekends alot more.
Wait was it actually his mother? Maybe its a sister that isnt mentioned. or maybe he's an orphan?
Penis Ball Z
What are the effects of this disease. I have Virtual Doctor. Also arent we all already infected with KHVinfluenza
I dont get it. Food is just a metaphor for obesity
I agree. i wonder how many people we can get to actually do it.
So i have a £1500 budget But ive already spent £1000 on my new comp. Come up with some stuff :D It can be as stupid as you want.
Is that the video with the kid that goes diving? Thats old.
I know of that camber thing. You can disprove it being donald or goofy's pods because you can see them inside down the hall. I think the most reasonable explanation to this is it was probably where they made roxas forget about his memories from 358/2 and placed into VTT But theres no indication of this in 358/2 so im guessing as ansem had used this mansion as something before KH2 so im guessing it could be another link to bbs maybe as a test for a pureblood heartless or MAYBE It was Somewhere to hold Xehanort as we all know he doesnt remember anything about his past and only the name xehanort. But then again there would need to be someone with the power to alter memories in bbs for this to work... This raises another question : Is there a bigger reason to why namine has her powers?
defenite win.
World:Kampfer :) Party:Natsuru or akane :) Boss:Mitori or the SCP (student council president.) Plus:sora and co get all the things from kampfer world. (hinting towards a bracelet. >:) OR World:KHV Party:anyone from kh-vids :D Boss: (think 1000 heartless battle) except instead of 1000 heartless its 1000 trolls.
Oh god i remember that inuyasha anime. I watched 3 episodes. I deemed it fail.
Yes. thats what you think it is.
Just letting people know that death note will be aired on Film4 along with DeathNote:TheLastName. the times are 10:30Pm onwards to 3Am
I'd like to see an anime with the real VA's maybe change a few. I would be guessing it would either be a romance between sora and kairi or an action with sora fighting heartless while trying to defend destiny islands plus sora forgot to lock destiny islands keyhole. I would hope there would be new enemies and leave the actual storyline for the game's.
Your forgetting youtube poop like my fav "what whill die when link does not join ganon?" thats a great one:D
I can see it now... We all Die in some kind of stupid way?
My maths teacher is an epic fail. All she does is explain things in a way we dont understand or just completely gives us pointless lessons Never answers any of my Questions. She just ignores Me and walks away I sit around my friends , But i Do not talk to them alot But whenever someone around me speaks My maths teachers walks over to me and tells me to shut up :\ She also sent one of my friends out into the hallway for half the lesson because he had answerd A question wrong. All the homework She gives us Are Usually Grade A or B work. Even though its the start of the year And most of us Struggle with Them. Aslo the homework is usually set for the day after it was given. I Also have to Deal with being Constantly reminded That I have to get top marks from everything because apparently I have the highest target grade for my GCSE's I dont think people like this should be Teachers.
Like, Wut? C4 is the stuff that goes boom! I just thaught it was a stick full of grenade's
My first sega was the Dreamcast. Too Many bad memories from that thing. But also some Great Game's My favourite s probaly Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 After my Dream cast broke down twice I got a N64 Still not my favourite system But Golden Eye and MArio 64 were my favourite game on it :D