ugh guessing its A level maths ? i got simple one's for now :) BUT i have a prediction i think the answer is 7!
I think at the start whn kairi went into sora that made me cry a little and the fact that nomura said sometime after( the first game was released )in an interview that we was happy to leave KH at that and never return.
anyway i think ds will just be a completely new character but have some connection with xehanort or some else :P
1)food 2)bed 3)games 4)money 5)pants Next topic' quantom physics
Well i was playing kh1 and on destiny islands day one in the cutscene with donald going to see the king the 2 statue's are donald and goofy Goofy's shield is shaped like a heart :D You can clearly see this on the video in the cutscene archive Desting island day one 5:48 anyone else notice something heartshaped that are randomly placed in worlds?
i think he'd side with marly in the hopes of if she took over org 13 he'd get to make a casino somewhere in castle oblivion
grandstander obv just come back at lvl 99 its pretty much too easy to win :D