I have to satisfy a tech requirement for my BA (wasn't a req at community college for my AA), I looked over the course options today and since I'd only need like a 100-level class, I'm probably going to end up in an intro to web design class, doing basic HTML and CSS.
if you didn't have a major crush on this kid as a child then you're a ****ing liar
i started daredevil today, will let y'all know how it goes. so far so good
yeah how dare people be born after me. who the **** do they think they are
if you want to ruin your relationship, play mario kart together (have they made a mario kart for the wii u? I assume they have I just don't keep up with Nintendo)
If you've already defeated the Lingering Will, you can earn Manifest Illusions from winning any rematches. I'm pretty sure you can synthesize them as well.
i'm returning to school in the fall, had orientation today & made my schedule. going monday - friday fml none of my classes start before 12pm though so i really can't complain
This is the more stereotypical model, yeah. It follows from the assumption that men are insatiable sexual beings, and to play around is only natural, while a woman's sexuality exists only to satisfy that of her partner. It's also why female masturbation is far more taboo than male (comparatively, of course), or why lesbians are so puzzling for society (when they're not presented for the male gaze and consumption).
The Fast & Furious movies really are Vin Diesel's show, anyway. Paul Walker of course is a major character and, as I understand it, they wrote him out well (have yet to see Furious 7), but you're kidding yourself if you don't think Vin Diesel is the main character now... and really the best movie is the one that acknowledged that (Fast & Furious). Really though, as long as people keep paying to see these movies and keep buying the merchandise, they'll keep getting made. That's how the industry for these films works.
Here on KH-Vids, many of our members choose to customize the styling of their posts with unique fonts, colors, alignments, etc. It's a nice way to express your identity on the site, but some users may prefer consistency. Not only that, but now that we offer both dark and light styles, certain colors can be unreadable depending on what style you choose. We have a pretty simple solution now! If you head over to your Browsing Preferences, you'll see a new option: disable user styling. View attachment 42506 By clicking this box, all posts will now display with the default text styling. For example, with the box unchecked, a user's post may appear as such: View attachment 42507 After toggling the option (checking the box), posts will now display like this: View attachment 42508 Other BB Code, like bold, italics, spoilers, quotes, and so on, will still work. This should improve readability for users who choose to enable the option. Big thanks to @libregkd for putting this together! Please note that some of these screenshots were taken off our test board throughout development of our styles, and therefore may not reflect the final product.
The first post on each page of the thread has a minimum height to accommodate ads. Those who have installed ad blockers will see it as empty space. However, ads do not appear in Conversations or in Article Comments, so I've removed the minimum height there.
I err on the side of jealous quite often but if it was really bothering me -- like I was seriously concerned that something might be going on -- then it's always healthier to bring it up rather than sit and stew, because the latter option will inevitably sink the relationship. It works similarly if you're on the receiving end of the jealousy; it's just something you have to bring up (calmly, ready to understand why they're acting that way, because it can often be a product of insecurity). Again, if you can't communicate then you don't have much of a relationship.
Oh right, I didn't think of the Radiant Garden origin story -- mostly how Cloud's sideplot ended in Kingdom Hearts II. There's room to keep it going, but it'd be hard to transplant the entire plot of FF7 into Kingdom Hearts because it is fairly complex and relies on elements of the world that are just absent or impossible in Radiant Garden.
If your partner worries over who you're texting or hanging out with, there's some sort of issue in the relationship. They don't trust you and it's pretty important to figure out why. It might just be in their nature, or because they've been cheated on before, in which case talking about it and assuring them that there's nothing going on would hopefully resolve the problem. A relationship without basic trust and communication skills will probably be fairly short-lived.
I'm actually really shocked we've yet to discuss the possibility of Final Fantasy themed worlds in KH. Especially with the FF7 remake in production, and with the plot they've given the FF7 characters in KH, Midgar would be the easiest choice. I do love FFX but I think it would be challenging to explain why the Gullwings are suddenly people and not fairies. FFXIII, despite my problems with it, would probably be an easy world to integrate because the plot isn't very complex or detailed (at least in the first game).
clothes shopping can be stressful but also a lot of fun when you learn to do it right. if you're not sure what you like I'd recommend checking out style blogs online and junk and pulling out whatever grabs your eye, not only can it help you to shop for similar outifts but you'll start to get a better feel for your tastes Jean shopping is the worst though, because there are so many varieties. Happily once you find a store that sells ones you like you can pretty much just shop exclusively there for your jeans (I do that with H&M, not their jeans but their twill pants).
I'm not sure which interview specifically (on my phone rn) but Reaction Commands have been removed according to Nomura. He felt QTEs take control away from the player and the team wanted to avoid that.
again, still, always?
The KH-Vids Podcast is back! After a two week hiatus, we're coming at you with 96 minutes of pure Kingdom Hearts. What could be better! Podcast hosts @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn are joined by @Cat~, @Karuta, and @KeybearerofSea to cover the presence of Kingdom Hearts at this year's E3 conference -- majorly and unsurprisingly, the new Kingdom Hearts III trailer. We begin by sharing our thoughts on Sora's brand new costume for Kingdom Hearts III, which slims and simplifies our plucky protag. After arguing about glove length for a few minutes, we launch into our full analysis of the trailer, covering fan theories on chess pieces and calendars, the expansive new maps and environments (including the confirmation of a Tangled world!), Attraction Flow and Keyblade Transformation attacks, and much, much more! We also mention the less-thrilling but always adorable Unchained X[chi] trailer, as well as the absence of any new HD remasters for the Kingdom Hearts series at E3. Our user-submitted questions this week center around the trailer, with @Scarred Nobody asking what other Disney attractions we hope to see in the title and @Quilligan looking for our new world wishlist. Finally we plug some new developments within our community, including our site's new design and the return of the KH-Vids User Awards. It's a podcast episode perfect for any Kingdom Hearts fan! As always, you can support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own -- and have a Kingdom Hearts day! View attachment 42496 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #95 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to podcast@kh-vids.net!
This is an inherent issue with any sort of iconography, really. When you display a symbol or a logo or a flag, you're attempting to communicate some abstract ideal or value in an image. But images are even more open to interpretation than words, and you're therefore risking conveying not only your value, but whatever else other people have attached to that image, what has been done in the name of that image (or under its banner, in this case). The swastika, for example, -- which has already been mentioned in this thread -- meant something before the Nazi Party appropriated it, and we now associate it almost exclusively with them and other white power groups. If your house had a flag with a swastika on it right outside, because the swastika originally stood for good fortune, you're at the very least misrepresenting yourself -- and at the worst, normalizing and furthering the symbol of a hate group. Many (private) business have stopped selling the flag and I absolutely support them in that. I believe eBay banned all listings with it today. If you side at all with the right-wing -- and there's a significant overlap between the right and people who approve of the Confederate Flag -- you should too, because otherwise you would approve of the government/the public interfering with private business. The Confederate Flag's origins are greatly misunderstood in this country but those who continue to fly it claim it's a matter of "Southern Pride," to which I ask, what exactly are you proud of? How many atrocities have been committed by those who fly the same flag? Do you really wish to associate yourself with that? Because as much as you might deny any connection with people like Dylann Storm Roof and his ideologies, you two apparently have similar taste. That wouldn't sit right with me. I'm American and I understand and appreciate the historic origins of our flag, but I do not and will not fly it, pledge to it, or otherwise stand under its stripes, because I do not agree with what it stands for today and what has been carried out in its name. Again, emblazoning a symbol of some kind isn't for yourself and the nice feeling of pride it bubbles in your stomach. It's about what that image, that symbol, means to other people -- otherwise you could just hang it up in private in your house (which, nobody is stopping you from doing -- this is a free country, theoretically). Just because you have the freedom to do something does not mean that you're exempt from the consequences of the action.