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  1. Misty
  2. Misty
    I demand pics of you and Katie if this does happen
    Post by: Misty, Jul 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
    Our current anti-spam measures are aggressive enough to prevent any messages from actually being posted, as they go straight to our moderation queue. As for member registrations, I change the settings every now and then to try to find a the sweet spot of rejecting bots without catching any genuine user registrations. It's not something I would detail publicly, however, for obvious reasons.

    It's a concern of the staff anyway; I don't imagine most users notice bot registrations.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Misty
    Generally the left boob is larger than the right boob.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Misty
    i can tell you about a shark week that happens every month but you probably won't be as entertained by it
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    lmao i forgot kai leng even happened

    but yeah ME3 has issues beyond the ending, won't get into them because I don't want to color your opinions too much Alex. It's definitely the weakest in the series but it's not as bad as people made it out to be.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Misty
    Oh man, a husband/wife superhero combo? Sign me the **** up.

    Maybe I'm just more open to television as opposed to movies (or, more accurately, binging things on Netflix)? Or perhaps I'm just more interested in the characters Netflix is choosing to feature compared to the ones in the Marvel movies right now. Either way I'm excited to finally have something Marvel I'm into.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Misty
    Oh I see! I assumed Claire was a character in the Daredevil comics and Night Nurse was something separate. Like I said, I'm really not familiar with any Marvel comics. That's awesome. And this will be in Jessica Jones? I've been cautiously interested in that too. I know Melissa Rosenberg is at the helm for it, she was involved with the Twilight films (and their quality is probably reflective of the source material more so than her abilities), but I understand she was instrumental in Dexter which is obviously very popular. Looking around, there are some good names attached to Jessica Jones, too, like David Tennant and Carrie Anne-Moss -- and of course Krysten Ritter, who I am very in love with. It'll be nice to add Rosario Dawson to that list. Or is Luke Cage a separate thing? I'm seeing him listed as a character in Jessica Jones but I'm not sure now.

    Like I said, no idea what's going on with Marvel.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Misty I like this guy already
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Misty
    Yeah, given the way she and Matt left off, I don't doubt she'll be back -- and she's one of the major characters that exist to question Matt's morality and whether he's fighting crime, at least in part, for himself. Now that he knows I guess Foggy can do so, but not in the same way that Claire does.
    I'm not totally familiar with what else Netflix and Marvel are doing together (read: know nothing about). Given how much I enjoyed Daredevil I'm sure I'll at least give it a try, especially if Rosario Dawson is involved, but if they're planning to eventually bring all the Netflix-Marvel shows together, it might get confusing if Rosario Dawson is playing two different characters...?
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Misty
    Oh yeah they're for sale all over the place, but someone vouching for it means something to me, if you wanna send me a link.

    It's definitely the best $14.95 I've ever spent.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 14, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Misty
  13. Misty
    Profile Post Comment

    Both are there intentionally.

    Both are there intentionally.
    Profile Post Comment by Misty, Jul 13, 2015
  14. Misty
    Also guys I finished Daredevil so y'all should talk to me about it: Daredevil
    Post by: Misty, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Misty
    I just finished Daredevil! I guess I'll post all my spoiler-worthy thoughts below (they're not that bad), but generally speaking, I'm really pleased to have finally found something Marvel that I can get into. I've no doubt that it's because this is a TV show rather than a movie (lol what is a comic book?*), which leaves room for more complicated plots (though S1 of Daredevil's was fairly simple) and exploration of characters. It's also notably darker and more mature than Marvel films, which is obviously because it's a Netflix exclusive -- the theatrical movies have to be appealing to children, which is fine and I do like kids' movies, but Marvel's humor has never really done it for me.

    Do note that I'm not at all familiar with the comics or the past adaptation (adaptations?). I pretty much went into this blind (heh).
    First off, I absolutely love Foggy. He was the necessary comic relief in the show in a non-intrusive or ridiculous manner. Part of my problem in getting into superhero stuff is that it requires the viewer to just kinda... let go and accept that a person is running around in a tight costume fighting baddies. That was mitigated by Matt going around in fairly regular clothes until the very end, but I appreciated Foggy doing the whole "what the ****, this is so weird Matt, where the hell did you get all these weird clothes, what are you doing with your life" when he first found out. I fell in love with him in the episodes with Elena too, his date with Karen just before the explosions was so sweet (I refuse to believe he will get back with Marcie, him and Karen have got it way too bad for each other).

    Charlie Cox was great too, I was worried about taking him seriously briefly because he had a very minor role on Downton Abbey and Downton has become a pretty hammy show (though he was in the excellent first season). I loved Rosario Dawson (as an actress and a character), too, but I wish she were in it more. It felt as though they were setting her up to be pretty big and then she kinda disappeared midway through. I hope she'll come back. I thought Fisk was a fantastic villain; in line with the rest of the show, he's really not like... a classic baddie. He's sort of shy and nervous and I loved to see him exposed as ruthless. It was a really interesting mix of character traits. I liked Vanessa too, I hope she will take over some of Fisk's operations, because I think she probably has a pretty dark past behind her -- someone doesn't just meet a crime lord and become totally okay with what that person is doing without having some shady dealings in their own past.

    I like that the show really was concerned with Matt's morality, too. It's more introspective than I expected for Marvel and I'm all for that. They didn't take it too far or get too deep into it but I hope they will in future seasons; now that Matt has taken down Fisk, he's achieved his goal in a way, but that obviously doesn't mean he's going to just go back to being a regular old attorney. It's interesting to see what a hold the vigilante thing has on him and how deep he'll get into it, how he'll deal with other people knowing (Claire, Foggy, and Karen will probably figure it out at some point too, if she doesn't already suspect it).

    Finally I've got to say that the show is damn beautiful. Incredibly well shot and the opening sequence is gorgeous.
    * = I do read comics, but I haven't gotten into any Marvel ones, and frankly I spend enough money on the habit as is.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Misty

    how to dress well is a ****ing experience
    they're touring in the fall and i would really like to go see them
    Post by: Misty, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  17. Misty
    Diggin' the Rebel Alliance logo, I've considered putting the same on mine. For now I just have a "my other ride is the millennium falcon" license plate holder.

    Oh, and this.

    View attachment 42613
    Post by: Misty, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
    i need **** to do besides stare at my bedroom walls and think about the inevitability of death
    Post by: Misty, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Misty
    that's it we're nuking ads forever, how dare they infringe on my inclusive efforts!!!!!
    Post by: Misty, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    @Roxam, @Stardust, and anyone else experiencing this problem, I've had some luck in reproducing it. It looks like Chrome is recognizing your device as having a touch screen and selectively disabling Javascript based upon that. I'm going to have to adjust quite a bit of code to provide a more permanent solution, but I can give you a temporary fix.

    Open up a new tab and paste
    into the address bar. Find Enable touch events. By default, it should be set to Automatic. If you don't have a touch screen device, you can safely switch it to Disabled without it affecting really anything. Everything should display as intended now.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 13, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports