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  1. Misty
    I've been writing the same fanfiction for four years and I still intend to finish it. @Sebax is right in that positive encouragement or feedback (of any kind, be it "I like this please keep writing" or something more constructive) can go a long way. Which isn't to say that I think a higher readership or more reader interaction would make me update more, I'm just a terrible person who hates writing, but if you love a fanfic... read, rate, and review. Share it with your friends. The author has their own reasons for writing it (self-indulgence, etc.), but in making it public, they're hoping for at least somewhat of a response -- and since they're doing it for free, the least you can do is leave them a review or nice comment.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 28, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Misty
    hopefully losing my laser tag virginity tomorrow wish me luck

    do emoji work on khv? this is a question I need answering
    update: they do not
    Post by: Misty, Jul 28, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Misty
  4. Misty
    I'll also add that it can be helpful to simply voice and discuss your fears and anxieties to your boyfriend. Princess gave you some great advice to talk yourself down, but if something is still eating at you, a quick talk with your boyfriend can often belay those fears. If he does care about you and is patient, which he should be, I'm sure he'll be happy to do it.

    Poor past relationships can cast long shadows in our lives but they're not inescapable. If your anxiety is very serious and begins to affect your relationship, you might want to consider going to therapy or counseling -- nothing serious or scary, but having someone to help you wade through and make peace with the past can be a big help.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 27, 2015 in forum: Help with Life
  5. Misty
    The last time I tried donating I was rejected! They didn't tell me why, but I was 16 at the time so I figure it was concern over my weight (I was just at the threshold at the time) and they didn't want to risk it. I actually weigh less now, but it seems they have a lower weight requirement when not at a high school. I was also worried that I am anemic but I guess I'm not. Either way I'm glad to have finally done it for the first time and I plan to many more! Provided the bruise goes away of course. My mother is O negative (I think, the kind that can give to all but accept from only its kind) and, on the off chance that I am also O neg, I feel I should do my part to contribute.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 27, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  6. Misty
    pretty sure it was already added to oxford english
    Post by: Misty, Jul 26, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Misty
    I edit at 1.5x speed and miss things :( But the site and podcast I consider at PG13 level and you can get a few curses in there
    Post by: Misty, Jul 25, 2015 in forum: 2015
  8. Misty
    write dirt about me on the khv wiki
    Post by: Misty, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Misty
    snapchat dump part TWO

    i'm putting these under separate spoiler cut because they might gross some people out -- but i'm a sick weirdo who really enjoys looking at bruises / watching them heal and i hope i am not alone in that. i gave blood for the first time last weekend and i've got a hell of a bruise on my arm
    (for the record, bruising is normal after giving blood, though this one is pretty bad -- if it doesn't get better or clear up soon i will be seeing a doctor. stay healthy and eat ur vegetables khv)
    Post by: Misty, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  10. Misty
    Playing the games might top it off. ;]
    Profile Post Comment by Misty, Jul 24, 2015
  11. Misty
    this is true. I would shoot myself into space for even the slightest chance of alien makeouts
    Post by: Misty, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: 2015
  12. Misty
    it's a JOKE I am on this poll I am the least ambitious person I know, my dream in life is to spend all day laying in bed watching star wars
    Post by: Misty, Jul 24, 2015 in forum: 2015
  13. Misty
  14. Misty
  15. Misty

    Shall we look at the moon, my little loon
    Why do you cry?
    Make the most of your life, while it is rife,
    While it is light
    Well you do enough talk,
    My little hawk, why do you cry?
    Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?
    Or the Fourth of July?
    We’re all gonna die.

    I've (somehow) never listened to Sufjan before, but I am now on recommendation. This song is magical.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 22, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  16. Misty
    It's time for a new episode of the KH-Vids Podcast!

    Suffering in the wake of a serious Kingdom Hearts and gaming news drought, the KH-Vids Podcast team sit down to answer both user-submitted questions as well as our randomly selected questions from Table Topics! @Plums and @al215 join @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn for an episode essentially about nothing!

    We begin by debating our metaphysical existence (thanks to, you guessed it, @Graxe). Next, we share our relationship with our parents and what we admire most about them. @Quilligan poses the idea of introducing a new trio to the Kingdom Hearts series, to replace Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Following that, we divulge the stories behind our (real) names, and @. : tale : . poses the responsibility of selecting an existing Utada song to serve as the theme to Kingdom Hearts III. Finally, we talk about our favorite amusement park rides and experiences.

    It's a fun-filled episode of the KH-Vids Podcast for children across the globe!

    Please support and participate in the KH-Vids Podcast by leaving us a comment, answering our user-submitted questions, submitting to be a guest, or sending in questions of your own!

    View attachment 42669

    Download Episode #99 (MP3)
    Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed

    Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
    Thread by: Misty, Jul 22, 2015, 6 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Misty

    Here Misty

    Post by: Misty, Jul 22, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty

    Here Misty

    Post by: Misty, Jul 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Misty
    I was lucky in that the trilogy came with the majority of ME2 DLC (I think everything but Arrival, which I'm told is pretty weak compared to the others). The trilogy was also a gift someone bought me so i didn't mind paying a little for DLC seeing as the game was free. All the DLC I've played for ME is top quality, honestly some of my favorite missions in the series, but you're right that they could seriously use a price reduction given how cheap the actual games are now. It's a big reason I want a trilogy collection to release on the current gen because I'd hope they would bundle the DLC. It'd make suggesting the games to friends way easier for me, because I don't have to tell them "yeah the games are like $20 max but be prepared to buy $80 worth of DLC."
    Post by: Misty, Jul 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    I recommend checking out the Indoctrination Theory! I don't have strong feelings for or against it, but I think it at the very least raises interesting points regarding
    Starchild as an unreliable source of information -- because choosing an ending hinges on believing everything he says exactly as he says it, but because we don't know who created him, it's very possible they had some sort of agenda and programmed Starchild with that in mind. I mean, Starchild is clearly linked to the Reapers somrhow, and therefore wouldn't want you to select Destroy -- therefore, he'd create reasons to dissuade you from it (I personally like to think enough Geth and EDI tech remained to allow rebuilding). The Control ending seems like a trick, because Shep disintegrates like immediately after jumping into the beam, and Synthesis is just weird.

    Overall it's pretty conspiracy & reaching but still an interesting view imo. Creates some food for thought at least. Starchild is an awful, lazy plot device in an otherwise decent game (ME3 has its faults, like Kai Leng and the lack of meaningful squad/Shep interaction, but it doesn't truly go belly up imo until the very end).

    Also if you want to know more about the Reapers, check out the Leviathan DLC! Even if you just watch a playthrough on YouTube or something (ME DLC is ****ing expensive). It goes to a lot of lore surrounding Indoctrination and the origins of the Reapers.
    Post by: Misty, Jul 19, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone