and, naturally, need to accumulate hella tunes for the ride. I've assembled a mega-playlist that runs about 18 hours, just to make sure I have enough music on my phone for anything (I recently got a new one), and then a more curated "road trip songs" playlist that's just shy of 5 hours right now. I've been browsing the internet's many lists of road trip tunes and thought I'd extend the offer to y'all to recommend me some songs. A few guidelines: no need to embed a bunch of youtube videos, just artist and song name will suffice songs should be fun with the possibility of singing along. nothing depressing. looking for a summer indie folk & rock vibe, because that's what I'm into, but I will entertain suggestions outside of that. just use it as your guiding light. some of y'all know what i like, and if you don't, well come talk to me sometime but also check out the list below Here's what I have: Spoiler Alt-J - Breezeblocks Andrew Bird - Tenuousness Andrew Jackson Jihad - Who are You? Animal Collective - Sweet Road Au Revoir Simone - The Lucky One (Slow Club Remix) Backseat Goodbye - 32 Ways To Make You Smile Best Friends Forever - I Think It Would Be Great Best Friends Forever - Tape Song blink-182 - Dammit blink-182 - M+M's Bombay Bicycle Club - Always Like This Bright Eyes - At the Bottom of Everything Bush - Glycerine Canned Heat - Going Up To The Country Casiotone For the Painfully Alone - Optimist Vs. The Silent Alarm (When The Saints Go Marching In) Chairlift - Bruises Crystal Fighters - Champion Sound (Alt Version) Defiance, Ohio - Bikes and Bridges Defiance, Ohio - Oh, Susquehanna! Dntel - (This is) the Dream of Evan and Chan DNTEL - Roll On Ed Sheeran - U.N.I Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros - I Don't Wanna Pray Emmy the Great - Edward is Dedward Emmy The Great - Paper Trails ghost mice - free pizza for life Gogol Bordello - Through The Roof 'n' Underground Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know Gregory And The Hawk - The People Who Raised Me Jookabox - You Cried Me Kimya Dawson - Loose Lips Kimya Dawson - My Rollercoaster Laura Marling - Ghosts Los Campesinos! - Light Leaves, Dark Sees Matt & Kim - Daylight Men at Work - Down Under Mirah - We're Both So Sorry Mischief Brew - Coffee, God, And Cigarettes Mischief Brew - Thanks, Bastards! Nico - These Days Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks Peter Bjorn & John - Young Folks Phoenix - 1901 PigThe - 2-way thing PigThe - Spider-Man Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls Raury - God's Whisper Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way Sex Bob-omb - Garbage Truck Silversun Pickups - Lazy Eye Slow Club - Christmas TV Slow Club - Thinking, Drinking, Sinking, Feeling Soko - it's fine, if you don't love me Sufjan Stevens - For the Widows In Paradise, for the Fatherless In Ypsilanti Sufjan Stevens - Impossible Soul Sunset Rubdown - You Go On Ahead (Trumpet Trumpet II) The Lumineers - Ho Hey The Smiths - Handsome Devil The Smiths - Rusholme Ruffians The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out Toto - Africa Tunng - Bullets Tunng - Woodcat vashti bunyan - diamond day Vashti Bunyan - Here Before Vashti Bunyan - Train Song (Columbia single, 1966) Weatherbox - Trippin' the Life Fantastic Weezer - My Name Is Jonas Why - Good Friday Xiu Xiu - The Wig Master [Why?] Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps I'll be driving through rural upstate NY with my boyfriend if that influences your suggestions at all. THANKS KIDS
Sabby of course deserves an enormous thank you and credit for getting the podcast off the ground -- we wouldn't be here without her! Sorry I'm not a nerd Oh man this is definitely one of the worst things about doing the podcast. I've probably changed how we record at least five times. Our current method works pretty well and produces some pretty quality sound for a podcast done over the internet (as opposed to one done in a proper studio). It takes hours to edit each episode still, but because we're doing multi-track recording now, it's a lot easier to level everyone and edit out unnecessary sound etc. This is 100% my fault and is probably the #1 thing I want to improve upon. Every time we begin an episode I tell myself that it will be the episode I don't swear on, but we all know how quickly that falls apart. bby I know
Power surges are a regular and normal occurence. If they're happening an unreasonable amount, like every day or something, I can understand being upset bit otherwise I think the folks at your local electric company know what they're doing. Your computer and other expensive electronics should be connected to a surge protector anyway.
I've not seen it, like I think I said. I'm not much of a Tarantino fan. I do really love Kill Bill Vol 1 though. It's all good! I appreciate the questions as they give me an opportunity to talk about Star Wars, one that I don't have to invent for myself. They are ridiculous movies sometimes and I love them for it. The "I love you" / "I know" exchange is adorable and I will not have any shenanigans regarding it
I totally called them doing this months late lmao
Luminous is an in-house engine that Square apparently doesn't have the resources to create or support. Development time that could have otherwise been dedicated to FFXV was spent putting together and fixing Luminous.
This week on the KH-Vids Podcast we'd like to introduce... Meta-Podcasting!
A fashionably late podcast, just for you! This week the KH-Vids Podcast reaches a milestone with our one hundredth episode! @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn along with staff guest @Plums, host our former podcast maestro @Peace and War to reminisce on the history of the KH-Vids Podcast -- to look at where we've been and where we are going! We begin by covering a small update Tetsuya Nomura gave on the development of Kingdom Hearts III in an interview with OPM UK about the upcoming Final Fantasy VII Remake. We also respond to his comments regarding Square's plans (or lack thereof?) to bring the Kingdom Hearts HD Remixes to the PlayStation 4. Moving along, we go through a brief history of the beginnings of the KH-Vids Podcast, stretching all the way back to 2010, when @Sabby, @Mike, and @Korra recorded our very first episode. @Peace and War then shares stories of his time at the helm of the KH-Vids Podcast, followed by your current line-up of hosts sharing some insight about the changes we have made to the podcast since we took over. We list some of our favorite and least favorite things about running the Podcast, and each name the best episode we feel we've been apart of! As always, we answer user-submitted questions! @Graxe suggests alien abduction while @Scarred Nobody tries (and fails) to punch holes in @Misty 's love for Star Wars. We also take a Table Topics on the polite way to juggle two conflicting invitations. This week we want to hear from you -- the listeners! We want to know what your favorite episodes have been and what you would like to hear (or see!) us do more of here at the KH-Vids Podcast. Finally, we would like to extend an enormous thank you to all our fans, new and old, for supporting the podcast as you do, even if it's by just a simple listen every week. Thank you for being there and helping us reach one hundred episodes -- here's to one hundred more! View attachment 42801 Your browser does not support the audio element. Download Episode #100 (MP3) Subscribe to us on iTunes or through our RSS feed Interested in being a member guest on the podcast? Fill out our form here and we'll be in touch. Ask us a question by visiting this page or sending an email to!
I most definitely agree with @Magick that it seems to be related to the age you and your sister are reaching, especially if it only started in the last few years for you and recently for your sister. (Although, there may be other causes, like something going on in your mother's personal or private life that she is taking out on you.) It does seem to coincide with the late prepubescent to early pubescent stage for you and your sister, which leads me to believe it's an insecurity of your mother's about her ability to navigate you two through it. It's obviously a stage where one's life changes dramatically in just a few years, and in which parents will have to worry about where you're going, what you're doing, and who you're doing it with. More majorly, based on what you've said sets her off about you (which are side effects of your depression and anxiety), it sounds as though she's not prepared to treat you (and probably your sister) as individuals with emotions, and not simply as malleable kids she can control with a "because I said so." You have wants and needs and feelings and desires that aren't necessarily compatible with hers and that probably frightens her. All of that said, nothing excuses emotional or physical abuse from her, and I'm awfully sad to hear that it has reached that point. What makes me question my interpretation of your mother's behavior is that your grandparents seem to expect it out of her (I take it they're her parents considering your parents are divorced). Now that may be because your grandparents have seen how your mother treated you, and therefore want to protect your sister from that if possible, but it is also possible that your mother has a history of violent or abusive behavior. If this has been a long-rooted issue in her life, it's not something that could really be solved by a few sit-downs with her. What course of action you should take I'm not sure anyone here would be qualified to suggest unless they have been in a similar situation or have been involved in some kind of social work. Happily, most schools have a social worker or some sort of counselor who can listen to your problems. As @Magick said, if that person deems the situation bad enough that your mother loses custody, you may be left in a worse situation, and therefore I would try to find the exact rules that counselor has to follow (e.g. can they report what you say about your mother without your consent & so on). Right now your home situation is bad, but it's at least manageable if your mother no longer confronts you and you can protect your sister (not that you should have to be in that situation). But that counselor may also be able to simply talk through problems with you and act as a resource for you and your sister, let you know what your options are and so on. I would definitely recommend looking into that. I'm very sorry to hear all this Cal. Even if the best solution ends up being to buckle down and deal with this, protecting your sister as much as you can, do know that we're all here as a resource for you, even if the most we can do is listen to a rant.
I love having physical copies of books because I love buying used books with notes left in them by previous owners. Even if it's just something small written in the margin, I love to see what others are thinking while they read or simply what they've left (I found a grocery list in a library book once). It's fascinating. My copy of Adverbs by Daniel Handler also had a number of people leave post-its within, with their thoughts on the book. Really great stuff. I also like displaying them on my shelves and lending them out to friends.
You may want to keep an eye on text anti-aliasing. It may be the font, but on some of the Lana del Rey covers, you'll notice that some of the letters are quite choppy (particularly the A's). Unclean text interferes with an otherwise really crisp style you've got going. It may also be caused by adding filters (especially Sharpen) over your text layers; if you choose the correct anti-aliasing settings, text can and should be one of the last things you add. I assume you're using Photoshop, in which case a quick google will show you where to find your anti-aliasing settings. Otherwise, nice work! The colors are a bit murky, but I assume that's what you were going for stylistically -- which is fine! It looks nice. ( I also make album covers sometimes, when I don't like the existing ones )
Whaaa why I'm still waiting for the update to come my way (may just buckle down and download it manually). Has anyone on here had issues with the upgrade as far as settings/files go? Or seen anything about it online? I know I should have some sort of backup solution, but I don't and I'm paranoid about upgrading until I do...
when i'm asked this i usually sharply inhale and whisper "you're not ready for this conversation"
Podcast #100 will go up tomorrow evening! Going on a last minute mini vacation tonight.
I'll see if my comic book shop has the trade when I go in next 8) not that I don't already have a pile of comics to read sitting next to my bed but hey, this is why I work. to afford my expensive hobbies.
one time she punched me in the face it was awesome
You can donate at 16 if you have parental consent forms signed.
I have the first Black Science trade. I really liked the way it was written and the art, but I started to lose interest after the first like two or three issues. Def let me know what you think or if it's worth another go. I picked up vol 1 of Miss Marvel the other day, which I'm excited to try. Sadly my comic book shop was out of the new Sex Criminals and they won't get more in for another two weeks. :( I'd go elsewhere but I'm friendly with the owners and I feel like buying from another place is cheating on them. The wait is gonna be rough though, Sex Criminals is my #1 love (it has surpassed Saga even -- which is no reflection on Saga, it's great, but Sex Criminals is ****in awesome) Also got the first issue of Invincibles, it was on the $1 rack and the owner told me that it was a good superhero comic for people who don't like superhero comics (me)