I'm jazzed that they're doing an original plotline rather than just taking you through the events of the movie! I guess I'll have to watch both Tangled and Big Hero 6 now, too. :x
Oh I see, didn't realize you had two separate computers.
It seems a bit ironic to complain about crossover fic on a Kingdom Hearts website. I haven't been into comics for long but most trades I buy are usually $11. I just bought Ms. Marvel and that was $15, I imagine Marvel is more expensive than Image. Can't imagine paying $20+ for one, that blows.
Well I mean... you can already use a monitor with your laptop... Spoiler: this is my desk View attachment 42831
I visited a friend's beach house for a day a few weeks ago. This week I went upstate with my boyfriend for a few days.
I wasn't able to appear on the podcast this week because I went on vacation! I'll be back for Episode #102. I did of course listen to this episode, and took notes while I did -- unfortunately the only paper I had nearby was post-it notes and went a little wild. I took a picture to share with you all. There's one missing in the photo. View attachment 42830 They blew around a little because I was also cleaning my desk at the time so these comments might be a little out of order. I was on vacation so **** you guys Regarding the similar worlds being shown in the Kingdom Hearts III trailer (Tangled & Mount Olympus), I think it's probably reflective of the early stages the game is in (especially considering that the trailer was likely put together well before its E3 showing). They could, and probably did, reuse assets between the two worlds. Microsoft routinely fails to bring any surprise or excitement to their conferences. They've improved substantially over their XBONE reveal (which is when I started watching conferences, can't speak for them before that), but there's still not the thrill and wonder of a Sony conference. I'm excited for Battlefront simply because it's Star Wars. Nothing about it, specifically, as Battlefront 3, wows me, other than the graphics I guess. I'm with Cal on the expansion pack thing. Sims is the only franchise that can somehow use this model and, like Nick and Cal said, there's so much missing from vanilla Sims 4. Create-a-Style not being there is a crime on par with human trafficking. I wasn't expecting Mass Effect: Andromeda at Gamescom but it's still strange to me that EA has been so quiet on it. I guess there's always N7 Day in the next few months. FFXV is a ****ing joke. Versus XIII is dead. There was a comment made by I think Tabata that XV added a lot about family and friendship which, based on the trailers they've shown and the demo, is now the major focus of the game. Their entire approach to FFXV has been fan feedback in a really bad way. "You want airships? Sure, what the hell, throw it in!" It's so late to be still adding things to the list, as Nick and Cal said. Showing LPers is in line with this, as if to say "see! People will like this game! We are capable!" I think we can say for sure that XV will seriously lack direction. It's a camel. A game designed by a committee. The high points I'm sure will be Nomura's original stuff while we wade through a lot of **** by Tabata. I also feel it's primarily Tabata's influence that added the masculine focus the game seems to have taken. I've been vocal about how disappointed I am in how women seem to be represented in the game, but Nomura-era trailers at least showed Stella prominently. When Tabata took over, Stella was scrapped, the "bros hanging out" element seemed central, and the women we know have are Cindy and Luna. You guys know how salty I am about the new Tomb Raider. I've basically begun ignoring all news regarding it because it's so far away for me, a PS4 owner. I'mma still buy it tho... I'mma still buy it I still miss FFXIV btw. I love Cal's comment about character interaction in Kingdom Hearts III because that's one of the best ways to build character, which the series desperately needs. Mash up completely unalike characters, like Riku and Ventus, and see what aspects of their personalities are brought out. I'd love that. inb4 everyone gets new clothes but Kairi I do want everyone to get new clothes but I also love Aqua's BBS outfit. Also, BBS trio in Keyblade Armor plz. The question about mortality because I've always assumed I would die young. Is that dark? That's probably pretty dark. I've felt this way since I was a kid but it has its pros and cons. That nobody shouted "War! Hey! What is it good for?" severely disappoints me. I would probably have responded to the war question with a quote from Slaughterhouse Five, though: Over the years, people I've met have often asked me what I'm working on, and I've usually replied that the main thing was a book about Dresden. I said that to Harrison Starr, the movie-maker, one time, and he raised his eyebrows and inquired, "Is it an anti-war book?" "Yes," I said. "I guess." "You know what I say to people when I hear they're writing anti-war books" "No. What do you say, Harrison Starr?" "I say, 'Why don't you write an anti-glacier book instead?'" What he meant, of course, was that there would always be wars, that they were as easy to stop as glaciers. I believe that too. And, even if wars didn't keep coming like glaciers, there would still be plain old death. We're ALWAYS serious on the podcast. Thanks for doing the episode without me guys!
Do you think you'll go, @libregkd? I guess you would probably want to wait until we know what will be there, but last year's seemed pretty interesting.
Unfortunately those comments aren't limited to neopronouns, they're a common reaction whenever a trans or nb or generally queer person makes a...
I know at least that 1.5 does not run at 1080p and I assume it's the same for 2.5. They're just below at a native res of 1440x900, which then stretches to 1080p. It's not terribly noticeable and the games still look great. Not sure what their reasoning would have been for that, maybe someone who knows more about game development could inform us (as I don't think they are that demanding games, graphically). Neither game runs 60fps though. That was a big complaint many people had.
From a practical standpoint, using 'they' as a gender neutral singular pronoun is convenient; most would not recognize it as sounding strange when...
It's not possible for security reasons, but if there ever is some BB Code you feel is missing from our site, feel free to request it (though we wouldn't really add something like this).
a review compared it to Catwoman but from what I'm hearing it doesn't even have the bad hilarity of Catwoman which is a shame. if a movie is going to be bad, make it so completely awful that I can still enjoy it fantastic four is sitting at a solid 9% on rotten tomatoes tho, and it's flopping bad at my theater lol
bro I watch Adventure Time, that's my modus operandi
already on my mega-playlist but you're right, this deserves promotion to the road trip playlist krowley you should know me well enough now to know that this is already included in many of my playlists down under > safety dance there i said it
i dig i dig i dig a bit more of a "going to the beach" vibe than driving through the mountains but what the hell I'll toss it in this has a bit of a Joanna Gruesome vibe WHICH I LOVE. good work I was about to write "this is a little too sleepy for me" and then I re-read the title and realized it's probably the point like the vibe on this group though thanks for the suggestion! first two songs were kinda heavy, not really what I'm looking for street drums corps were aight but this sort of music does not encourage the safest driving habits in me please do give song recs if possible! much easier/faster than going through an entire album (I'm leaving in a few days and just don't have time haha), rest assured that if I really dig a track I check out the full album i don't like 30STM I dig this, it reminds me a little of How to Dress Well (whom I love dearly), but a little bit too ambient for a road trip! (for me, and for what I'm looking for -- so for this road trip) reccing me AvA AS IF I DON'T ALREADY KNOW a little too sad for a happy rompin' road trip ACTUALLY A LOT OF THIS IS SAD & EMO HAYA WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME i like this thanks haya's gf lmao **** that noise, literally I AM CONSTANTLY IN CONFLICT OVER DEATH CAB because like, they're good, they're just not that good for me and I don't understand why people like them so much! I do have a few of their songs on my mega-playlist though bon iver is a lil too chilled out for this trip ty
(replying as I listen to things, please do keep 'em coming) I listen to Weezer occasionally, haven't checked out this album before though! Dug a few tracks, going to add them to my mega-playlist. Thanks. Definitely a fun sound but I'm not much into, like, pure rock like this. wow they remind me of weezer nah fam it ain't 2005
Los Campesinos!, who aren't a Mexican group, they're primarily from Wales, they just have a Spanish name. I already have a song by them on there and plenty of other stuff on my phone by them. I'm trying not to overload with too much of one artist.
Not really the genre I'm looking for, sorry!
My sister is big into Panic so I've heard all their stuff quite a bit -- if I had to listen to them i'd choose Pretty Odd but it just doesn't do it for me unfortunately Of course! This is me we're talking about. My boyfriend and I are huge into Sex Criminals, we want to be Jon and Suzie for Halloween. Will check these out! (and the ones @61 mentioned) We like to sing along to things.