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  1. Misty
  2. Misty
    Yes, if you have an ISO (patched or otherwise), you should be able to play it in PSCX2.
    Emulator discussion is perfectly acceptable here so long as you're not linking to downloads of pirated content (i.e. ISOs/ROMs).
    The last time I checked, which was a long time ago, there was no way to emulate the 3DS. A quick Google shows that there's been progress on that front in the last few months, with an experimental 3DS emulator now available. Many games are unplayable in it, however (they crash after the title screen), and those that are are glitchy. I'd give it more time, but it's something to keep an eye on.
    You might want to check out this sticky in our Code section:
    Post by: Misty, Aug 31, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Misty
  4. Misty
    @haya: sorry to hear that :( I've been freaked because a bunch of ppl I went to school with are getting married and having kids, it's odd at our age to me, but I guess it can go both ways too.

    I went to six flags yesterday
    View attachment 42878
    Post by: Misty, Aug 31, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Misty
    In 11th grade I handed in a Gatsby/Nick slash fic for credit
    Post by: Misty, Aug 29, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Misty
    The extent of their changes haven't been determined yet. We had a good chat about it on our E3 podcast, actually. They're not doing a straight remake or a complete reboot and we can only speculate about just how much will change -- there's a lot about the story and the game that simply wouldn't work in the current environment of the gaming industry (one big example @libregkd mentioned was Cloud beating up Aeris), but they obviously don't want to stray too far from the original (beloved) game. It's all up in the air but I'm glad they're taking a critical eye to the process.
    Post by: Misty, Aug 27, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  7. Misty
    One of the best recommendations I can make is to show genuine interest in the person. Obviously you can take that too far and come off like a stalker weirdo, but try to learn about them -- where they're from, what they're studying, what they're into. Remember the things they mention and ask them about it when you see them next. It shows you're listening to them and paying attention.

    Haya's advice is good though: don't force things. You can feign interest in their interests if you want, but get ready to keep that going for your entire relationship if you do. Like Haya said, it's easy to just politely express disinterest, or you can try to guide the conversation towards something you like: "I've never seen that show but it sounds a lot like _____, maybe I'll check it out."
    Post by: Misty, Aug 24, 2015 in forum: Help with Life
  8. Misty
  9. Misty
    Profile Post Comment

    Haven't seen it!

    Haven't seen it!
    Profile Post Comment by Misty, Aug 18, 2015
  10. Misty
  11. Misty
    Yes it was Nomura's idea, but it's not a surprise given Disney's business practices. They would want to maintain ownership so that they have the final control and say over the series. If Square did something Disney didn't like, Disney could pull the plug. Disney as a company is very aware of how their characters are portrayed at all times and KH is no exception to that.
    Post by: Misty, Aug 17, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Misty
    the only practical use i have for them is when i'm driving i'll use them to control my music or something

    considering that one of my last google searches was "astronaut love triangle rubber tubing" i don't really want to be dictating questions aloud
    Post by: Misty, Aug 17, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Misty
    Post by: Misty, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  14. Misty
    @libregkd applied some nice styling earlier for polls to help me clear out some of these bug reports. I've gone back in and jazzed things up a little more! Majorly, we're now using a FontAwesome icon and the poll title is slightly larger.
    Post by: Misty, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: Bug Reports
  15. Misty
    I was initially concerned over the announcement of a special Star Wars edition PS4, as I already own one yet have no self-control when it comes to Star Wars merchandise, but I'm glad to say I'm really not digging either the console or the controller. The Vader decal looks like an amateur vector job (and the perspective isn't working for me on it), nor do I like the repeated logo. On the controller, save for the logo, it really just looks like someone added custom colored buttons and sticks to a regular DS4. And it seems to be a glossy black, eugh. Give me a Stormtrooper PS4 or give me death.

    Obviously I'm quite excited for classic Star Wars games to make it to the PS4. I'm sure everyone can guess which ones I have in mind.
    Post by: Misty, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  16. Misty
    Mostly the visual updates and the convenience. It's a pain to pull out my PlayStation 2. I don't even think I have it hooked up to my television any more. It's lazy I know, but not having to switch to a whole different console (with wired controllers, dear lord) is just a nice luxury.

    Now if I had them on PlayStation 4... that would be swell.
    Post by: Misty, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Misty
    I'M SORRY i've been spending so much money lately that i've not been able to justify buying more comics, at least not until i get through the stack I have sitting next to my bed. i have been craving science fiction lately tho so black science is on my horizon
    Post by: Misty, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Misty
    I caught up on some comics today.

    First were volumes one & two of Rat Queens which was amazing. Hilarious with great characters, and it strikes a great balance between humor and more serious plotlines (if usually in favor of the former). Going to get the next few issues when I next go to the comic book shop near me (which will be soon because I still haven't picked up the new Sex Criminals).

    read a few issues of ***** Planet next. Definitely interesting but it didn't capture me like Rat Queens and I'm not super dazzled by the art. #3 was excellent though and I will probably keep with it for the feminist stuff.

    also read the first issue of Lando series. I like what they've done with Princess Leia (though I'm behind on it) and Lando seems great too

    mostly just thinking about how I need to pick up Sex Criminals tho. my comic book store is a thirty second walk from my job, they close at 4:45 on Sundays and I was supposed to be off work at 4:30 which would have been just enough time to pick up Sex Crims and chat a bit. but the other manager was half an hour late.
    whatever i'll just go tomorrow, gotta get my bf a gift anyway

    edit we censor *****?
    Post by: Misty, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Misty
    It's fine. There's a fine line between advertising and sharing your content, but I don't think @LPGamer15 is here only to plug his YouTube channel -- and even if he is, it's pertinent content to the site that engages us in the KH fandom. Our advertising rules were mostly established years ago, when everyone and their grandma had an invisionfree forum they wanted you to register on.
    Post by: Misty, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Misty
    Roxam (mostly) ninja'd me, but D23 Expo Japan is the showing they've really been hyping up. I'm expecting news on Unchained Key there, hopefully with a nearby release window. Square churns out mobile titles pretty quickly and Unchained Key is a port after all.
    Post by: Misty, Aug 16, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates