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  1. Xert
    "There's nothing we can do," Wesely said trying to distract himself, "lets just find out where we are."
    Wesely started walking down the ally toards the street.

    "I'm fine," Nox said as he checked his gun, "We need to start moving."
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xert
    Nox gasped for breath and began panting heavily, "I'll be... fine."
    He stood on his feet and leaned on a all. The two of them were on a street in Rome that no one else was using.
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xert
    The ship couldn't hear him. It kept moving toards the world in the distance. Apperently Cyphus was far enough back from the crusier.
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xert
    "Civilans are to back away from Darkran ships. This is your only warning," said a voice over a loud speaker. The ship contined to move pass them. It looked to be heading toards a world in the distance that looked to be a small town.
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xert
    "Yeah," Wesely said somely. He was looking at his hands as he sat agiest a wall. He was deep in thought most likely because of what happened.

    The Darkness they were using was different from the stuff Gexln used. The Darkness the soilders used was more raw. Gexln drew power from himself to use Darkness. These men were drawing power from something else and it made them stronger. The Dark energy convereged on Gexln over powering him.

    "Give-" Nox coughed again. He kept trying to tell Sora something as he was coughing.
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xert
    OC: any way back to the RP

    Nox fell to his knees and started coughing up a lung. Coughing was good it ment he was at least getting air.

    The group fell out onto a slab of pavement. Wesely got up to see they we're in some allyway at night.

    With Gexln being alone the soilders took new poistions. Nasele watched them all smiling as the soilders took their places. The soilders formed a wide circle around Gexln giving him space to move. They raised their hands and Dark energy came out of the finger tips moving and looking like purple electricty.
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xert
    OC: I have no problems with it after all, I didn't really see how we were getting out of that
    Post by: Xert, Apr 29, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xert
    OC: program I apreate it but thats to easy and I want to see what Doc has in store
    Post by: Xert, Apr 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Xert
    OC: I'm getting myself into this RP darn it

    A large ship was aproching the arguing space travelers.

    Sithos made a request for a few books so he could refresh himself on history and prevouis reports on the Realm of Light.

    OC: they are in space right
    Post by: Xert, Apr 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xert
    One of the symbols on Nasele's armor glowed. She raised her right hand and flames started spouting in large flamethrower like stream. The gladiators, made mostly of bone, simply walked through the flames tords the group.
    The rest of the soilders took this opertunity to jump at every one.
    Wesely hit the groud with a Darkran right on top of him trying to use his claws to kill Wesely. Wesely was holding onto the monster's arm to avoid being impaled.
    Valerie was kicked away from the group to face a Darkran with his claws ready.
    A Darkran soilder launched large orbs of dark magic at Gexln. While to others readied a second attack for Gexln.
    Riku was grabed by the neck and held in the air as a soilder tried to strangle him to death.
    Ellen was left to fight the gladiators alone.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xert
    Nasele stood at the exit with a large group of undead gladiators behind her.
    The group was surounded at one side by Nasele and the other by Darkran soilders.
    Nox sighed, "I'm really sorry about this."
    Nox grabed Sora's hand and the two of them disapeired in a red flash.
    Wesely had come back to reality. There was no way out of this, all of a sudden he wished he was back in his trance.
    "Any ideas," Wesely asked.

    Nox and Sora reapeired in day light in some lonely street in Rome. Nox grabed onto Sora unable to stand. He couldn't breath, he made noises as if trying to get breath but failing to do so. Whatever Nox did took alot out of him.

    OC: does anyone have any ideas how to get out of this one. Because I realised I made this one alittle to hard. I have an idea but I don't really like it
    Post by: Xert, Apr 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xert
  13. Xert
    The soilder that was facing Valerie shoved her out of the way as if she didn't mattered and focused on Gexln. The soilder was teaming with power and anger at Gexln. He moved fasted and hit Gexln with a jab to the chest that knocked him into the wall on the oposite side of the room.
    Nox casted a spell to scatter the bones around. He had to focus on the fight at hand.
    A dark soilder rushed at Eden and Wesely. Wesely was still in a dazed state.
    An orb of darkness was hurled at Ellen.
    Sora and Riku were fighting things far worse than any Heartless they had ever come up agiest before. There were things that used Darkness and then there were the things that were Darkness. These men were full extensions of Darkness itself in it's purest and most terrifying form.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xert
    Nox fired at the soilder that had rushed Wesely causing the soilder to fall on his back from the shot.
    The soilder that Gexln swung at couldn't stop Gexln's attack the strike to his neck had been fatal. He would bleed out in a few seconds. He fell to the ground and grabed Gexln as if to bring him down with him.
    "MAX!" the soilder infront of Valerie shouted when he saw his friend cut down. This soilders eyes turned black, his skin became grey and his hair white and his nails lengthend and turned black. Their bodies had turned into conduits of pure darkness.
    All the other soilders started doing the same. Everyone's magic was returning.
    Nasele rang one of her bells. The bones around the room started to move.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Xert
    Anouther soilder came up behind both Gexln and Valerie in an attempt to help his fellow soilder. He lunged at Gexln while the other one jumped away from the two.
    Nox was able to knock back his soilder and fire at the man with his rifle. Nox didn't flinch when the man fell, infact Nox added the man to his own mental tally.
    Wesely was still in shock of killing a man when a soilder charged at him. Wesely was in to much of a daze state to even notice.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Xert
    The soilder's sword moved swiftly through the air as he struck at Valerie.
    Wesely opened his eyes and saw the soilder laying face first on the ground. Wesely wasn't sure if he was alive or dead but his gun suddenly felt very heavy in his hands. He couldn't seem to hold it anymore, the gun slid out of his hands and fell to the floor.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Xert
    A soilder blocked Valerie's path. His sword drawn he was ready to protect his comander.
    Nox blocked a strike with his gun. He and a soilder fought, Nox using his gun as a shild to block the attacks.
    Wesely closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. BANG! It was the loudest gunshot Wesely would ever hear in his life. He had fired his gun at the soilder. Wesely kept his eyes shut he didn't want to see wiether he hit the man or not.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Xert
    The three ships changed cource diverging from the main fleet. The rest of the fleet was off to carry out it's orders.
    "Am I right to think the energy signature is identical to our Corner Stone," Sithos asked one of his high ranking officers.
    "Yes, but the energy being channeled is Light," the officer elaborated, "it could be the stone of Mazar family."
    Sithos chuckled, "I almost feel bad finding it so soon."
    Post by: Xert, Apr 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Xert
    Sithos sat calmly he was over seeing operations when a soilder kelt before him waiting for permission to speak.
    "Yes soilder," Sithos said giving the man permission to speak.
    "Your magisty, that energy signature came back again," the soilder reported.
    "That could be an issue. I want to investigate personaly. Contact the Fusil and the Argentum, have them follow us in," Sithos ordered.
    The soilder saluted, "yes your magisty."
    Post by: Xert, Apr 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xert
    The ships started to break away from each other. Each ship was given a world to aproch, and ever ship wanted to be the first to concer a world.
    Post by: Xert, Apr 24, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home