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  1. Xert
    OC: okay fine but your charter is 17 not very old. Not much time to train. If we assume that Darkran soilder on average is about 23 (just standard low class soilder) then they still have at least 6 years on Gexln
    Post by: Xert, May 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Xert
    OC: Xert uses the power of the corner stone which is why he's so powerful and of his 50 year long training in Memoria. Your charter is not that old. Assuming that part of Gexln's age is also his Somebody's life span you have not had the same length of training and so far there has been no inclination that Gexln was trained by anyone else. If you were a country wouldn't you train your military to use powerful magic abilities.
    Also comapre these things to my other charters. Wesely has no magical ability he only has his mind, body and a gun. Nox's best spell is a shild and was very clever in making a potion that canceled magic abilities
    Post by: Xert, May 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Xert
    OC: blue Nasele is gone.

    The two could hear rushing water. The tunnel was flooding, Nasele's spell raised the water levels so she could drown Gexln.

    Wesely sighed, "yeah but we could be in any of 6 cities that were built on the shores of the river."

    The road was going to end in the ocean soon and Nox was out of options. The Darkran soilder sent two dark missles of energy at the car. The attack was ripping apart the road and destroying every car it passed.

    OC: Let me make this absolutely clear. Gone are the days you can fight an army by yourself and win. Yes this is power playing but so is thinking you can fight 6 people who have had more time to train and learn magic and win. It's power playing to think that just because your a main charter that your invincible. Your not you want to win you have to he clever. Like when you decreased your body temp to equalize with the super heated hallway when you were fighting Xert that was smart. Fighting with brute strength is not
    Post by: Xert, May 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Xert
    OC: Doc your forgeting that the soilders are supose to be as strong as our main charaters. The reason Nox is running away from them so despretly is because you can't take them by yourself. The reason your losing is because your fighting people with higher mastery of Darkness just as powerful as you but with higher numbers.

    Nasele grew tired of the fight and had more important things to attend to. She casted one last spell and sent the gladiators to fight Gexln. She and the other soilders faded away.

    Nox turned left down the road hiting a man off his scooter. They could see the docks now, but in his rearview mirror Nox could see a soilder. It looked like he was preparing an attack.
    Post by: Xert, May 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Xert
    Nox looked down the alley, "ah ****, stairs."
    Nox slowed the car down enough so they wouldn't crash but the desent down the stairs was rough and bumpy. The whole car shook under the stress.

    Wesely took a map and flipeped through it. He sighed, "we're by the yellow river."

    Nasele slowed the soilder down using her magic, he landed on his feet just fine. Two chains wraped around Gexln's arms and pulled him back so he would land on his back. Two Darkran soilders held Gexln with chains who had the plesent idea of eletricution. Eletricity flowed from the chains into Gexln.
    Post by: Xert, May 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Xert
    Nasele followed silently keeping an air of power about her. She observed that the people had no formal military or any real formal goverment. She began to wonder if conquest over this new realm would be to easy.
    Post by: Xert, May 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Xert
    Nasele was still blocking the exit still, her whole right arm lit up with symbols as she held her hand out tords Gexln. A blast of wind flew Gexln in the air and threw him off balance. A Darkran soilder jumped into the air and grabed Gexln wraping himself around Gexln. The soilder produced heavy electric shocks to Gexln as he fliped Gexln upside down to slam his head into the ground.

    "You are not car sick. You fly a god damn gummi ship through space this should be nothing," Wesely barked at Sora tired of his complaining. A piece of road infront of them exploded. Nox made a sharp right down an ally. The Darkrans had finaly caught up with them.

    The group could see a river off the side of the city.
    "Wait is that..." Wesely looked around for any sort of place that sold maps. And lucky enough there was a cheap news stand that had several of them. None in english but a map was a map.
    Post by: Xert, May 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Xert
    "Two of them will come with me," Nasele said firmly, "I'm not going to walk into any traps."
    Two of the stronger looking soilders followed closely behind Nasele as they followed the man.
    Post by: Xert, May 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Xert
    "No," Nox said, he hit the accelerator causing both of them to get pressed into their seats.

    Wesely looked up and down the street seeing nothing but people on bicycles. Wesely sighed as he started to walk the side walks.

    One of the soilders tried to block the attack but was hit by the keyblade across the chest. Luckly his armor took the brunt of the blow maring his chestpiece with a large gash.
    Post by: Xert, May 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Xert
    "I am Lady Nasele, military comander and an official representive of the Darkran Empire," Nasele explained with some pride in her voice, "is there any place where we can discuss privately?"
    Post by: Xert, May 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Xert
    Nasele looked at the shocked and frightened crowd. Their attention was on her but also the soilders.
    She smiled kindly, "We're not here to hurt you we just wish to enter peaceful negotianions. Now who is in charge of this world so we can get to buisness and be out of your hair."

    OC: does anyone want to RP a temp charater
    Post by: Xert, May 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Xert
    Nox made a sharp right turn, causing Sora to slam into the car door. Nox actualy looked scared as his eyes were darting from place to place.

    "If we find a cab we can get a ride to the US embacy," Wesely said. Except not every city has an embacy if we're in a smaller city it isn't likely we'll get much help.

    Nasele smiled as she watched her soilders in action.
    One of the soilders rushed Gexln. He made an attempt to punch Gexln in the chest, using dark magic as a conduit to increase the strike signifigantly.
    Post by: Xert, May 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Xert
    Wesely grabed his right hand with his left to stop the shaking. Wesely looked as if it was nothing, "I'm fine."

    Nox hit the accelarator hard, the tires screeched as they were flung into motion.

    The soilders charged again. Two came from both the back and front of Gexln in a way that would leave their oppent with the abilty to be hit by one or both of the soilders. After that strike the third one moved in close to Gexln to dilver a powerful strike to his center.
    Post by: Xert, May 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Xert
    The small transport landed on the ground of the town square. The ship rested a few moments as a crowd gathered. The door of the transport opened. When the doors opened and six soilders dressed in black armor came from the ship, their hand on their swords ready to attack or defend. A women followed them out wearing similar armor except her's was covered in symbols and had a belt of bells strapped around her chest.
    She had deep blue hair that reached her shoulders, she looked over the crowd with her pale green eyes. When she spoke you couldn't be sure if had the sweet voice of an angel or the strength of a goddess, "who among you is fit to speak on behalf of this world?"
    Post by: Xert, May 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Xert
    "Just get in," Nox said getting into the car, "get the map we need to get to the docks."

    Wesely's right hand started to shake. He quickly grabed it with his left hand to stop it.

    The three soilders with drew as the other three had perpared their strike. Each one sent a heavy barage of dark energy blast.
    Post by: Xert, May 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Xert
    Name: Nasele
    Age: 28
    weapons: a sword covered in symbols, magic and 7 bells straped across her torso
    Your look: The woman us goddess, dark blue hair hung to her shoulders, light green eyes looked to refelct determination and power. Her pale skin is flawless and her face was more beautiful than any painting known to man. She wore black armor that looked very light as to improve her moblity a single sword hung at her side and a belt with seven bells each a different size on her torso.
    Your story: Nasele was trained as a necromancer by her people who were in a civil war. When the Darkran's showed up Nasele conviced the Royal families to cooperate with the Darkrans. The families agreed as long as the Darkrans proved themselves by destroying the rebels. Darkra accepted the propsel and in three days time the Old Kingdom became part of the Darkran Empire.
    Home world: The Old Kingdom

    A transport ship decended on the world acompanied by two triangled shaped fighters. It wasn't big enough for an attack it was most likely a diplomatic attempt.
    Post by: Xert, May 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Xert
    "Out of all the things you've muttered to yourself thats the only one I actualy know," Wesely said, "It's almost nice to know we have comman ground."

    The soilders stoped their attack seeing it as ineffective. Three of them rushed at Gexln with their claws extended.

    Nox saw an old Volkswagen Bettle driving up the road. Nox held his gun up and walked into the street. The driver slamed on the breaks and ran out of the car.
    Post by: Xert, May 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Xert
    I still feel like Anonymous had something to do with this. Then again it could be someone else using Anonymous as a scape goat. But that seems alittle far fetched
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  19. Xert
    "Sora they're dead. No one could take that many Darkran soilders at once. And even if they are we don't have time, if what Nasele said is true the Darkran's are moblising. Your not safe to stay in one place at any given time," Nox said. He moved to the streets and held his gun tightly.

    Wesely was about to ask what she was babling about this time but shook his head and let it go, "we need to figger out what city we're in."
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Xert
    "Actualy no," Wesely said looking at sign. It was some sort of Asian lanuage Wesely was sure of that, "I think we might be in China."
    Post by: Xert, May 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home