OC: I was about to freak out until I read that the bell had rung. Also before anyone freaks out all of Nasele's ablities are based of a book series by Garth Nix. I didn't make all this up. Every thing about Darkra yeah but Nasele's magic is entirely Garth Nix The 7th bell wrung louder than any noise known to man. To any that heard the sound it ment insant death, even undead beings would be forced back into death with no hope of being pulled out. Gexln had cut the bell off before he got the full effect, Nasele wasn't sure what that would do to him. The red stoned cleing of hell started to be pulled apart. "no NO NO NO NO," Nasele shouted. She shut her eyes tightly and muttered to herself, "don't look up don't look up. Look up and you die. Don't look up." The cleing was riped apart to reveal a wonderfly starlit sky so appealing that you just wanted to go and touch the stars.
"So where's home for you," Nox asked sitting down and getting confortable.
You won't what Val?
(But for a detailed explanation.... on the fathers side of Sora's family there is a genetic trait in the males that allows them to bear children....
OC: okay Nasele's after life is a River that leads to a start lit sky. She is bringing that afterlife to where she is now. I don't care what sort of hell you want anymore. Nasele is still losing Alphonce can fight her now and I really just want to drop it "So we have some time what do you wanna do," Nox asked.
Matt 5:22 "the fire of hell." Matt 25:41 "you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matt 25:46 "eternal punishment" Three different places in Matthew: "the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Mark 9:48 "hell, where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched." Luke 16:22-24 "The rich man also died and was buried. In hell, where he was in torment, ... '...I am in agony in this fire." Rev 20:14 "The lake of fire is the second death. 15 If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." OC: anything I'm missing
OC: okay a few facts. 1. The bible never really describes hell except as a place of torment for evil souls. 2. It does mention fire. 3. If this is infact the case then Alphonce should have never been able to leave. 4. It doesn't really matter because if you can drag Nasele to your after life she can drag you to her's Nox had a sorry look to himself, "Your friends are proably dead. I'm sorry but my job is to keep you alive."
OC: Either way Nasele's afterlife now live with it. And the Devine comendy had aspects of Greek mythology in it. It is not the Greek Underworld Nasele blasted back Gexln farther than she had any other time before. She got on her knees and readied herself for what was to come next. Nasele shut her eyes tightly as she brough her hands to her ears. She used her magic to make a noise loud enough to make her deaf. She screamed in pain as her ears bled. She was shaking as she reached for the 7th bell. "Actualy Sora we can only hear eachother," Nox explained, "it's great for stealth missions."
OC: actualy acording to the Divine Comendy in which most fictional hells are based off of their are 4 rivers only three have actual water, and only two are just plain water Nox's mouth was moving as if he was talking but no sound was coming out. Nox then looked at Sora as if he made a point. "You brought me to an afterlife. Just one of many, this one is mine," Nasele said. The symbols broke open as grey water rushed into the room. The color of the room also changed turning everything black, white and grey as if it was part of an old movie. The water wasn't very deep just to their shins, but it was from this river Necromancers drew power from. Nasele rose feeling stronger now. The only down side now was that the Heartless could attack now that she changed the afterlife. Here the dead could drag the living into Death.
OC: Blue, I don't know what fight your looking at but Nasele is losing. She isn't a very powerful charater she's ment to be a comander. Also she's not a Darkran she her world was taken over peacefully and she became a military officer in the Darkran Military after her world's military had to join with theirs. So she doesn't have all the Dark powers and what not
OC: if he's undead than Nasele can control which should go doubley because he's a heartless. If he's dead then we can argue that Nasele can't control a truely dead being but at the same time he wouldn't be able to fight Nasele. Nasele tried to block the strikes with her sword but one of the three strikes hit one of her sholder plates off. She casted a shild behind herself to block the fireballs but her shild broke at the last one and she fell forward. She hurried to stand again. Three will have to do I can't fight like this. Nasele casted a spell that ingraved one more symbol into another wall. Nasele focused energy within herself, then in a flash of blue light the darkness was dispelled. Nasele collapsed on the ground, her spells had worn her down but luckly for her she still had one last card to play. The sound of rushing water started echoing within hell. Nasele would have smiled if she had the strength to. Nox put on a small neckleace with a small wooden charm then he threw one that look just like it to Sora.
Nox opened up a metal crate that was partialy empty it had boxes of potato chips ment for sale. Nox sliped inside and motioned for Sora to follow him. It would for the jorney, but now came the boreing part, waiting.
Nox started knocking lightly on the crates as he passed them he was looking for an empty crate for them to hid in.
"I ment your memory loss," Wesely sorta lied, "because of it you've loss who you use to be so in a sence you died. I should just send you and Valirie home before you both get killed." Nox opened the door slowly and went inside. He was in a large room that was storing all sorts of large crates of items to be sold someplace else.
"What the hell do you know you've been alive for what three... four days? What do you know about anything," Wesely said angrly. He was trying to keep his voice down as to not wake the others. Nox headed down two flights of stairs, and arrived at another door. He pressed his ear to it and listened.
Nasele started to head out the door of the small house, "One of my men, Sir Fowl, will arrive shortly after I depart. He will need a building in which we can use as a City Hall. He will also be helping with instituting our laws and will help make this tranishion as easy for your people as possiable."
"Thank you," Nasele said as she offered her hand to shake, "don't worry your people will greatly benifit the change and security of a new goverment."
Alphonce bounced off a blue shild that was protecting Nasele. Alphonce was still dead and couldn't harm her in an afterlife. Nasele rolled back and made it back to her feet. She casted anouther spell that carved one of her symbols on a wall. She needed two more for her plan to work. "And you can't guess why," Wesely asked bitterly.
OC: anyone else going to post "To put it bluntly we want control of this world. Now no matter what we'll have it but the real question is if your willing to cooperate," Nasele said, "now don't get the idea that we're tyrants. If you cooperate your people will be able to elect a represative of this world to represnt you all in Parlement. Only things that will change is the addition of taxes and a military force that will defend this world from invaders. If you resist us however, we will cut down anyone who takes up arms, out in place our own leader of this world and there will be more strick punshiments for breaking laws."
Wesely looked out the window at the quiet street. He was tired but he couldn't sleep, his mind was to wraped around what happend at the keyhole. He killed someone he didn't even know his name, probaly had a wife. Wesely stomic droped, what if he had kids. Wesely might have taken someones father away. Nox opened a large metal door silenlty. He motioned for Sora to go first. OC: umm Nuthead I know your new and all but the Heartless have been around awhile now and for the most part they're under control it's the fact that austrila is gone and over run by Darkness that would be in the news headlines