Okay Blue it is power playing that Alphonce can litteraly portal anywhere at anytime. So I decided to make a defence for it. It gets annyoing that Alphonce can just blast through everything. Also stop treating Darkran soilders like their nothing more than weak Heartless. They're powerful. I thought I tried to make this clear but apperently you don't want to listen
OC: Blue OOC fourm now. I'm not wasting anouther 3 pages on this fourm argueing with you
OC: no no no blue. I'd stop using portals now if I were you. Anyone remeber this
If you did you'd still be trying to kill me. Nasele looked sadly at Gexln, "that creature must have done something. Your name is Ronald Lauran. Come on Ronald something has to be left I couldn't have left you with nothing."
"Oh Ronald," Nasele said sadly, "I am so sorry. This is my fault, I hope you can forgive me."
"How old are you? Where were you born? Whats your name? Do you know where you are," Nasele asked. This might be harder than I thought
"Only a necromancer can talk to the dead, and the only one we know is trying to kill us," Nox said with a chuckle.
"You tell me," Nasele asked. Depending on how much he rembers I'll figger out what to do with him. Wesely looked at his phone battery was dead. He wasn't really suprised. "I've left so many people behind I've loss count," Nox said sadly, "but I've done my best. Still doesn't undo what I did."
Nasele and her two soilders left the small house and walked directly to thier trasport. I wounder if I'm the first one to turn a world to our side. That might get me a promotion. Baroness Nasele, no that doesn't sound right.
"No I don't think that will be nessary," Nasele said walking up between the two soilders. She looked better now Darkrans had excelent healers, "exacly how much do you rember?" "You know your not the only one who's loss friends down the line," Nox said solmely as he sat by the chips.
"Denial is always part of a greving process," Nox said, "but it all sounds nice. I guess you were luckly." OC: so how much memory does Gexln have?
Gexln was thrown into a circle of salt. "Rombus," one of the soilders casted, the circle of salt glowed after the spell was casted. The soilders left Gexln to be by himself.
Yes very beautiful Wesely called her a goddess. Then later the Goddess of Death
Nasele was still deaf she couldn't hear anything. A purple light glowed below them. Suddenly the two fell through the light. Both of them were transported back to Austrila. Gexln and Nasele were surounded by Darkran soilders without armor in black and purple uniforms. Several rushed to Nasele. "My lady are you alright," one of the medics asked as he aproched. Nasele opened her eyes and smiled in releif, "reroute all dark portals to some place deadly I don't care where just use your imagination. Contact my home and tell them I need a new first and seventh bell. Contain him until I have had a chance to talk to him, and get me to medical so some one can fix my ears." Two soilders grabed Gexln and carried him away from every one.
Nasele couldn't be sure if Gexln was still moving, she had to asume the bell worked, "just look up and it will all make sence. Go on look up, you won't regret it."
It's a series called the Old Kingdom which is Nasele's world
Nasele droped the bell and reached for the 5th bell. She rang it, this one would take away Gexln's memories and thoughts making him an empty shell. Nasele was getting desprate and using these bells was draining her.
Gexln was moving she could feel it in the vibrations of the water. She grabed the first bell and rang it. It's power should but Gexln to sleep. Nasele kept moving away from Gexln.
Actualy the point of death is that it's so irresistible that you actualy want to let yourself rise up into it.
Nasele kept her eyes shut. She felt helpless she couldn't hear, and now she couldn't see. She slowly crawled away from Gexln or maybe tords Gexln she wasn't really sure. She just wanted to get away from them.