So have I been over the top on this new RP
Do you think I'm being unfair in the RP
Nox was quiet, he half expected Sora to ask him questions. He was only being realistic about the situation, but Sora was optemistic about everything. Sooner or later the universe would rub that out of Sora.
I'm not sure how we could possiable explain dragons. I'm gonna go with no on the dragons. This has gone nowhere Does anyone else feel I've wronged them. Or is it just Doc and Blue
Okay were not getting anywhere like this. Yes I like control but I do it to keep the plot moving. I've been in to many RPs where everything was held up because someone wouldn't post. I do it to keep the thead from dieing I did the same thing in the last KH RP I did with Eden and Val and it was one of the best ones I've been part of. And was one of the only ones where there was an ending. Please try to understand that when you show up and power through obsticles to get what you want it's frustrating because I was counting on things to take longer so I had more time to think about what happens next. And I don't control everything. It was Val's idea for the keyhole to be in Rome, I was thinking somewhere else. I'm still trying to figger out Eden's memory loss. I don't have full control of the story, I just have an idea of where I'd like to see it go
Blue if you don't want your charater to die you always end up doing something drastic. I think it was a god mod you could drag me to hell instantly, I think it was a god mod when you took away the one tool Nasele had and I think your idiot for not thinking I would end up having to do something to get out of it all
Yes because Nasele was doing great fighting Gexln when he was flinging spells at her. She is not powerful by herself. She's a military officer, a comander not a warrior not a soilder. Her strength comes from others. The water was the River of Death her afterlife that she brought to Alphonce's afterlife. I came up with an idea and I went for it
Austrila's Keyhole was flooded with Darkness. That was fair. I tried to have Nasele fight back but you said she couldn't control the dead in hell. When will you realise she has no offencive spells. HOW COULD SHE FIGHT BACK!?
I haven't really used the Heartless or the undead in this RP. I think I've only really used them when Austrila was taken over. As for the hell thing. What your basicaly saying is that Nasele was supose to just keel over for you
Nasele is my charater I decide if and when she dies. and even if she does the Darkrans aren't going to go away. We've seen her in about three fights 1 win 1 loss and 1 draw. She has no dark powers of her own, she's a necromancer and her magic abilities so far don't cause physical harm. The only way out of the Hell senrio was to Power play
Alone no she isn't. I ran out of idea's of what to do in Hell. That was the product of that. Normaly I wouldn't have done that with Nasele but she was going to be killed if I didn't do something.
Blue shut up your not being helpful Okay, idea here. Nasele and the Darkrans focus on concering islands by Austrila. I'll let Gexln do what he wants for awhile. This will keep the Darkrans out of the way for awhile. What do you think
Everyone is fighting an Empire that controls the whole of Darkness and you want a new villian. I think we're fine when it comes to villians And Nasele is vastly underpowered compared to both of you
What the hell do you want from me then? Because all you do is complain about it. Make some sugjestions
So I am supose to let Nasele die, let you guys destroy an army like it's nothing, destroy the bad guys without any real effort, because right now thats what it feels like. Should I make it all easy for you.
Your right the bible is one of the best works of fiction in the world Doc I don't portal out because thats easy. The Darkran's don't ambush everyone every second because thats unfair. I try to stay as reasonable as possiable with an unreasonable Rper
OC: Blue if you don't go the OOC thead so we can talk about this. I'm just going to ignore your post from now on because you can't fight an army alone and win let alone the Darkrans you portaling anywhere is ridiculous and I want the fighting to stop
what exacly is your plan then
In my defence I tried to give you fair warning about the sky. Also it was based off a book I was just trying to stay true to the story. I mean he threw Nasele into hell what else could I have done
Okay I don't know how you expect me to turn Gexln like this. The Ronald Lauran idea was great. Make Gexln belive he was a whole other person would...