OC: Val Nox is also swiming to shore. "Not really but this is a better place to look than most," Wesely said walking up the green hill. The valley had two large green hills with the river in the center. "I'm gonna see if I can get a better look," Wesely explained as he walked away from the group.
Nox walked a few steps back and ran off the edge of the boat using the banaster as a vault. He did a dive into the water and went under. Wesely lept off the boat landing on the shore alittle off balance on the landing.
OC: Sorry sorry Wesely stoped the boat, "okay I think we should have a look around." He threw a small ancor into the water to hold the boat in place. Nox looked at Sora, "we have to swim from here."
Nox moved up to the deck. They could see the shore line from where they were standing, the boat slowly moving along side Eygpt. Nox got to the edge of the rail and looked over at the water. Wesely moved the boat near the shore line. He had to make sure he wouldn't beach the boat.
The boat floated into a richly green valley. There were a few small stone ruins that didn't look like anything. Wesely slowed down the boat. "Okay now which way," Wesely asked. Nox moved swiftly through the cargo hold.
Wesely shook his head, "I seriously dought that Sora is pregnate. Isn't it more likely that you got the spell wrong. I mean seriously it doesn't make sence. Any ways it looks like we're here." Nox looked at his watch, "okay we need to move."
OC: I really can't do anything to stop you. But can at least think about this, I mean this isn't the best time for well any of this. Sora is going to be exchanging blows with other people, and will proably kill the fetus in the fighting. I'm not saying don't do this at all just don't do it know
OC: and here I was feeling bad about acusing you last week. Val do we really have to do this again? Cause last time this happend it made the RP alot more complecated. Can you save this for far down the line, because right now it's just going to get in the way
"You know English. Pick something, or sound out something," Wesely said getting sick of the Eden's lack of any knowlage, "all names came from somewhere so making a new one won't be to hard."
"then name yourself," Wesely chimed in, "your right Eden's dead. You can't be who you use to be so it's time to move on." OC: sorry for infrequent post but I'm kinda on vacation
Wesely half heartedly tries to listen to the conversation. Bored and tired, the river not offering much to look at. After Nasele sent out her orders she walked to her private quarters. The room was small designed for practiacity not confort. She had a single window over looking the landscape, three chairs, a desk, a bed and a bookshelf that took up a small portion of the room. She also had a small table near the door most likely ment for weapons to rest.
OC: just realized that Nasele's OC fourm is posted in the OOC place
Wesely yawned his lack of sleep catching up with him. He tried to focus on his boating but found the repeative noise of the boat moving through the water soothing. Nox noticed that Sora had cheered up all of a sudden. He was about to ask why but guessed the reason in a manner of seconds. Nasele pleased with her plans started writing up orders and sending them out of her office.
Nox reached into his bag and brought out a book. The book had several marked pages. Nox flipped to one near the back and started reading. Wesely looked at the gauges on the boat seeing how much fuel they had. The boat had plenty but Wesely wasn't sure how far the rivervalley was. Nasele looked at a map and made drawings of troop movement into the north.
The plans detailed attacks that would be lunched on surounding islands then the Darkrans would moblise north until they reached the mainland. Nasele looked over them and made a few minor changes in the plans in order to increase the loss of ennemy troops. The boat sped into motion moving swiftly down the river. Rick had a tight grip of the wheel as they went.
Nox threw a large bag of potato chips at Sora, "did you forget what's in this crate with us?" Wesely took a the drivers seat and started moving the boat away from the dock. Nasele was making notes about things she saw while traveling in Earth, on Sora and the others and she made a few notes on attack stradiges.
Wesely untied the boat and hoped onto the boat. He sat in the drivers seat and looked at Riku, "can you use that thing to start this?" "This waiting around is killing you isn't," Nox asked with a smile. Nasele left the main comand room for her personal office. She had scouting reports to go through aswell as orders to start sending out.
Wesely waited for the others to get onto the boat. He looked up at the storm clouds moving over the city. Wesely wanted to get going before it started raining. Nasele looked at the large hole in the wall of the comand room, "how fast can we get that fixed?" "Few minutes m'lady," a soilder said walking away presumably to get others to fix the wall. "Not really," Nox said, "if we were still in Rome I could have casted a spell that could have told us but at this distance it's impossiable."
Wesely rolled his eyes, "or we can get a yacht." Wesely pointed at the larger black motor boat would hold all of them. OC: I spent ten minutes trying to describe the boat but I'm not sure how. But this is the boat I was thinking of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wym9K35SVEk
The group arrived at a dock for river boats. Wesely looked around for people getting onto or off of boats. The dock wasn't very busy but docks are seldom places that people visit.