hmmm... *suspicious look*
Oh, really?
*is normally the one who gets the knife held at* O.o
...Not... <_< >_>
and we all know you can't do taht :3 Yesh, but a) you don't really b*tch that much b) I don't know the person 9/10
yesh. Wait, what? O.o I take sharp objects away from you too... I'ma start it den? and agreed. All people ever do anymore is b*tch about...
very very strange o.o Nah, i'd rather listen to you whine. Only interesting conversation all day has been Dem-Dem so i'm good. still it's up to...
ahhh. that explanis things :\ well, i'm still here for now, so perfectly ready to be whined to lol
you wanted a sharp pointy object? O.o ahh, ok. well, i have to go out with my sis soon, so i'll be back a little afterwards, though, i'm not...
Yeah, i've been ok, and damn, i wanted to help make a sword ._. and i have deleted profile messages from you... might i ask what they were about?
Hey, just wanted to check if you were ok?
Hey RA, just wondering how you are?
Rawr = I love you in Dinosaur Rawr! 83
No lol, just a nice gesture because she seems like a mother figure so well, yeah.
Well, hey there. Um, well, it's mother's day in Australia and it has been for the past 18 hours and 25 minutes from the moemnt this was posted, and i've been trying to figure out what i could do for CTR for mother's day. And so far, making a thread on here seemed like the best way, so, if you know CTR, are good friends with CTR or even if you just know of (and appreciate) CTR, even if not to help me, post somethign she'd like here, and let's try to brighten her day, even if only as a form of thank you over a happy mother's day. And sorry if i got this in the wrong section, i haven't been outside of the family section in a LONG time...
Mom, just wanted to say thank you for everything, you're the best and i'm happy i've gotten to know you ^-^ And yes, I'm hyper as hell.
not so good i'm afraid. and ok, i'll also try to stay up some time so let's hope we can meet up then..
Umm, random part of a story i did for practice, it's only a prototype though and i'm not going to post the actual story, since i'm trying to get it published. I know it's not that good, but my girlfriend had all but left me as i was writing it so i couldn't really concentrate, sorry... Trance: ------- The wind bellowed loudly, its sharp shards rippling lightly through Drain’s crimson brown hair, the sun’s ever-elegant gaze illuminating his pale skin in the shade of the oak. Under normal circumstance, Drain would be with the others, trying as he so often did to enjoy the mindless frolicking of free period. Nevertheless, this day had been different; instead, the booming noise of life did not reach him. Instead, a deep silence aired all around him, his promise of eternity vivid in the minds of others. Even in God’s Hall break ups were common, in-fact, it had to be at least twice as common, yet never were both sides of the relationship reluctant to part. And-so, when the separation of Drain and Ami had come about, no one had expected neither Drain’s promise, nor Ami’s ever-present doubt on what would come to be. If that had not been peculiar enough, even the terms for the break-up remained hidden, seemingly hanging between only Drain and Ami, as opposed to the natural commotion surrounding any number of other couples. This, alongside Drain’s naturally anti-social manner, had left the teen all but isolated of excitement, or comfort, his usual company replaced with a steady oak, which had barely stood on campus. In truth, Drain had never minded, he had found an unset comfort underneath the rustling of the tree’s branches. However, even this small comfort could only be temporary at best. Eventually Sync, Shane, Juc or even Ami herself would corner him about it, and he knew that when that finally happened, his world would come crashing down. He sighed at the thought, a sudden chill making him flinch violently, rendering him clinging to the tree. Drain was sick of it, sick of all this coward-like hiding, and the inescapable chill that seemed to stalk him. “Drain Kyegates?” He asked himself, laughing as the words left his mouth. Kyegates, right. That name had had long lost all meaning. Gates were meant to be sturdy, impenetrable, and in some cases, even daunting. Drain was none of these, and never had been. Instead, Drain had always been cold, impassive and emotionless, the true visage a ‘Drain’ should give off. His thoughts subsided, laughter still chortling out of him as he doubled over, his lungs aching in anticipation for his stored breath. All the same, the laughter continued to storm out of him, the formerly void air about him over-flowing with the noise of this obscenity. The life and excitement had drained out of the free period, the prying glances of his classmates ever questioning him, worried glances passing between the supervising teachers. Drain fell back, his voice hoarse, his body succumbing to the lack of oxygen, the deep impenetrable laughter finally subsiding out of his system. Already the teacher’s cautious voices rung out amongst the crowds, directing them away from the huddled form that had become Drain, their own concerned glances peering over at the troubled teen. Drain frowned sourly, the stirring of coughs stirring in his throat as he choked to reclaim the air his laughter had so vividly deprived him of. What right did they have to judge him? What could they possibly understand when they had never even left the comfort of privilege for a day? Drain flinched slightly, a spluttering cough vomiting itself out of his mouth. Such thoughts were nothing like him. Drain closed his eyes momentarily, sighing deeply as his breathing finally growing steady. The wind had picked up now, the sun’s rays cooling along the horizon. He would have to return to his dorms soon, or risk the possibility of being locked outside of God’s Hal, a thought he did not take so kindly too. This thought clear in his mind, Drain pulled himself up, hoping against hope that Sync would not be waiting for him. And so, when Drain found the school psychiatrist waiting for him, he had no choice but to believed his silent prayer had been answered. Eve so, as he stalked after the staff member, his only true worry amongst the junkyard that had become his mind was, ‘what’s going to happen to me now?’ Even if his episode on the oval had become common knowledge, it was hardly enough to commit him. In fact, the worst they could do at this point was put him on medication, or keep him under surveillance. Nevertheless, however, he could only question what would happen should another episode escape him. As the opaque door came into view, Drain had found himself deciding he would not allow this man into his head. Regardless of what he said or did, he would not let it get through to him. Unfortunately, for Drain, this had proven harder than originally anticipated, a series of well-placed bombardments hitting him, each one slightly harder then the previous, leaving Drain with the eventual belief this man could see into his soul. On the other hand, he was possibly stalking him. This never-ending bombardment continued, Drain’s conviction having grown stronger and stronger as a pattern finally came into his sights, a feeling of victory shooting through him. This pattern continued for a moment, Drain’s confidence reaching it’s peak as the bombshell his him. “I understand your still recovering from a certain break-up?” The question was self-explanatory, but it had been well placed, and Drain’s sudden shock had answered it all. “You know Drain; it’s been a couple of weeks, you should just stop thinking about it.” Silence had eloped this advice, an irritable sigh eroding the air between them. “Look Drain, I’m sure you still Ami, truly, I am, but feelings fade and there are plenty of other nice girls. A sudden crash bought the Psychiatrist’s sights across the rooms, a pile of previously stacked papers but a few centimeters from the Psychiatrist’s face, the older man’s jaw hanging loosely in surprise as Drain’s defensive statement lunged at him. “You could never understand…” “But she asked me to wait, and I’m going to wait!”
um, evening. Might i ask how you are and where you've been?
ok, thank you.