Search Results

  1. Dmaster
    Well he didn't O.o Nope. :\
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Near-to-Tears, Oct 10, 2009
  2. Dmaster
  3. Dmaster
  4. Dmaster
  5. Dmaster
  6. Dmaster
  7. Dmaster
    OOC: Well, you have 3 people so far...
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dmaster
    OOC: So, when do we start?
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dmaster
    "It's cold..." Drain slowly murmered to himself, wondering silently through the misted courtyards. He had been walking for hours, searching for someone - anyone - else. Even now, he could feel someone's eyes upon him, but yet, when he looked, there was nothing.

    Hugging himself tightly, Drain sighed, the cold air capturing his breath in a haze as he searched. He could feel the weight of his pocket knife in his pocket. Without checking, he already knew that it was folded up nicely in his pocket, pressing against phone. Not that a phone much mattered in this kind of place...

    Drain winced. It was truly cold here. And lonely. Truly, lonely...

    This in his mind, he wondered further into the mist...
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 5, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dmaster
    User Name: Dmaster
    Name: Drain Kyegates
    Apperance: Medium Pearl-white hair, red-ish brown eyes, red long-sleeved shirt and baggy black pants with white sneakers.
    Bio: Drain is a queit young man, who for many years has felt lost. Since the death of his father as a child, he has moved onto wandering the country during any large vacations, with the most recent of which, leaving him in Silent Hill.
    weapon: Pocket Knife
    What frightens your character: Groups, Cold Things and Intimacy

    James Sunderland said rawrs.

    OOC: Though it's a bit late, Can i join?
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 4, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dmaster
    I've been writing alot ._.
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Doukuro, Oct 4, 2009
  12. Dmaster
  13. Dmaster
  14. Dmaster
    Profile Post

    D: *freak out*

    D: *freak out*
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Doukuro, Sep 25, 2009
  15. Dmaster
    Damn guilt trips and love DX
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Doukuro, Sep 25, 2009
  16. Dmaster
  17. Dmaster
    Danm you and your bargains! D:
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Doukuro, Sep 25, 2009
  18. Dmaster
    ._. I am so underpaid...
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Doukuro, Sep 25, 2009
  19. Dmaster
  20. Dmaster