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  1. Dmaster
    Leo seemed to take a blow as Lana mentioned the time, his own eyes scravaging to the clock on the wall as he sprung out of his chair and seemed to tackle the door out of the way, barely taking a moment to wait for Lana as he took up however many announcements he may have in a single scoop of his arm.

    Denithan stood awkwardly by the seemingly huge doors to the assembly hall. He wasn't quite sure if they had always been like this, but for some reason, they seemed particularly large that day, much like they had when he had first entered the school. His tie was chaffing at his neck and the green blazer felt rather restricting compared to what he remembered too. Maybe the school holidays were longer then he thought...

    Lucy stumbled down the halls, her clothes caught up in the commotion as she stumbled about in her newly adorned uniform. It was no joke what had been said about it, it was like being a billboard, she swore. And to boot, she could only trust the person in front of her was a) going to the assembly, and b) knew where they were gonig.
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dmaster
    tired, or emotional limit? :\
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Doukuro, Oct 23, 2009
  3. Dmaster
  4. Dmaster
    Profile Post

    D is on now, is RA?

    D is on now, is RA?
    Profile Post by Dmaster for Doukuro, Oct 23, 2009
  5. Dmaster
    "I think so." Leo smiled at her. "But, what about you? You look surprisingly young to be working here."
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dmaster
    "That's a relief i guess." Leo joked, turning his chair towards her. "I tell you, I'd be freaking horrified if looked like i was 40."

    OOC: "pologies about the really short post, i'll post more tommorow night, gonna head to bed though, laters.
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Dmaster
    "I'm probably just a little older then you." Leo shrugged. "Though, the fact you couldn't tell that kind of makes me feel old..."
    A desperate yawn escaped his lips as he pushed the matter aside, sitting himself back down. "And don't worry about anything I say, you look amazing either way. I just talk too much is all."
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Dmaster
    "Just that, everytime you take a sip you leave a mark on your cup." Leo pointed out. "Not sure how right I am, but I think you're wearing a damn load of make-up because of that. And while you may look good, that just leads me to assume you don't like people thinking ill of you..."
    Leo smiled half-heartedly at her as he queitly went to put his cup away. "I'm wrong alot though. It was easier back when I was dealing with teenagers though."
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Dmaster
    "I suppose you're right." Leo shrugged. "But, I don't know, I find just a nice queit lunch without company's just as good as with when it comes to marking."
    Sighing as he drained the last of his cups contents, he staired airily at Lana's. "Don't have to worry about what people think either."
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Dmaster

    "Well, the offer's always there." He flashed a smile back at her. "Though, you're probably right. Still, grading's not particularly hard whilst your having some lunch, right?"
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dmaster
    Sighing, Leo took another gulp out of his cup as he turned back towards Lana. "It's not all good you know. Gets lonely after awhile, and the sitcoms don't get better as you go along, either." He was staring plainly at her now, dropping his pen as he turned his attention away from the work. "If you ever have the free-time though, I can give you a lift to a cafe or something? They're pretty good for relaxing."
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Dmaster
    Leo hesitated a moment as he saw her face, placing his mug down lightly. "Well, at least you did something..." He lightly joked at her. "I just sat around and watched SitComs all holidays. Isn't that every teachers dream though?"
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dmaster
    "In that case, I'm all up for helping out then. Assuming I can keep my bookwork down." Leo smiled at her, skulling a large gulp of the mug and savouring the taste. "Thanks for this by the way. Anyways, what did you do all hoidays anyway?"
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Dmaster
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Dmaster
    "I do, do it when I'm giving it..." Leo retorted idly, staring back at Lana. "I d oeveryhting as i'm giving it... it just gets bigger!"
    Using his hands to show an example, he seemed to emphasize the point his work was limtless, all the while gazing at her virtually empty desk. "Besides, what are you doing here if you don't have any work?"

    OOC: I gtg soon, so I leave my characters in teh care of Dem-Dem when i do... ._.
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Dmaster
    Lucy had abandoned her attempts at following the crowds now, instead searching through the vast school on her own, as she made her soft progression somewhere...

    Leo chuckled at her offer. "You know, i'll be fired in a second if i do that. The head is already trying to get rid of my from last year."
    With that said, the endless scratching of paper rushed forward again. "What i don't get is, how do i have so much paperwork, and you so little?"
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Dmaster
    Leo smiled at the bright bubbling teacher, the endless rhythmitic scratching halting momentarily. "I need help, just not so sure you can give it" He admitted sourly, keeping his smile nontheless. "Any chance I can get you to get me some tea or something?"

    The endless line of students and cars seemed to be drifting apart now, as Denithan finally faded in from behind the treeline, heading off on his own unknown path around the neighbouring students.

    Queit as a mouse, Lucy had clamped her mouth shut mere moments after her parents had left, simply standing there amazed at all the luggage everyone else seemed to bring, whilst she merely had a couple of backpacks. As how little she had bought started to doom over her, so did the factor that she was going to be here for almost a straight year with absolutely no contact from her parents. The thought seemed to scream at her, and as soon as she had arrived, she had found herself following the closest person beside her.
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Dmaster
    Denithan heaved a long sigh, walking out openly onto the campus. All along the horizon old and new students alike were arriving, walking into the school grounds after saying their farewells. Having stayed the previous holiday to help out, Denithan was outrightly amazed, that somewhere deep inside that group was probably his younger sister.

    Lucy stared idly outside the car window, a look of poor melancholy hanging from her face as the matter of farewells daunted over her. The car pulled over, and the momeny came, as she climbed out of the car and turned to address her parents. They were both busy, and thus, couldn't give her a proper farewell, and so with a simple 'See you soon Honey' they were off, leaving the 15 year old standing idly by her small collection of belongings.

    Leo yawned, the montain of paperwork sitting nearby him seeming to amount itself even higher. It was truly traumitizing, the amount of paperwork the start of the year proclaimed. But regardless, even Miss Mignogna seemed to be coping better then ok with the paperwork, and that was something he definetly had to beat if he wanted to keep his post...

    OOC: I haven't RP'ed since some time last year =D
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Dmaster
  20. Dmaster
    Name: Denithan Theodore Jones
    Age: 17
    Year: Third
    Personality: Queit and rather reserved. Denithan spends most of his time spaced out.

    Name: Lucy Jen Jones
    Age: 15
    Year: First
    Personality: Bright and optimistic, Lucy is vastly the opposite of Denithan.

    Name: Leo 'Arthright' Ernrich
    Age: 26
    Subject Taught: English
    Personality: Kind and yet impatient. Unlike most teachers, prefers not to issue warnings, but will skip straight to a detention if you push him.
    Post by: Dmaster, Oct 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home