Bu-But... ily .-.
I'm so confused.. @_@ have mercy?
Fine! ILY2 D:
I was just saying hi ._. that's the first thing to do in a convo, right?
*hugs back* hey
From the city. The only place even closely meeting up with that was the region branded Civilazation. And some of the things weren't matching up with what he was saying either. But if he was from there, then he most definetly would've known what the village is and where it is, so why would he be wondering here? If it was a trap, then it was a very poorly lain one, unless they were aiming for Ben. But, god knew where Ben was. Either way, the slowly approaching noise was somewhat worrying. Life's Reign was mediocre weapon at best, he hated to admit, so any large, formidable foes were probably out of his league, specially while trying to protect someone so clueless. "You know what, whatever, lets just get the hell outta here" Those words were rushed, and as though to transmit his good intentions, he let his hand drop from Life's Reign. If it was a trap, then he wouldn't be here long enough to be caught. If it wasn't, then he had just made a new ally, whoever, or whatever that ally was.
"We're in the forest?" What a dumb question. Staring idly over at Mike for just a moment, the Life's Reign slowly slid back into it's place at the back of his belt. "Be happy you seem human." That was all Denithan had to say to this man at the moment. Whether he seemed human or not, humans had been decieved before. And even if Life's Reign was sheathed, it wouldn't take a second to have it to this man's throat. "So, care to explain why you're this far out from the village?"
I guess so... I'm really tired though, so, is it ok if i head to bed? ._.
hmm :\ I don't think she's too busy today, but i'm not sure...
Well, what's stopping you?
Well, don't worry too much, you'll see her soon.
Nothing really. I've been moderately happy all night thanks to CTR :3 Forgot how much I missed my mother.
Always for you~
"Right" Den shrugged, The careless attitude was something he was far too used to, to care about anymore. And the weed's weren't overly strong either, and plucked away with an easy sweep from the Life's Reign. The work was hardly anything. Perhaps the man could've even of pulled himself out if he had tried, but Den thought it best not to mention such, taking a couple of steps back before looking the man up and down. Saying 'nothing much' would be an understatement. He was extroadinarily plain. Except for one thing. His skin, and his facial expression. For some reason, the guy seemed dead. And the bar code on his arm wasn't exactly trusting neither. "Who are you?" The question was blunt, losing all signs of familiarity from his mannerisms. Life's Reign was glowing in his hand, so, if worst came to worst, he was more then ready for a fight.
"Hey" The greeting was plain, none too surprised, and non too friendly, but perhaps a little rushed. Hopefully the man woudn't notice that though, as Den came to a halt not too far off of him, his pale skin and jet-black jacket mixing in slightly as he looked down at the man. Perhaps he was lost, or perhaps he was just odd, but either way, he had picked a bad place to stop.
Denithan's ear twitched slightly at the noise. A soft, whisper-like voice in the distance. And, considering the number of shadows that had been popping up lately, that was almost definetly the most horrid thing possible. The issue was, what would happen if they were unarmed? The last thing they needed was yet another heartless on the loose, regardless of how powerful. What else was there to do anyway? In some self-righteous act, Benjamin would already be screaming and heading towards the voice. Perhaps, this was a case where that was the correct course of action... So, Den ran, opting not to scream some ridiculous note, but siply hold his father's blade at the ready...
OOC: He put me on the first page so i'm asusming I'm in O.o BIC: The wind blew softly against Denithan's skin, the trees around him swaying amongst his coat's colors. The village was just a little to his back, he knew, but oddly, that village held little for him now. Somehow, the shadow-infested parts of the forest always seemed so much more... natural. Besides, there was no purpose to return to the village. Only interesting thing there was Benjamin, and lord only knew where he was. Though, he'd probably come and find Denithan before the hour was out, so, that question was rather one of unimportance. The Life's Reign could keep him company till then too. So, it wasn't as if he was actually waiting. He just liked the feel of the wind against his purple-ish silver hair. The only real issue was the cold that the wind brought. It was horrifically cold after all...
Username: Dmaster Name: Denithan Jones Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh200/BlackWingsShinigami/Anime/Anime Males/BlackCoatAnimeGuy.jpg Starting location: Village Side: Humans Bio: The child of one of the elder's through marriage alone, Denithan is Benjamin's half-brother. Unlike his Half-Brother however, he does not share in the hate for nobodies, nor does he believe that defense is the best path in life. He personally believes that while someone is willing to work with you, they are your ally, however, that belief has removed him from Ben's squad of warriors, though, he is still renowned for being Ben's voice of logic. Personality: Like his half-brother, Denithan is fair, and can understand ones reasoning behind things, however, he does not truly show any emotion towards anything. He doesn't have any noticeable habits however, and sees the world as more of a gamble, a place where one with a good enough strategy can decide it's fate. race: Human abilities: Consumity Flight (Weapon Ability): By sharing the essence of his weapon throughout his body, he is able to relinquish great attacks of the same type with little difficulty. Weapon(s): Life's Reign; A weapon left to Den by his real-father, the knife has no special bearing or ability, but is something Den treasures and uses in place of a true blade. Other: Denithan cannot technically use magic on it's own, but must absorb the essence of an elemental weapon.
Well, ypu defiently need sleep then :\ Who's new you have to worry about? And seriously, if people can't be bothered being nice to you, just...
wanna tell me what's going on?