I'm the boss.
hell yeah. uncoloured/unfinished: coloured/finished: Cnc kthx.
Holy crap fuck, this thread's still here? kk you little kiddies, another story for you. There once was a girl called Miele. She joined KHV under the username, Kingdom Konoha She got this username, from how she used to have extremely fucked up dreams abouth Naruto and Kingdom Hearts, hence the name, Kingdom, and Konoha, Konoha being the town Naruto's from or some thing like that I don't know peanut butter. MOVING ON So like, yeah, Miele the ***, joined under that name. From that, she was called, KK, KK ninja puppy, I even got KayKay once. Miele then became obsessed with TWEWY. She then got the username Crayon Warrior from that, and became known to people as an eevn bigger ****** who eats crayons. I actually did once, when I was 3. Now Miele was sick of Crayon Warrior. People thought she was like, 5 or something, so she then asked Xaldy to change it to Miele. And that he did. And where I got Miele from? Ask my parents, they named me that, fuck knows where they got it from. From Miele, because like, no one can pronounce it right, I told people it's pronounced ME-LA and from that day on, Cam and many others, call me, mela. Either that, or panda. But that's another story. THE END <333333333333
Hellllllllll yeah.
Brofist? .
It's storytime. The story is, how Miele decided to go on KHV. There once was a little girl called MIELE. Miele was 12 at the time. Miele wanted to make amvs. Miele got her videos from KHV. Then Miele saw it was a forum, so Miele was all 'LOL OMG IMA JOIN DIS SITE IT LEWKS KEWLLLLLL!!!1!!1!1111!!'. So she did. She joined with the gay ****** name, KingdomKonoha. Now how she got that name, is another story. And believe it or not, Miele looked at some of the members, and was all 'I WANNA B FWIENDS WIF DEM THEY LEWK SO FUKING COOLLLLLLL' And now, I regret saying that. They're all a bunch of ******s, and I hate them all.JKJKJKILUALLOMGDON'THITME<333 the end. big font because this is a childrens story, it needs big writing. D:
KingdomKonoha. Fuck yeah.
inb4lock. amidoinitrite?
FUCK YES. I wanna see LK'd Demyx D:
I'll bring popcorn.
Lol you guys, imagine an 18 year old Miele on this site. Rofl. No seriously, I don't know, I might, prob not.