And surprisingly, he has a life! ...somewhat
Yes it is (:
Good. It should be off air, I used to love it when it played. Then the new just ruined One Piece.
Its been over 30c pretty much everyday ,it went to 41 last week D: not so lucky
uh oh ,poor Rhino R.I.P Its so warm x.x , I just got back from the beach not too long ago
Meh, I rather her not, she is too girly to fight. Kairi wouldnt last very long fighting.
Never seen you, 1/10
Rhino go BOOM BOOM I shall wrap them in warmth xDD
He was good in the new Indiana Jones movie, but Transformers hands down.
Gaston knows best
Lies, lies and slander!
take some mega asprins?
Well Summer can get heaps hot here but storms..= cold, Desi no like the cold.
Well not everything in this world has a happy ending, why make movies end happy all the time when in real life your not always going to get your own way. A sad ending is good somtimes, I enjoy both.
Yes, pretty much. Well thats what I am assuming.
Raaaaa *Glomps* Well atleast your getting better which is good :3 I just got back from the beach,trying to work on some sort of tan if possible haha
It would seem this thread is getting steamy
GLOW POWARRR psshaawwww
I know it didnt happen irl. Haha what do you take me for? some..stupid little kid noob or what? XD
The tape is a fake? D: or my $20 note?