9/10, see you often
Wait,what! , they can have other colours, no way.
For its 3:45 am
You have proven to be the biggest noob for the day. Dont bump older threads.
;__; we will get through this Maybe the kids steal our lunch boxes because they think we are cool.. I dont know why they laugh after though D:
Maybe we should quote and be cool kids too, then people cant steal our lunch boxes.
But what is quoting? D:
Mongo is that one kid who didn't know how to make a thread O: I shall remember this
Dont want a slap from Ctr now do we Camera.
Yeah, close enough.
Hmm Jerome? D: he's dating Miele though.
Thats enough logic in my eyes. Im going to agree with that.
I just woke up also, no idea how im awake though xD
Hullo Dr.John How may you be on this lovley day? :'D Going to dieee of boredem *goes off to stalk a dog down the street*
Baii looser,even though your still online
I went to two beaches during the week,and I decided to share some of the photos that I took. http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0805.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0848.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0797.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0907.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0883.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0901.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u212/soraismaman/IMGP0872.jpg I don't have a really good cammera for these sort of shots but, i wouldnt mind some CnC.
Im on psp too,how do you get colour in your text it doesnt work for me. Or do you write the code?
would that code work D: Sims 2..hard game to let go of <3
I dont know what your last name was, im guessing was it Noise? 6/10