Joyness,the fat sliding down my throat,what a great feeling.
Down here on Khv.
Its in the FORUM RULES section, genius
Stop complaining, nobody gives a ****
What he said.
ohshi- im not all >> <<
Bah im in Australia >_> I think if you really want to make the relationship work your going to have to trust that person and be commited. It also depends are you willing to wait a few years if you're not able to meet the person.
omg, I know its getting so anoying >_<
I dont think its a bad idea, it shouldnt have 100 threads proving wether or not God is real, you make one and others should all post their thoughts in the one.
Only get grey, they are the strongest. Its so worth the pain.
Silly **** D:
Oh my god, not the apples. Kay is going to eat people D: maybe then we will get our lunch back :3
For someone your age, you are very smart.
Australia, damnit get it right. English troops are after you.
Stop bullying me, I dont like it >:
o.o *goes onto battle arena, gets run over by horse* Xaalee, i think i died.
Wanna get Ctr to help us? , maybe she can get all of our lunch boxes back.
Im so confused ;-; Im not Roman , I am Greek ,but im still lost. I just want my lunch box back!
uhhh guys... whats a forum? ._.