Jumping around screaming sparta sounds good. Eh.. depressed. How bout you?
Oh hey..im depressed too =/ Don't know how to "get the depression" out though.
Well hello there, lol i see your page has 5,969 vists XD
I don't know where to start exactly but I need help. Im sort of at my lowest point right now. My boyfriend..or ex I don't know. Wants to break up with me.. he wont give me a reason why or any sort of answer at all. Last month I became very depressed because I had this bad feeling about breaking up with him, I didn't have my computer for a while so it was just msn on the psp. Meaning we didnt talk much at all. I became really sick, I lost a few kilos, was lathargic, had headaches. I went to get some blood tests but the results came out all clear. A day later from that my computer was fixed, I started becoming happy again. All the sickness started to fade away. Now from Wednesday it started all over again when I was getting upset,then it went worse, from the same symptoms as before but now my stomach is constantly hurting.
You know what..i think im going to stay, i need people to talk too
I just want to say im not going to post around anymore for a while... just close this..
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I have guess.. Cin, Ghetto and I don't know.
Then who was phone?!?!?
And what may that be?.
Oh yeah, I see what you mean. Im not mocking anyone.. =/ just so the staff know.
Are you serious?. The staff actually think that?
No I don't lie either >_> Lierrrr
You lieeeee D:
Well you be carefull there now.
Hector is special <3 no time out for you.
Shut it smart ass
Go to the naughty corner >D
The light. It burns.
*insert drama whore post of your choice*