Haz =D Hey, its Kingdomkeygirl. Nice to see you around
Well I mean... There's no official Kh3 news out from what I know. So what if no kh3 doesnt get made, the 3 new games are getting released also. But I definatly would love to have a third kh.
All in all these Summer holidays have been bad. I start school on Thursday T_T i kinda want to go back but then I don't.
I get back home today to this. No new posts D:. This is fagotry. And another DBE too
Bah, I need sleep. I have a headache thats killing me. Talk to you later *hugs*
Yes they do >D. The spoons are to spoony because..they spoon my spoon an- ohshi- *throws ice in a towel*
Knifes! How could I forget those. Fark sporks. Yes sir I shall keep noming =D
Because sporks are my weapon of choice :3. Consume ..I think its spelt like that >.>. Omnomnomnom
Well you leave me no choice. Nonono not fork. Spork. I shall eat it then.
Ohohoh I buy you *buys* D: I cant go back ,it was at another town, went away with family for two days. OMG I have one cup left >o< of the Reeses...
I love him so much it hurts right now. I do know from what he has heard about them, he doesnt like them. It may be somthing personal , I just have to wait and see =/. I cant respond with too much since I am now on my psp. Thanks alot for this.
Mhm it did.Problem was though that it was behind my parents backs. He didnt show me any photos or comment them. I am against it , I doubt he wants to meet me now anyway.
Nawh you didnt. I bet it was waiting for Desi to buy it. xD I went sometime before 12pm. Opening and closing times i have noooo idea. Ohh much...
The most recent was that my parents read one of our chat logs, which I got into alot of trouble for, wasnt alowed to speak to him even though I did behind my parents backs. Oh God..Cheating =/ He mentioned that three girls wanted to go out with him and that one went to his school. He asked if was against dating someone in real life while online dating me,during the whole waiting to meet me period. But he only asked that because he wanted to know that if i was against it, I wouldnt date anyone behind his back, so he shouldnt have to worry. That still pops into my mind alot. Im still going to go to the local GP, he said I should vist it if it pops up again. I just have to wait a bit longer I guess to have everything sort its own self in time really, its the only thing that I can think of.
You didnt screw it over. I have no freaking idea why, I did buy it at this candy store though.. since they don't really sell them in Australia....
We have been quite distant. Yeah stuff has happend in the past but I don't know if its the reason to whats happening now since I can't get any answer. It could be personal, but I don't know if thats the case but if it is, he should be able to tell me. No its/was online, he knew about the computer and was fine about it. I saw the local GP, and then went to.. I forget what they are called but the other people who do the bloodtests. It wasnt the flu though. I think it may just be that..but I never knew that such a state of mind could cause all this, im going to the doctors during the week. My boyfriend knows about me being sick, I just can't seem to get a answer from him.
Granted. But you broke up after your first child. I wish I wasnt so goddamn broken.
Hah!. Lots of stuff has happened ,bit to much to write in here. But if you go look in new posts, you should see a thread in the help thingy...
Depression just tends to find its way to me. Yes, im not alone, as ive been told today *hugs*