Renegade better win this >: Then he will be my official hero
Renegade ftw?
I had to take a photo of this >_>
what happend anyway how did she get banned?
Im too afraid to eat even though im starving. Its 4:30 am so I cant make noise. I want to eat fruit but due to braces and the fruit that I have needs to be cut up with a knife. Sharp objects with me right now are not to good >.>
Oh Yeah! I forgot that Spunk became a prem not to long ago.
I havent been on it for a long time. Have you pressed into the anime you want? It should take you to this page. Where it should say download somewhere, I cant look right now since im on a psp. You could try right hand click and save as.
I usually quote somthing in my sig if I found it funny.
People shouldnt if they know you, but if they dont, do you look emo/goth?.
Oh my God D: What happend to me now eh? xDD
Good work. I can barely do that. Have no more energy >:
Um... Have you tried ?. You need to sign up to download, but its safe. I don't know if it has that show and in raw.
Another Heart Calls. Break up song I guess...
I have no penis D: that makes me a woman... Who would of thought.
What he said <3.
Dude im betting my soul xD
The big guns go Boom Boom?
I may have to disagree. Destiny islands, Hollow Bastion, End of the world, Twilight Town and TWTNW. Are square creations. I think its balanced. And also those worlds are the most important ones.