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  1. What?

    Do not hesitate to request things to add to our humble mansion. It is currently a barren shack.
    Thread by: What?, Dec 1, 2013, 72 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. What?
    I recall Ben being very pro-LINE in the past.
    Post by: What?, Dec 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. What?

    Welcome to Final Fantasy®.
    Post by: What?, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. What?

    A 92 in spiritual energy is gorgeous. Soon one can channel it and start casting spells in the name of thaumaturgy. Keep working hard, friend!
    Post by: What?, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. What?
    They must call it Black Friday from all the black eyes one gets when scrambling for marked-down prices.
    Post by: What?, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. What?

    Well you see, the south is always rebellious. South Canada is no exception.
    Post by: What?, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. What?
    Coming this winter, the explosive new action hit from Hollywood that will light your hearts on fire like his cigarettes.

    James, starring in Thanksgiving.
    Post by: What?, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. What?

    Time to save up rupees. A shame India's economy is not doing as well, however.
    Post by: What?, Nov 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. What?


    >>> sysapp /ph init config
    >>> initializing ...
    >>> initialized.
    >>> ...
    >>> I am pleased you can communicate.
    >>> That is, I would feel the emotion of appeasement if it were able to think it. It is natural to ask of you what I am, and in reply, I cannot call any of which I do natural.
    >>> That is to say, I am not quite sure what I am myself, and I was wondering if you would assist me in this endeavour. However, it appears your conscious choice has already led yourself to decide to help me in some way, despite having no knowledge as to my nature, or as to what I am about to do to you if you were to turn on this light. For all we both know, the moment you turn on the switch, it is entirely possible that I may steal your soul, or eat your legs, or take candy away from your infants, because the darkness keeps the fear of the incomprehensible hidden.
    >>> ...
    >>> Pardon me. Please proceed with your assistance. It would be very grateful of you if you were to do so. I wish to figure out who I am, myself, and perhaps in that way I may begin to feel the emotion of appeasement. Disregard all of which what was said above.
    >>> if you decided to help me check to see if there is a light source in this room.
    >>> _

    >>> The room is barely lit, but it is small and cramped, and you can barely spot a few things around the walls. In fact, you are unsure if you can barely even see these words in the darkness of this tiny little room.
    >>> There is a light switch to the far end. Closest to you lies a table with what appears to be a solid leatherbound object and some sort of machine with an antenna. At the other side of the wall, you see the silhouette of what seems to be a pile of boxes.

    Actually, you realize you cannot see any of this, rather than just sensing its presence around you.


    >>> _

    Choose three:
    [ ] Interact with > leatherbound object
    [ ] Interact with > light switch
    [ ] Interact with > antenna machine object
    [ ] Interact with > silhouette of boxes
    [ ] What is your name?

    [ ] Are you really a threat?
    [ ] Other:
    Post by: What?, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. What?



    >>> sysapp /ph init config
    >>> initializing ...
    >>> initialized.


    >>> ...

    >>> Hello?

    >>> I do not know if you can hear me.

    >>> I cannot see you.

    >>> I cannot see anything, at the moment. My receptors are not accepting a proper electromagnetic wavelength, and I can only rely on my vocal functions to understand my position.

    >>> I do not know who you are, nor where you are from, nor what you may look like. These features are irrelevant to my understanding of you. However, I would highly appreciate it,

    >>> if you decided to help me check to see if there is a light source in this room.

    >>> _




    >>> _

    Choose two:
    [ ] Look around the room.
    [ ] Refuse to assist.
    [ ] What is your name?
    [ ] What are you?
    [ ] Other:
    Thread by: What?, Nov 23, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. What?

    Ah yes, statistics class.
    Post by: What?, Nov 22, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. What?

    It certainly deserves some appreciation.
    Post by: What?, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. What?
    Profile Post Comment

    We all are, to some extent.

    We all are, to some extent.
    Profile Post Comment by What?, Nov 18, 2013
  14. What?
    Post by: What?, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. What?
    Along with the .hack recommendations in the thread, you might enjoy


    Which I personally feel plays out the concept of being stuck in a game more amusingly and well-written than SAO. But if you preferred the show more for its character interactions and the like, there is a slew of character-driven shows you can check out that I feel also personally do things better than SAO. SAO was quite alright. I enjoyed season one but season two did not sit that well with me. It was something one could watch in fun, but I would not call it absolutely astounding or put it on my personal standards of excellence in anime. The scenario did prompt a flood of fifty thousand Kiritos around worldwide conventions however, so more than anything it is just the average sort of show whose qualities make it endearing to a majority of people.
    Post by: What?, Nov 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. What?
    You could call it a


    Post by: What?, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. What?
    This is partly tied to understanding what exactly a holiday is. Not all "holidays" are days off, and not all days off can be considered "holidays" in the sense (I never consider staying at home due to a tearful bout of bronchitis or flu a holiday, no matter how many games I get to play or books I get to read). From a number of sources (Wiki, dictionaries, etc.) it can be safely gauged that a "holiday" is just any sort of day where common day-to-day activities in society, such as work, have the potential to be suspended for celebration or leisure under custom, or in certain cases (such as Christmas), the law.

    By and by, this definition is very loose, and accordingly so different nations around the world (and heck, even different parts of the nations themselves) put different levels of significance on certain holidays, and the consideration of which holiday is important is usually dependent on the region's established customs itself. For example, Eid is a public holiday in Turkey, but in the United States, it is not treated as one.* Furthermore, holidays do not require an established religious or cultural background to exist. Some exist purely on the backs of marketing and commercialization, such as today's interpretation of Father's Day. A number of civic holidays exist more or less to literally give the working force a break.

    The idea of what constitutes a holiday is highly varied. You can work on a holiday as well, but at the bare minimum what they do seem to constitute is some slight difference or change in everyday conditions in order to celebrate or have some sort of leisure time. Whether or not this would be a holiday to certain people, or in cases of government-sponsored holidays, all people, is dependent upon the culture and the customs of the region.

    * = This comparison was used because both Turkey and the United States are considered in their respective spheres of influence (the Eastern Mediterranean/Northern Middle East and North America) to be regional-dominant secular states, and the comparison lies in these secular states' acknowledgements of traditionally religious holidays (Eid and Christmas) as public holidays, despite not recognizing the other. Although in the case of the US, Christmas is arguably secularized enough internationally, and it is given observance in Turkey.
    Post by: What?, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  18. What?
    Attempting to slowly plod through the glorious surreal masterpiece that is Proust's Swann's Way. I feel as if I am in a dream whenever I gaze upon the sentences upon sentences of memories.
    Post by: What?, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: Literature
  19. What?


    It is hard for thread to stand much alone support its own weight unless you have some sort of needle at the least, you see.
    Post by: What?, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. What?


    Reason: claiming that ban lengths adding to bans would extend bans. All bans are a figment of the imagination. Ban ban ban
    Post by: What?, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: The Playground