You should all mix up your respective titles and sit atop your high chairs in that one room to laugh at the plebians.
I am certainly feeling some pain because it appears I cannot see the images, at the moment.
Another fine job by the KH-Vids Staff Team™.
I was going to make a Log Horizon comparison before realizing that this forum harbours anything but a civil, working society.
What is a philosopher's favourite anime. Spoiler Nietzschejou
Spoiler: "!!!" 『♚』 Title: The Wine-Willing Temptress, SANGRIA 『♚』 Defining Trait: Inebriation 『♚』 Valen Appearance: ♮ | ♮ 『♚』 Weaknesses/Fears: Boredom, sobriety, lack of control, being unable to see or sense things, corrupting influences, revealing opinions, mind control 『♚』 Personality: Sour, spicy, quick-talking, quick-to-anger, sultry woman who is rarely -- if ever -- seen sober. She enjoys the company of the other Valens, if not only to entertain herself at their expense, and philosophical mind-games are one of her favourite methods. Despite her inebriation, she has a talent for being careful and quick-witted with her words. She lives by the rule of games, parties, pleasure, and entertainment, but her constant inebriation makes it hard to gauge her true motives; at times, she seems to deeply respect and care for the others, but at others she considers them only her simple-minded little toys. 『♚』 Magic / Powers: WHEN DRUNK: > 「 Bacchus' Blood 」 The ability to turn water, blood, or stone into any alcoholic beverage. > 「 Sensory Dampening 」 The manipulation of one's senses; sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing; also includes nociception (pain), proprioception (self-awareness of one's body relative to itself), thermoception (temperature awareness), equlibrioception (balance). > 「 Bell Jar 」 The ability to manipulate the sanity of an individual.WHEN SOBER: > 「 Bacchus' Blood 」 The ability to turn any liquid existing at the present state of temperature into any biochemical alcohol. Includes raising or lowering alcoholic intoxication levels in individuals. > 「 Sensory Dampening 」 Same as drunk, with added ability of temporarily shutting down one's mind for a maximum of five minutes. > 「 Bell Jar 」 Same as drunk, with added ability of manipulating the feeling of an individual's determination/apathy. 『♚』 Favorite Color: #b30059 『♚』 Goal: Whenever she has been asked this, she is known to have tricked an individual into getting themselves drunk and revealing their secrets instead. Thus, currently unknown. 『♚』 Availability: 4/7 『♚』 Other: ♮ | ♮ | ♮ | ♮ | ♮ Now now ... you look real tense, hun. Why not loosen up, grab a glass, and join me for a while; sound good? ❤ Spoiler: "..." 『♚』 Title: Wisdom's Voice, MIMI 『♚』 Defining Trait: Innocence, Quiescence 『♚』 Valen Appearance: ♮ | ♮ | ♮ 『♚』 Weaknesses/Fears: Disconnection, losing her senses, getting too close with the other Valens, losing her dolls (especially Gotterdammerung), unnecessary effort 『♚』 Personality: A soft-smiling, careful girl who seems much too young at first glance. She is commonly seen nibbling sweets and acting extremely child-like; it is a strange wonder how she came to be, what with her simple-minded attitude. She carries a large stuffed bear around with her named Gotterdammerung, who speaks with a refined accent and appears to be Mimi's caretaker and best friend. Because Mimi does not speak beyond simple expressions, Gotterdammerung appears to speak for her. 『♚』 Magic / Powers: > 「 Coppélia 」 The ability to create dolls out of any makeshift parts that are imbibed with living energy under Mimi's command. Gotterdammerung is the longest-lived of these, as their lifespans are controlled by Mimi and Gotterdammerung. > 「 Ventriloquism 」 The ability to cast a part of Mimi's voice into an inanimate object (usually her dolls), along with temporarily manipulating others' "voices", or means of communication (not just speaking, but sign-language, technology, etc.) > 「 Mimisbrunnr 」 Copies or absorbs others' powers onto her dolls. Because most all dolls (with the exception of Gotterdammerung) are temporary, the power copy is also temporary.『♚』 Favorite Color: Mimi: #808080 || Gotterdammerung: #4da6ff 『♚』 Goal: Gotterdammerung tells others that Mimi simply wishes to learn more about the Valens and their game structure, but as Mimi has never said her true goal yet, it is unknown if this is the case. 『♚』 Availability: Same as Sangria (4/7) 『♚』 Other: ♮ | ♮ | ♮ | ♮ Mmm ... It would be in Mimi-mistress' greatest interest if she refrained from further consumption of the saccharine objects before the state of her teeth degenerate. Mmm ... more caramel would be good ... ... It would be in Mimi-mistress' greatest interest, to Gotterdammerung's chagrin, if she received more caramel ... alas, 'tis quite a stir, but Gotterdammerung must implore himself to find some caramel immediately.
^ Click Here to See The Lists! ^ it cannot be heardhow placidly one gazesat absurdity
Welcome to the revamp of the two existing revamps. This would be a meta-revamp. Use this thread to recommend animu and mango to your heart's content! All recommendation threads will be merged and what have you. HTML: [b]Name of Anime/Manga:[/b] [b]Ongoing? (Yes/No):[/b] [b]Number of Episodes/Chapters:[/b] [b]Genre:[/b] [b]Brief Description/Why It's 2 Cool 4 School:[/b] Links to the previous anime and manga threads, now unstickied, are here and here. Coming close to a new year, 'tis time for a new start, my precious kawaii-chans.
[b]Name of Anime/Manga:[/b] [b]Ongoing? (Yes/No):[/b] [b]Number of Episodes/Chapters:[/b] [b]Genre:[/b] [b]Brief Description/Why It's 2 Cool 4 School:[/b]
Here you go. Merry Christmas, Amaury.
13.8 billion years old. Get off my lawn, ya whippersnappers.
Shall have a list up in another post with explanations when I do not have an essay to work on i.e. tomorrow. Alas, you blue bourgeoisie, forcing us worker peons to clean up your mistakes. This calls for a Red Revolution.
I am glad you found my lack of hair to be very fashionable! Anyhow, the film was also playing in theatres today in Toronto here but unfortunately I was unable to attend. However, I believe there is another showing sometime in the coming weeks and I may be able to attend that with a few friends.
A Cheesy Christmas A long time ago in a modern society similar to ours far away, it was a cold winter night, and the streets were darkened by shrouds of whispering snow. A thick, cloudy blanket was spread across the road, and it piled into towers at the curb-ends, creating snake-like paths in the ice cracked midnight pavement. A car's bright headlights pierced the tumult and slowly waded its way through the cottony meadow to reach the dilapidated little house at the very end of the street. It belched puffs of diesel that mixed with the snow, and rolled to a stop by the house, callously gazing at the front door. Here it was, the end of the road! Plums tightly gripped the ends of the wheel and let out a soft sigh from behind his scarf, letting his eyes follow the trail of cold mist his breath made. He turned to his companion, Llave, whose glasses frosted over from the cold as he held the special red package tightly in is hands. "This has to be the place," Plums said, turning back to the wheel. "But why'd she have to go and live all the way up here in the Adirondacks? Nobody lives here anymore, ever since that nation-wide food shortage." Llave slowly turned to Plums. Plums tried to avert his gaze from Llave's deep stare, as he always felt uneasy when he couldn't see his companion's eyes behind those snazzy glasses. "You callin' her a nobody?" "She feels like one." Plums picked around something at the end of his gloves. "She broke off contact years ago, and I don't know why this butt would even decide to accept our gift." "Have faith." Plums looked back at Llave. He was staring at the present again. "Have faith?" "Yeah." He looked back to Plums with a smile. "It's Christmas, after all." Plums mumbled something that was lost in the wild winter winds, and turned back to the wheel. - - - Plums, whispering something incoherent to himself from behind his thick purple scarf, repeatedly rung the old house's doorbell. He frantically turned back to Llave, unable to hear a thing in the cold snow, but Llave simply gave a thumbs-up in reply. Eventually, the door opened a crack. Plums tried to look in, but he was stopped by a stringent voice. "Who is this? What do you want?" "Uh," Plums started, looking back at Llave, who walked over to him. "We have something for you." "I don't want any air conditioners, dammit. You salesmen are all the same. I bet you vote Republican too." Plums glanced at Llave. "It's a gift," Llave said. "We'll leave it here, then leave. Stay warm, miss. We hope you have a nice Christma--" "A gift?" Plums paused. "Well, yes." The voice sounded uncertain. "What kind of gift?" Plums looked back at Llave yet again, before looking back at the door and thinking to himself. Ah. "It's something golden." "I don't want your gold!" "It's not gold, it's golden. It's the-- the best we could do." Plums grabbed Llave by the arm and walked down the front steps, telling Llave to leave. They quickly entered the car and drove off. The woman opened the door a bit more, whisked the present inside, and shut it quietly. Once again, the streets were quiet with the winter winds. Inside, the woman sat down on a chair and opened the gift on her lap. The ribbon untangled with a simple pull, and the sides of the box fell away to reveal something that made the woman's eyes light up in amazement. In a black plastic bowl labelled "Panera" sat a mountain of soft, tender pasta shells coated and mixed with bundles of deliciously gooey white cheese. The familiar mac and cheese smell filled her nostrils, and at that moment, time froze around the woman as she remembered the life of her past. The drama; the friendships; the love and hate; the problems, effort, diligence, kindness, and the fruits of labour; the times she spent celebrating the wonders of Christmas with these friends from long ago. She took out the complimentary spoon and tasted a bite of the Panera mac and cheese. Oh, how cheesy those memories were! When she finished, she spotted a note attached to the package. Placing the bowl down and picking up the slip of paper, she began to read it. Spoiler Dear Misty, We miss you, but we hope that you are faring well in this crisis. You are as strong as the Panera mac and cheese that runs through your blood, So we decided to give you something that we thought would warm up your Christmas this December. It's the best we could do for everything you did for us before. Friends are always golden. Here's to a Merry Christmas, Sincerely, Plums, Llave, and Panera Manager Amaury Garcia And she felt tears come to her eyes.
I am taping you to Skype and the forum so you visit and say hello more often. My credit card will be shipped to you in three business days so watch the skies of Bahia in the coming weeks.
Oh my goodness, thank you very much! This means quite a bit coming from a lad who I have associated with high quality avatars in the past, actually.
Get it. Because you are old now. (USER WAS DEMOTED FOR THIS POST)
Cooking bacon in the microwave is surprisingly efficient and tasty when you have paper towels and your pans are all near-permanently out of commission.
Updated map as of Mish's second post.