Exams are a strain on the consciousness.
I am a fan of apples as well.
I am so very excited to meet a future celebrity! Please give me your autograph on a Nujabes record, James.
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x x x ] The sound of another door opening allowed Sangria to peer up from her fun with Marina, and she looked to the end, seeing-- Oh! The castle shook a bit. A lone cello lying on one of the falls collapsed to the ground. Sangria briefly turned to stare at it, before looking back at their new companion, dancing over to her. Ahaha, this was getting more entertaining by the second! She couldn't believe it. How many others would be reaching this place at once? "Well, well!" Sangria giggled as she reached Morji and ruffled the top of her hair. "It appears that we're having a party here after all. Can't stop the party, can you Marina?" She turned back to the new Coordinator and gave her another wink. "You're such a party animal, you human. I never knew you had it in you. Keep the party away from yourself--" She waved her finger in the air and bobbed it to the syllables of her words. "But-you-can't-keep-it-from-Mariiina!" Anyway! She turned back to Morji with a wild expression on her face. "First! Settle your senses with a bit of this, hun." She picked up her hands and placed her bottle of vodka in them. "Second!" Sangria raised herself to her full height and arched her back. She cleared her throat. "This is no time to act as if you want territory over games, dear. That comes later. Of course, I could take my way with you right now, and your territory too, if I needed ... <3" She smiled maliciously at Morji. "But!" She knelt down and tapped Morji's nose. "I'm a businesswoman. I have many individuals to feed. To let enjoy the deep, numbing sensations of pleasure. And the faster we get out of here, the easier it'll be for you to try more of my alcohol! So! Tell me, Morji, what did you find, my dear?"
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x x x ] Sangria's eyes lit up as she saw a few familiar faces enter one of the other doors and immediately walk to an area behind the stage. She strutted down past a few stacks of chairs and joined them. "Well, well, if it isn't my faaaavourite little fresh-meat!" She winked at Marina and looked at the chalkboard they were all standing in front of. What's all this then? It looked like it was written in an ... what kind of language was this? Sangria had done her fair share of travelling and knew even well enough on some of the languages of the mortal races. But this ... this she couldn't quite catch, could she? It looked like a cross between ... what were the human terms for it. Russian? Arabic? Yet, whenever she tried to read the words, she felt her very head working against her as her mind tried to process them. "What's all this then?" Sangria paused and noticed the golden book in one of their hands. "Oh, my little Marina has a book in her hands! Never knew you were a real linguist of a Valen?" It looks like they found something after all! Ufufu. She peeked over Marina's shoulder as the Coordinator of their anti-game looked through the book. She was about to say something, but stopped herself. Now now, this wasn't the time to sabotage her efforts ... Sangria stayed silent. The girl reached for a chalk and quickly dropped it. What was that? Sangria tried to stifle uproarious laughter. "Don't hurt yourself, dear. Did you figure something out?"
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x x x ] "Mhmhmhm, a coat you say?" Sangria glided briefly into the study and took it back out. It was a dusty, ragged browncoat, probably old and heavily worn, but Sangria draped it across her shoulders and turned back to the nature boy. "You never know when things like these come in handy, hun. <3" They continued through the second floor. Most of the doors here were locked or filled with rooms that did not seem to have anything. The halls were lined with windows on the east walls; enormous and ornate ones, reaching the high ceilings and offering amazing views of the clouds and the soft sky's eternal gradient. Unfortunately, no ground. No Ambrose either. Sangria clicked at her heels in discontent, and took another swig of vodka. At the far distance, she saw the end of a colonnade and the far tower with the bell soaring above the rooftop garden. Even from here, she could hear the atrocious thing. It continued its ringing, as if counting down on their inevitability. They hadn't found anything useful here, save for evidence that they seemed to be the only ones left, and what could they do about it? Let the bell keep ringing? Sangria let out a blustered sigh. Eventually, they reached two large, enormous doors at the end. Tapping them and swinging one partly open, Sangria slipped in and pushed it farther to let the others in. A blast of air hit her face, and she felt her thoughts echo in her head. Chairs were lined up throughout, and instruments filled the room. At the very end were four other doors, no doubt leading to the other wings of the hall, and a stage opening into a small amphitheatre-like seating section. This was ... a music room? At this point, they might have been deep within the middle of the castle ... Sangria licked her lips. Things definitely seemed to be turning out interesting ... Ufufu.
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x x x ] "Tell me if you feel a bit of pain, hun ~ I'll let it flow aaaall away from you ..." Sangria giggled as the troupe of adventurers continued through the crackling halls, Johnis behind her now carrying a skeleton and jar for some reason. In the servant's quarters, they had found, among other mysterious things, skeletons, for some reason. Now, this was very interesting, as ordinarily, immortals never died. So what was going on here, exactly? Sangria played with a lock of hair between her fingers. "Johnis," She began. "I've never known you much beyond a business relationship, dear." She took another swig of vodka as they walked to the second floor, Sangria trying to get thoughts of the decrepit servants' quarters out of her mind. "But I do commend your excellent sense of discovery, ufufu. <3 You know, business is all about taking risks, and we're doing so here. And I'm happy to say you're one of the few who can take risks with such ... " She snapped her fingers. "Gusto." They stopped in front of two doors, one leading to the wine cellar and another leading to an open study and recreation room, potentially filled with papers or information on previous games, Sangria hoped. All she could see from here was a desk with a pen nib, as the rest of the room was hidden behind the door. Sangria couldn't resist, and she turned to her partner, a wry smile on her face, slowly edging him towards the study. "Now now, hun," She stroked his hair and turned her back on him. "I'll ... check in the wine cellar. Why don't you get some studying done? <3" In the wine cellar, Sangria looked at a few barrels of wine, satisfied that some of her work found itself among the many types from all around Aether, but decided against taking anything, coming up with nothing. She returned outside to wait for Johnis.
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x ] Sangria giggled at the uniforms. They looked almost identical to the ones her handmaidens and butlers wore, but as she would have thought, running her slender finger along their sleeves revealed that they were crafted of even higher-quality material than she could even imagine. This God certainly did not skimp on the details. She pulled her hand back and ruffled her hand through the rest of the dresses, then eventually broke away from them and danced to the other end of the kitchen to look for some water. Ah! A tap. She quickly took out her bottle and filled it to the very edge, and with a tap of her finger, the water in her bottle did not change colour but gained a very heavy alcoholic scent. With bluster, she downed a bit of the vodka. INTOXICATION [ x x x x x x x ] Better! She let out a laugh and wiped her lips. "Hun, I think the clothing's there just for the maintenance staff. Hehe." She looked up as the ceiling rattled a bit. Was another tower going to fall? Maybe they needed to quickly get to wherever the centre of the castle was on time ... She picked up her bottle. "You do bring up a good point, since I haven't seen any of them after coming here. Let's move on, dears." The party exited the kitchen and moved through the rest of the west wing. Looking up, the chanderliers seemed to be shaking. She couldn't feel anything in her stomach from the drink, and she breathed deeply. "Ah, here we are. The ... armory. There are stairs down to servants' quarters and up to the second floor if we need to go through them." Unfortunately, all they find is a large, diamond-encrusted sword. "Vex," Sangria said. "You could try picking it up, hun, but I think the castle might be ... weakening your powers?"
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x ] Sangria grimaced at the others, before turning back to her doppelganger friend. She sighed, rubbing her temples. "The uh-- it is ringing again, for some reason. Aha ..." She did not want to deal with it right now. "More importantly, we should look around to figure out if we can discover anything." Looking down at the ground, she turned up a chair that had been left fallen over in the hustle and bustle to get up to the roof, and sat on it in the middle of the room, looking at the others. "We have only seen, my dears, a part of the castle. For now, let's head east and west, why don't you say?" Sangria looked aside for a moment. It wouldn't be the greatest to split up like this just yet, but she could feel the ebb of a headache rising in her head and wanted to get something done. "I shall go west. Take care for those who go east, or choose to stay here. Those who wish to come, you may join my lovely expedition. Be wary of the collapsing towers, and return to the hall if you are in trouble." Hm? She saw the bear of the little girl tug at her pant leg. What was this? The bear spoke up. "My Mimi-mistress will place beacons of the floating dolls that will allow her to carry her voice here. My Mimi-mistress has decided to visit the east wing with Darren." She briefly turned her gaze up to the demon, before looking at the small floating orb that the mute girl had erected. "However," the bear continued, "She possesses only enough cloth and gravel for four. The first will be in this room and serve as a waypoint in case the foyer needs to be contacted, my Mimi-mistress says." With that, the bear returned to the girl, and Sangria placed her hands on her hips. She tapped her heel. "Well then." Technically, they didn't have a direct way to contact the foyer like the east wing did, but maybe ... maybe if she raised the senses of her party to hear them, or just yell in the direction of the foyer to get their voices picked up? Let's hope ... She hid her concern, and clicked off into the west wing. "Maybe fly-boy will come back, if he didn't decide to escape himself. How sly of him."
Psst, do you have a skype?
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x ] Sangria took another sip from the plastic bottle as the party congregated at the top of the castle. They were extremely high up, and the clouds here were thick cotton puffs that swayed in the stark breeze. She felt her hair move all a-flutter from time to time, but she made sure to stay close to the other Immortals. This part of the roof felt particularly unsafe, and in the distance, she spotted the South Tower collapse. She stared. Mmm ... this hadn't happened before, had it? Looks like we did something wrong. She looked towards the others in the garden, then towards the bell. "Yoohoo, Crestatiaaaa! ❤" She sighed. This one was one of the most challenging and frustrating to get any sort of reaction out of. Sangria leaned by the gate fence. "Hun, I think it's best if we get this little show off the castle. I haven't been here in ages ... " She made a dramatic show of discontent, waving her hands in the air. "So my memory's a little rusty, right? We've got fly-boy and winds over here ... what'd you think we try and leave this place right here from the roof?" She looked back up at the bell, a bit concerned. A warning, eh? ❤ From her faint position, she noticed the words TIME IS UP. Sangria scratched the back of her head. "Though, I certainly feel like we won't be able to escape what's going on around here just by leaving this castle, it seems. Aha. ❤"
I, Gotterdammerung, dutifully followed my Mimi-mistress and her immortal companions as they traced the location of the faint noise, eventually reaching the large open garden at the roof of one of the castle towers. I, Gotterdammerung, watched as the other immortals conversed with those beyond the gate, and as the Thief dutifully opened it. However, among the various discussions of the immortals, they did not step into the garden yet, nor did the garden denizens explicitly step out. Above stood a the large bell that had been making the noise. It was silent now, and I observed the large engraving upon the bell that read "Time Is Up". I attempted to query my almighty Mimi-mistress as to what this could mean, but she was in one of her spells of generally blocking out most connections to get the greatest effort from her thinking. Because of this, she was not involved in the conversation that I, Gotterdammerung, observed taking place between the other immortals, despite the necessity of her powers, she had once again become distant and disconnected from the rest of them, almost nearly forgotten. I, Gotterdammerung, noticed my Mimi-mistress stray a bit farther away from the group, and I, being the greatest and most servile servant, decided to assist my Mimi-mistress in her efforts by moving closer to her. She placed one of the cloth-orb dolls in her hands, still jittering with life, and tossed it over the edge of the tower, from a far enough distance to keep herself safe. I, Gotterdammerung, was at first very puzzled by my Mimi-mistress uncharacteristic discarding of her dolls. And as if appropriate, I felt a spike in sadness emanate from my mistress as she waited to see it fall away from the tower. Of course, I, Gotterdammerung, being fairly observant of my mistress, contemplated what the necessity of the doll would achieve. In my limited neural capacity, I, Gotterdammerung, believe that the descent of the doll would determine the safety of escape from the tower by means of open-air escape, through jump, flight, or any other factor, and if the doll were to be fried, lose its sparkling life-power of Mimi-mistress, or disintegrate, it would indeed imply that there is a barrier around the tower in the open air, and open-air escape by jumping or otherwise may not be applicable. So I, Gotterdammerung, sat and waited upon my Mimi-mistress. She is truly the most quiet and contemplative of mistresses, though I felt right now the deep hunger within her belly. - - - - -
INTOXICATION [ x x x x ] Sangria half-intently listened to the bear of the little girl talk. Well! The problem was, she didn't know which way the garden was, since these corridors change often! She huffed, but at least they had a lead-- Ah? Suddenly, the ringing stopped. Sangria looked up. The ceiling continued to crumble, and some of the white dust settled on her nose. She rubbed it off and turned back to the others. In the distance, the room was silent as the winding sound of stone smashing to the earth echoed through the chambers. "Was that--" She looked back at the ceiling and saw larger pieces fall onto the table. Quickly grabbing her purse, Sangria began to walk towards the hall that the first party had gone through. "Dears," She said with some hidden vexation in her voice. "My powers are useless for whatever calamity is happening to the castle, and I would appreciate it dearly if some of you decided to help our fellow players ... what good is a game that loses its competition to ridiculous means, when it is up to us who can get their land in the end, after all? I call that a waste. Hmm!" She saw the little cloth dolls move around her and stared. "I am not sure what good these will do either, but I am on my way to go find them before this little game is ruined." She looked back at Marina, whom to Sangria seemed unable to comprehend what was happening, but, Sangria mused, what good would a fresh-meat pawn know? Her heels clicked sharply on the marble. "I'll be on my way, and I'll ask anyone who is willing to join me." tl;dr: a party consisting of sangria, mimi + GD, daphne, arius, vex, johnis, asterion, ambrose, garret, nero, and morji move through the halls to try and get to the castle garden while the castle turns into dramatica around them. before leaving, gotterdammerung is like "sup dawgs if we ain't back in some time and thngs are about to fall on y'all then call for help mimi will try and locate u thx"
I, Gotterdammerung, watched intently as the drunken immortal went on her tirade of self-frustration regarding everything that was happening at the moment. Correctly enough, as effective with my mistress, something did indeed happen as I, Gotterdammerung, had observed. The castle began to shake, almost toppling I off the table, but it was here I implored my mistress to use one of her powers, if applicable. This time, she consented, but this may have been because she was the one who implored me to inform her in the first place. She projected a random leap of faith in terms of thought towards the area all around her, and through her manipulation of the eternal fundamental "voice" that permeated all living things, I, Gotterdammerung, observed as my Mimi-mistress received a faint signal of distress from a location to the upper angle and north of our present location. My Mimi-mistress relayed this information to me, and channelled my being to relay this information to the collection of immortals that were present. - - - - - It is of course I that always feels the deepest connection with my mistress. I, Gotterdammerung, feel the thoughts of my mistress flow through me. Mimi-mistress has made a rough attempt to trace the location of the cry. She claims she feels a presence of communicating distress coming from the garden at one of the rooftoops of the castle. It is imperative that a number of immortals proceed to investigate this issue. I, Gotterdammerung, noticed by Mimi-mistress stand up from the table. She turned to Magnus, ripped two more shreds of cloth off of his shirt, placed them in her hands, and in a sparkling burst of light formed two more weak cloth-orb dolls that bobbed and levitated. ... Mimi-mistress is requesting the assistance of as many immortals that she feels will be Appropriate for this search party. However, it is recommended that the search party and the party staying within the hall keep a direct form of contact so that the search party itself shall not be separated. - - - - -
INTOXICATION [ x x x x ] The noise continued, and it began to throb at Sangria's head. This was tiresome. She didn't come to this little match for something as annoying as this to happen. She looked back across the Valen and groaned. Waving her fingers in the air, she tried her best to reduce the sense of hearing the bell and the pain of the inner ear that came with it among all of them, but with the negation-aura of the castle and the extreme spread of her powers, it probably did only very little. It helped a bit for her, at least. She took a deep breath, hiding her hands within the confines of her purse. "It's been too long, and I'm getting bored, and this stupid rotten bell won't stop its chorus of insanity," Sangria looked through all of them. "It would be helpful, my dears, if we had a way to get in contact with them." They might be in danger? Ufufu, she didn't mind that too much, but if it meant completely ruining the game as a whole then it would be better if these immortals started pushing themselves into shape. "Alright, dears ..." She swept a bit of dust off of her lap. "I may try and find them myself if they are not back in a few minutes. This may all become very dangerous. Would any of you be willing to join?" She kept her composure calm, but lost much of her joviality through all of these nonsense. At the same time, she realized that there was little they could do unless they established some sort of connection with the lost party. Sangria slumped back into her chair, her arm accidentally sliding against Morji's, letting out a hiccup of alcohol. Unfortunately, she hadn't felt being this close to sober in ages. She took out her bottle again and graciously attempting to slowly create a few drops of weak wine.
INTOXICATION [ x x x x ] The scent of apprehension filled the air, as the castle suddenly began to shake. Sangria shot upward, the essentially empty bottle toppling on its side. What did the little search party do? Release an elder god from its slumber? Sangria scoffed and pushed the bottle down the table, as it rolled away from her and fell off one of the edges near Vex. "Looks like they found it-- whatever it was." She said to herself, mildly annoyed. Sangria quickly tapped at Morji and picked up her purse. She called out to Marina. "I'm sorry that this is happening in your first time, hun." She winked and smiled. "Consider it a part of the experience, will you?" However, Sangria felt something jagged crawl through her heart. In all her time spent within this godforsaken castle, she could not at all remember a sequence of events as curious as what had just happened, could she? They couldn't leave the castle as well ... Hmhmhm. She turned back to the others and stared at them. It looks like things were turning interesting after all. But the question is, would this benefit her in the end? "Don't be so tense, you folks. You're already worse than boards. You'll make your backs even worse, dears." She needed a drink.
I, Gotterdammerung, being the loyal, humble, and perfect servant of my Mimi-mistress, listened intently and absorbed all of the communicated information that the immortal named Marina in charge of this particular game produced. Due to the extension of my Mimi-mistress' extremely useful powers, I was able to further absorb the information produced in the rules of the game, along with choosing the two cards that my Mimi-mistress had consciously decided to base her pawns on, despite her reprehension. I, Gotterdammerung, deposited and allocated all of this communicated information in my temporary memory storage, and expected to deliver it to my Mimi-mistress both unconsciously and when she would eventually wake up from the nap she had been taking throughout the entire explanation. I, Gotterdammerung, truly possess the most responsible mistress. However, this all came to a change, I deftly observed, as the sensation of a loud church bell was heard and deposited in my temporary memory storage. I, Gotterdammerung, however, must admit that it was also deposited in my major memory component, for it was a sensation I had not heard, or had heard in the unobtrusive past but had previously forgotten, and would make sure that it was a sound I, Gotterdammerung, would be able to hear by myself when the time called, rather than depending upon the memory of my Mimi-mistress. Regardless, I, Gotterdammerung, watched as my Mimi-mistress sprung to life, and if I were not but a doll of my almighty mistress, I would hope that her sudden awakening did not disturb her friend, the Benevolent Sorceress, sitting next to her, nor that she may be hurt by her sudden jerkish movements allowing her face to smash into the well-sculpted left lower brachioradialis muscle of the Burning Passion. I, being the loyal and most respectable servant to my Mimi-mistress, quickly transferred the information to my mistress as she groggily woke up, depending upon me to explain what the noise was. Unfortunately, I, Gotterdammerung, possess my limits as the eternal servant, and I was unable to explain the sensation. Instead, I, Gotterdammerung, suggested that Mimi-mistress use her noble powers of communication transfer to identify the source of the sound, if it were to communicate something. . . . Nah. My Mimi-mistress, being the greatest and wisest of mistresses, informed I, Gotterdammerung, that this would not be effective due to the negation of the castle limiting her powers weakly, and any production of dolls would depend on her being around to follow them due to the limit on the control radius placed by this castle. I, Gotterdammerung, offered to take a doll on a stroll myself through her Mimisbrunnr power transfer, but upon noticing that my Mimi-mistress watched carefully as two immortals walked themselves to discover the source of the noise, my Mimi-mistress decided against me doing so. My mistress, being the greatest mistress, is always very careful about the welfare of I, Gotterdammerung. However, I noticed that she suddenly lost her fatigue, my Mimi-mistress, bearing the sense of curiosity that affected her whenever she discovered a new sweet. I, Gotterdammerung, being the careful and observant servant that I am to my Mimi-mistress, assumed that my Mimi-mistress was considering something deeper within her consciousness. But this was incomprehensible to I.
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x x ] Sangria jumped. Well, she jumped twice. The first jump, it came at the startling noise of the sudden church bell in the bloody castle. INTOXICATION [ x x x x x ] What? This was getting extremely tiresome. Sangria scowled and straightened her hair, looking at the other foolish immortals tuning back in. Poor Coordinator couldn't get an ounce of respect, could she? Sangria sighed. She was just a pawn only a few lifetimes ago, after all. The second jump came when she felt the talon-like grip of Morji on her arm. INTOXICATION [ x x x x ] Sangria immediately turned to her, shock lining the pores of her face. She moved her tongue around in her closed mouth, looking to say a few words, careful not to lash out at this impudent girl, but she closed her eyes and let out a giggle. "... Hun. This isn't anything to be scared of. ❤" She tenderly stroked Morji's hair. Aha! It was as soft as silk. However, her gaze was fixated at the businesswoman who stormed out to take a look at the source and that ridiculous stalker vixen who followed her everywhere. Sangria lifted her palm and reached into her purse, grabbing the empty plastic bottle that had deflected off of Magnus. "Take a drink ..." Her thoughts were elsewhere, but incomprehensible, and though she seemed to address Morji, her voice was flat enough to seemingly address nothing but the air itself. When was the last time something like this happened ... Ugh, she couldn't remember. This was because of that. She cursed something hidden deep in her mind, behind layers of inebriation, before quickly returning to her senses. Small droplets of water began to appear in the bottle, quickly turning a pale purple. With Crestatia having left, and the girl tailing behind her, Sangria took her time to address the rest of the Valen. "We're all immortals here. ❤" She said, with feigned sweetness. "Surely one of us lovelies possesses a unique quality that can help us figure out what that is?" She looked back at the bottle, then at Morji. A small puddle of very weak wine had appeared, and she tried taking a sip before continuing. INTOXICATION [ x x x x x ] "This castle weakens everything for good reason, but ah! ❤ I'm sure with teamwork -- " She immediately fixated her gaze on Marina, as if blaming her for this inconvenience "-- We can do something together to get a better idea. What do you all say?" She raised her bottle, mimicking a toast. Though deeply, she expected little to make way in progress with all this negation, unless someone was willing enough to follow those two. And aaah, even if this place was boring, she'd rather have fun here than stuck walking the halls of this cramped place with that infinitely more boring pair. ❤ Looking at Marina, she smiled menacingly. Maybe this would be the change they all needed. ❤
INTOXICATION [ x x x x x x ] Sangria jumped. Well, she jumped twice. The first jump, it came at the startling noise of the sudden church bell in the bloody castle. INTOXICATION [ x x x x x ] What? This was getting extremely tiresome. Sangria scowled and straightened her hair, looking at the other foolish immortals tuning back in. Poor Coordinator couldn't get an ounce of respect, could she? Sangria sighed. She was just a pawn only a few lifetimes ago, after all. The second jump came when she felt the talon-like grip of Morji on her arm. INTOXICATION [ x x x x ] Sangria immediately turned to her, shock lining the pores of her face. She moved her tongue around in her closed mouth, looking to say a few words, careful not to lash out at this impudent girl, but she closed her eyes and let out a giggle. "... Hun. This isn't anything to be scared of. ❤" She tenderly stroked Morji's hair. Aha! It was as soft as silk. However, her gaze was fixated at the businesswoman who stormed out to take a look at the source and that ridiculous stalker vixen who followed her everywhere. Sangria lifted her palm and reached into her purse, grabbing the empty plastic bottle that had deflected off of Magnus. "Take a drink ..." Her thoughts were elsewhere, but incomprehensible, and though she seemed to address Morji, her voice was flat enough to seemingly address nothing but the air itself. When was the last time something like this happened ... Ugh, she couldn't remember. This was because of that. She cursed something hidden deep in her mind, behind layers of inebriation, before quickly returning to her senses. Small droplets of water began to appear in the bottle, quickly turning a pale purple. With Crestatia having left, and the girl tailing behind her, Sangria took her time to address the rest of the Valen. "We're all immortals here. ❤" She said, with feigned sweetness. "Surely one of us lovelies possesses a unique quality that can help us figure out what that is?" She looked back at the bottle, then at Morji. A small puddle of very weak wine had appeared, and she tried taking a sip before continuing. INTOXICATION [ x x x x x ] "This castle weakens everything for good reason, but ah! ❤ I'm sure with teamwork -- " She immediately fixated her gaze on Marina, as if blaming her for this inconvenience "-- We can do something together to get a better idea. What do you all say?" She raised her bottle, mimicking a toast. Though deeply, she expected little to make way in progress with all this negation, unless someone was willing enough to follow those two. And aaah, even if this place was boring, she'd rather have fun here than stuck walking the halls of this cramped place with that infinitely more boring pair. ❤ Looking at Marina, she smiled menacingly. Maybe this would be the change they all needed. ❤
It looks like Nate found himself buying the stinging end of a whip instead. We do not even have to do anything to curb dissidence and outrageous capitalist thought these days. /continues to sit upon throne made of the crushed dreams of KHV members