So, here are some set photos of me in my latest play: The Explorer's Club. I played Luigi, a warrior from a lost tribe that was discovered by a woman who wishes to join the all male Explorer's Club. "I know; we'll hide him." "Hide him? He's BLUE for goodness sake!" Spoiler View attachment 44628 View attachment 44629 View attachment 44630
Something cute Spoiler Something if you want to let out some steam Spoiler I hope it helps in some way.
It's funny you posted a song from Legally Blonde because the play I'm in was written by the same person who did the musical. Coincidence is scary.
So, I've been in a play for a while now. Tonight, we were visited by Mark Medoff. He is a playwright that is credited with discovering Neil Patrick Harris and has won a Tony for a play he wrote some time ago. I think a new show of his is going to open up on Broadway that premiered last year in my town. After tonight's show, he came to greet everybody and he said that I was fantastic. He was shocked that I didn't have a lot of experience with theater. I was so jazzed to get such a complement from him, and he seemed to admire that I had a heart transplant (I make a special thank you to my donor in my bio). Today was like a really good day for me!!
9 years in this place. Every time I remembered before, it was far too late to say anything. But I have bested you this time...time... It's hard to believe that it's only been 9 years since my freshman year in high school, which was when I signed up. Man, I was such a nerd.
It's a good thing you did. Who knows what would've happens if you hadn't stepped in. Probably something that Zack Snyder would find edgy.
That's sad to hear man. I'll pray for the best outcome possible for you. Medical stuff like that is never easy to deal with, so I really do wish you the best.
It either that or the stir fry I had finally going through my digestive system.
I've had a similar rough night, but with my chemistry final, which I may most likely fail. Cal, do not throw away your shot.
If anyone watches Bates Motel here Spoiler they finally killed Norma. Oh my God; I've been waiting for this moment since the end of season 2. We can finally start to movie to where Norman is just crazy bonkers and see how he hides everything. I just want the last season to be an adaptation of Psycho! Sure, it won't be Hitchcock, but I wanna see how they would do that storyline!"
You'd be surprised by how many college students lose their collective minds over a Bluetooth controlled BB8. I'm not making fun of them; it was actually really cool seeing so many happy faces this close to finals. For a moment, I was their king.
Something that I refentlu figured out after doing years of panels is if you want people to talk, bribe them. It gets them talking, and it brings up a lot of discussion points you can build off of. I liked using Pocky, but it can really be anything.
I'm pretty sure that if you have a premium Funimation membership, you get to see the episode commentaries. That being said, Funimation let go of the rights to Brotherhood, so even if you wanted to go down that avenue, you're kinda SOL.
I spent my weekend running lights, sound, and voice over for The Marvelous Winderettes. It was a fun experience, and I got to work with amazing people. It's a jukebox musical of songs from the 50s and 60s, and holy crap, the 50s were creepy as hell. There is an entire genre of music dedicate to students wanting to hook up with their teachers. This isn't a musical where the songs are made up; these are actual songs from that time period! Like, what the hell was going on back in the day?!
Yeah, it looks like they gave up the chance to renew it back in February I think. I think that also means that it'll disappear from Netflix as well. And this is only for Brotherhood. The original Fullmetal Alchemist series rights is still held by Funimation (with recently releasing the very first English Blu-Ray disks). And it makes sense. The original will always be held up as a classic; it's a license to just print money. Brotherhood isn't like that though. I've heard it's really good quality, but it had yet to reach the kind of status the original did (mostly due to just being lightning in a bottle).
sounds fun [Urge to sing 10 Duel Commandments intensifies]
Sometimes pronounced as "Kai".
Eva is a very fine example of "Death of the Author". What you get out of the show is very much what you put into it. In a way, there is really no wrong answer. Personally, I don't care for the show. I saw it several years ago, saw some neat things, but found it to be very shallow. But there are several think pieces about the show in its characters, concepts, and themes that I don't dismiss either.
Yeah, that very much is the reason why they casted her. Johanson is a name people recognize. And Ghost in the Shell, no matter how critically acclaimed it is, is still a risk for them to adapt; especially with the project being on hold for so long. They want to guarantee butts in the seat. Her name guarantees ticket sales. Of course, this doesn't always work. Edge of Tomorrow, with several big names, and loosely based of a Japanese property, bombed at the box office. But it's not because it was of the casting, it was because of the marketing.