What happened to Libre?!!
Shhhh...talk less, smile more
Went to my first Weird Al concert. It was one of the craziest experiences of my life. I hope I can at least be half the performer his one day. Spoiler View attachment 45071
Not gonna lie, i replayed the panda joke like ten times.
Stay gold, Ponyboy.
I would go for the new job. It's not about the money, but the experience. I'd rather say that I tried at something that would make me happy and fail instead of staying stagnant and comfortable. That's not to put people down--comfortably is a very nice thing--but from my own experience, I'd rather want to take risks. I dare you to find two stuffed animals (or any kind of inanimate object if you don't have any) and take pictures of them fighting TO THE DEATH. Truth or dare to whoever quotes this.
I shall take a truth Truth or dare to whoever quotes me?
Rollin for them
Final Destination
You can count me in.
Been there. Death isn't really all it's cracked up to be.
So, after having some tests done by my specialists, it turns out that my heart is not enlarged after all, which is good news for me. Although, I have to wonder how accurate some of the machines are at the local hospitals here. Either it's faulty machinery, or the EKG machines here print, on default, "Slight Left Atrial Enlargement". But, with that also came some bad news. I'd been struggling for the last year and a half with blood sugar and it pretty much looks like I'm diabetic. From what I've been told, it's very common to happen for type 2 diabetes to pop up in transplant patients. Most of the websites I've read say it's not a big deal, but it is for me. This was something I wanted to avoid because I was something I felt I could actually control. I feel like I screwed up. It feels like no matter what I do, my body is trying to kill me, and this time, I did it to myself.
Thought I'd have to wait all day for this to come out. This is a nice thing to wake up to.
With how the election seems to be coming along, I only have one thing on my mind: whoever wins, we'll be performing American Idiot by the time they're sworn in, and I hope we make the most of it.
I like to keep you guys updated with all of my medical stuff, so here's what went down for me today: I went to the hospital this morning because I was feeling nauseous, I threw up a bit, have diarrhea and constipation. I had a hard time falling asleep last night because I threw up and felt really hot. While this stuff sounds like I may have the flu, it could also mean heart rejection for transplant patients, which is why I went to the hospital. The good news is that my blood levels showed no signs of rejection. However, my EKG showed that my heart was "slightly enlarged", these being the words of the doctor. Although he said this showed up on my last EKG when I was in the ER in February, this is the first time I heard about it. I had a catheter in March in Albuquerque, where I'm seen by my specialists, and they didn't mention this at all to me. The ER doctor thought that this was normal, so he didn't bother calling my cardiologists. So, there was a huge argument between my mother and the doctor to call my specialists, which he finally caved into doing. I've never heard of Post Transplant Heart Enlargement in the past, so it kinda has me worried. The reason why I didn't have a transplant when I was a kid was because the doctors originally believed that the disease I was born with would infect the new heart. Once we found out that the disease wouldn't get into a new heart, they were more open to the idea of me having a transplant. But now hearing that it has enlarged, even though it's slight, has me really worried. I'm honestly just hoping that it really is nothing, and may be just stress. I'm not really going to know more information for a while. I've had an appointment scheduled to see my specialist on Wednesday (I've had it set up for months, so hey, good timing), so hopefully I'll know more then. C'mon health; can i live?!
I'm pretty sure that the availability of shows on Netflix matters if it has a dub or not. They want something that the "normal" viewer to get into, and unless it's something super popular or notoriety, it won't stream without the option of a dub. And most of the shows on Hulu can also be found on Funimation's site, so it doesn't make it all that unique. The only thing Hulu really has is One Punch Man (because I don't think people are really giving Daiski a shot). And I only bring it up because it's super popular, not saying anything about it's quality. I think OPM is 5/10 but that's me View attachment 44633